Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri (2024)

Feb. 11, 1964 SPRINGFIELD (Mo.) LEADER PRESS Today's Market For complete stock. market details, read The Daily News, regularly. 1:30 STOCKS Quotations by Reinholdt Gardner 209 S. Jefferson Phone UN 9-2591 2:30 NEW YORK TIME Allied Stores 5615 General Electric Republic Steel Al is Chalmers 16 General Motors Reynolds Tob.

American Airlines Gen. Tele. Royal McBee American Motors 17 Gillette Safeway Stores American Standard 20 Greyhound St. L-San Fran American Gull Oil 50 Sears Roebuck American Tobacco Illinois Central Socony-Mobile Beth. Anaconda Steel Cop.

Int. Johns-Manville Harvester 53 Sperry-Rand Oil Cal. Borg Warner Kennecott Copper Std. Oil NJ Burroughs Laclede Gas Sterling Drug Chesapeake, Ohio Ligg. Myers Studebaker Chrysler Lily-Tulip Swift Co.

Continental Airlines Litton Tenn. Gas Dayco 2014 Montgomery Ward Texaco Deere Co. Motorola 81 Union Carbide Dow Chemica 68 NY Central United Aircraft 434 Du Pont 265 Olin- Mathieson 45 finited Air Lines Eastman Kodak 119 Penney (JC) U. S. Rubber Emerson Eec.

39 Phelps Dodge 64 U. S. Steel Empire Dis. Electric Philio Morris Upjohn Ford Phillips Pet. Western Union Gen.

Dynamics 28 Radio Corp. Westinghouse Livestock HOGS Salable 1100. Active. All classes steady. Barrows and gilts, U.S.

and' 195-240 lbs. mixed 1-3, 200-250 14.50-15: mixed, 1-3, 240- 270 14.25-14.75; few U.S. No. 3, 285 Ibs, 13.75; sows, U.S 1-2 300-400 12.25-13; 2 and 3, 400-600 11.25- 12.25; bears, 8-9. CATTLE Salable 700.

Slaughter steers and heifers very "scarce. Cows and bulls about steady. Vealers and slaughter calves active and strong. Few feeders sold steady. Slaughter cows.

utility, 12 cutters, 11.50-12.50: canher, 10-11: shelly and light canner, 8.50- 9.50; slaughter bulls, utility and commercial. over 1200 16.50-17.50: slauchter calves. good and choice 300- 500 20-22: standard and good. 300- 450 17-21; vealers, high choice and prime, 33-96; choice, 29-33; good, 24-29; standard, 18-24: culls dowa to 10; feeder cattle, steers, chice 500-700 21-23; 700-900 19.50-21.50; good, 500- 600 20-22; 650-600 18-20; medium 500-7 heifers, good and choice. 500-700 19-21; feeder calves, steers.

good and choice, 350- 475 23-26; medium and good. 300- 500 heifer, good and choice 280-450 19-23; medium and good 250- 425 16-19. SHEEP Salable 50. Slaughter lambs, 105 lbs. and down, steady to 25 cents higher; slaughter ewes steady; choice and prime wooled lambs, 85-105 utility and good, 70-90 cull to good wooled slaughter ewes, 3.50-5.50.

NATIONAL STOCKYARDS, III. (AP) Hogs rather slow; barrows and gilts weak to 15 lower; sows steady to 25 lower; 190-250 lb 14.75-15.35; sows 275-625 lb 11.25-13.50. Cattle calves 250: steers and heifers rather slow; steers steady to 25 lower; heifers about steady; cows fairly active. steady; good and choice steers 19.00-22:25: good and choice heifers 19.00- 21.00; utility and commercial cows 12.50- 14.00; vealers active and fully steady; good to choice vealers 25.00-36.00. Sheep 1.000; active; wooled lambs 25-50 higher; shorn lambs 25 higher; ewes steady; good to prime wooled lambs 16.00- 20.50; shorn lambs, choice and prime 18.50-19.50; ewes 6.50.

Cash Grains Courtesy MFA Milling Company Springfield Market CORN No. 2 shelled $1.25 BARLEY 48 lb. test $1.10 OATS Oats .75 MILO No. 2 soft 2.00 per cwt. $2:00 WHEAT No 1 hard 2.00 ST.

LOUIS (AP) Wheat, 12 cars, no sales. Corn. 36 cars, Oats, no cars, no sales. UNUSUAL GROUNDS BELPRE, Kan. (AP) Mrs.

Kenneth Henning figured she had grounds for trouble when the coffee she brewed for a party tasted bad. Then she found that an electric coffee pot she borrowed for the party still contained an electric cord. In her haste to plug in the borrowed pot she had used the cord of her own coffee pot. U.S. WEATHER WEATHER DATA FOR SPRINGFIELD.

Temperatures: Highest yesterday 43; lowest yesterday 24; lowest this morning 17: highest this date in 76 years 73 in 1938; lowest this date in 76 years -16 in 1899. Precipitation: Rain or melted snow from 6 a.m. yesterday to 6, a.m. today trace; heaviest rain this date in 76 years .70 in 1908. Sun: Rose this morning sets tonight 3:49: length of daylight 10 hours, 42 minutes.

Data supplied by U. S. Department of Commerce Weather Bureau; first column. highest temperature yesterday; second, lowest last night; third, precipitation durine past 24 hours ending 6 a.m. Stations High Low Prec.

Albuquerque 49 24. Amarillo 38 23 Birmingham 63 33 .11 Boise 37 24 .01 Boston 15 Buffalo, N. Chicago Columbia Denver Des Moineg Detroit 15 Duluth 10 Fort Smith 25 Fort Worth 34 Kansas City 20 Little Rock 59 Los Angeles Memphis Miami Beach Minneapolis New Orleans New York Oklahoma City Omaha Phoenix Pittsburgh Salt Lake City Seattle St. Louis SPRINGFIELD Tulsa Washington 44 26 Wast P'ains 16 Wichita 48 18 MISSOURI Generally fair and little warmer tonight. Wednesday increasing cloudiness and warmer.

Low tonight from around 20 east to near southwest. High Wednesday in low 50s southwest, in 40s elsewhere. ARKANSAS Clear to partly cloudy and cool tonight. Lows tonight 25 to 38. Partly cloudy and warmer Wednesday with highs 55 to 65.

KANSAS Partly cloudy and warmer tonight. Windy central and northeast. Occasional snow likely extreme southwest portion by morning. Wednesday partly cloudy to cloudy with rain or southwest portion. Warmer extreme east, colder northwest and extreme west.

Low tonight generally in High Wednesday 30s northwest to 50s southeast. OKLAHOMA Increasing cloudiness west to clear east and warmer tonight. Partly cloudy east to cloudy west Wednesday, A little warmer south. Low tonight 35 to 40. High Wednesday 47 northwest to 67 south.

Produce The market for Missouri Arkansas broilers was unsettled. However, underlying sentiment was slightly improved. Live supplies irregular, ranging from short to ample. generally in balance with needs. Demand for ice pack poultry fair to good, sales competitive in some areas.

At-farm quotations on broilers-fryers. Tuesday, 13-1312c. mostly Some sales under contract or other agreements up to Ic higher. Delivered plant prices 1315-1152. HENS: Prices per pound, at farm, volume basis.

heavy types, 15c; light type, 6-7c. EGGS Southwest Missouri market unsettlted. A large and A medium mostly down Ic. Others unchanged. Receipts continue fully ample to excessive for fair to slow demand.

Prices paid producers per dozen, candled. graded, delivered to door of buyer, cases exchanged (for 24 hours ending 10 a.m. Tuesday): A large or better 30-32c, mostly 30c; A medium 25-28c, mostly 27c; A small 20-22c. mostly 22c; large 25-28c, mostly 27c; dirties and checks 15-18c, mostly 18c. Sales to Missouri processors: Market unsettled; light volume of trading at lower mostly prices.

Breakers resieting current price levels, Prices paid. by processors, delivered to dock, 53 lb. minimum gross weight, cases exchanged, unclassified eggs. farm run $8-9, mostly Undergrades KANSAS CITY (AP) Consumer eggs: large A 29-32, medium A 26-29, large 26-28. Wholesale eggs: Large, 80 per cent A 32-34: mediums, 80 per cent A 30-32.

Others unchanged. CHICAGO (USDA) Live poultry: Special fed White Rock fryers 19-20; roasters Cheese: Processed loaf 1 brick 39-45. Butter: Steady. 93 score 5714; 92 score Eggs: Barely steady, White large extras 32; mixed large extras 32. ST.

LOUIS (AP) Eggs, large, 29-30. Poultry, hens, heavy, 17-18. Others unchanged. Noon Prices Mutual Fund Quotations Bid Asked Affiliat Fd 8.37 9.05 Atomic DM 4.89 Chemic Fd 12.99 14.20 Divid Shrs 3.58 3.92 Eat if Bal 12.84 13.87 Eat Bal 14.77 15.96 Fidelity Fd 16.89 18.26 Inc lavtrs 7.33 8.01 Mass Inv Tr 15.82 17.29 Mass Inv Gr 8.56 9.36 Telev El Fd 7.84 8.54 Welling Fd 14.80 16.13 One William Street 13.89 15.18 Puritan Fund 9.01 9.74 Fidelity Cap 10.73 11.56 Fidelity Trend 17.76 19.30 Nat Inv. 16.41 17.74 Nat Sc I 6.15 6.72 Sc 8.29 9.06 Nat Sc 4.45 4.86 Nat Sec 8.78 9.60 Special To Stockholder's NEW YORK (AP) -Directors of American Telephone Telegraph Co.

today fixed a price of $100 a share for a record billiondollar offering of common stock to its 2.25 million. shareowners. At noon, the stock was selling for $144.25 a share on the New York Stock Exchange. The approximate $1.3 billion to be raised by the utility is the most ever raised by a corporation in any type of financing venture. On Nov.

20, parent of the nationwide Bell telephone system, said it would offer about 12.25 million shares of stock to stockholders of record Feb. 18 at the rate of one new share for every 20 held. Rights, or special authorizations to buy the new stock will be mailed to stockholders on March 2 and will expire April 6. Warming Trend Hits Missouri KANSAS CITY (AP) Fair and warmer weather moved into Missouri today after one of the coldest nights in several weeks. overnight temperature dropped to 7 at Columbia, 12 at Kirksville and 13 at St.

Louis. Most of the lows were in the teens. Monday's light precipitation, mostly snow, left .09 of an inch at Knob Noster, .08 in Kansas City and .06 at Cape Girardeau and Vichy. The Weather Bureau said temperatures will rise Wednesday to the 50s in the northwest and southwest and the 40s elsewhere, after overnight lows in the 20s and 30s. Slow down at sundown.

Data From U.S. WEATHER BUREAU 10 20 30. 40 50 30 40 Rain 50 FORECAST Showers Snow Until Wednesday Merning Figures Show Low Temperatures Expected Flurries isolated Net Consult Local forecast -Associated Press Wirephote SO-SO- Snow northern flurries Rockies are and forecast central in Plains parts for of tonight. the Rain is expected in portions of northern Florida. It will be colder from the southern Plains eastward to the Atlantic coastal states.

Warmer temperatures are expected over the Pacific region. There will be little change elsewhere. Deaths NORMAN P. MAGERS HOLLISTER Funeral services for Norman Porter Magers, 64, of Hollister who died at 9:45 a.m. Sunday in Skaggs Hospital in Branson, will begin with Requiem Mass at 9 a.m.

and funeral services at 10 a.m. in the Episcopal Church at Branson with the Rev. Carl Swanson officiating. Mr. Magers operated the Magers Package Store at Hollister and was a member of the Episcopal Church at Branson.

He is survived by his wife, Marie, of the home; one daughter, Mrs. Paul Hollister, Des Moines, Iowa; one son, Maj. Norman Magers, Little Rock, and five grandchildren. Burial will be in Ozark Memorial Cemetery under the direction of Whelchel of Branson. MRS.

MONROE A. FIELDS HUMANSVILLE Funeral services for Mrs. Jessie Lee Fields, 63, of Humansville, who died suddenly at 1:30 a.m. Monday in the George Dimmitt Hospital here after being a patient only a few hours, will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Tillery Chapel.

The Rev. Mercer A. Thomas will officiate and burial will be in the Humansville Cemetery. MRS. RUSHIE E.

BENCH Funeral services for s. Rushie E. Bench, 77, of 2247 North Broadway, who died at 8:10 a.m. Monday in BurgeProtestant Hospital, will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Thieme Chapel.

The Rev. Cecil P. Logan and the Rev. Fred Lynn will officiate and burial will be in East Lawn Cemetery. MRS.

RUSSIA DELL BRUNS Mrs. Russia Dell Bruns, 86, a resident of Springfield for the past 20 years, died in Spring. field Baptist Hospital at 9:45 p.m. She resided at the home daughter, Miss Aline, Bruns, of 657 South Clay. Mrs.

Bruns, who came here from West Plains, was a member of the Central Christian Church. Survivors include one Lawrence 1010 South Delaware; five daughters, Mrs. William Harder, Onaga, Mrs. Beatrice, Hill, McPartland. Lodi, and Mrs.

Mrs. Maxine Wright, "both of Alameda, and Miss Bruns; nine grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. Funeral arrangements will be announced by Ralph Thieme. Raise Behind Rail Strike Nationwide Increase Spurned in Florida By F. T.

MACFEELY JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP)A wage dispute is at the heart of the violent Florida East Coast railway strike. The 1,300 members of nonoperating railroad unions who worked for the line asked 10.28 cents-an-hour raises. The railroad said it couldn't afford to pay. When the union men struck Jan.

23, 1963, 510 operating employes observed picket lines. The 11 nonoperating unions believe they, afford -to settle for national can't, cents added to hourly pay of $2.42. This was accepted by 190 Class I railroads in 1962 the basis of a National Emergency Board recommendation. Edward Ball, 75, trustee of the Florida Du Pont estate who gained control of the MiamiJacksonville railroad in 1961, pulled the line out of national negotiations and refused to accept the pattern. "We want to bargain with our own employes," Ball said.

Ball has successfully resisted efforts by the National Mediation Board and the U.S. Justice Department to force the railroad to re-employ the strikers. the strike dragged on, the Florida East Coast's chief operating officer, W. L. Thornton, got the railroad going again supervisory employes and trainees.

Operations showed a $500,000 deficit last year, but the railroad in the black for the last quarter. More than 200 incidents of violence have been reported since the strike began, but only one felony charge has been made and it hasn't come to trial. The dynamiting of a train on Sunday at Miami was the worst incident. "Nobody but criminals without regard for the lives of the men on the train would have been guilty of such a cowardly and criminal act," Ball said. 0.

C. Jones, a member of the union strike committee "It works against our interest. We want public and government support. We are law abiding citizens. We told our people to stay off the company property and I don't see how they could get around the guards." AMMAN, Jordan (UPI) King Hussein of Jordan, in a new demonstration of Arab unity, said Monday he soon will recognize the Yemen republican regime and meet with U.A.R.

President Gamal Abdel Nasser whenever necessary. Daily Record POP. ALMOST CLIMATE: 100,000 FINE ALTITUDE: 1324 FT. CYRUS J. TUTTLE GREENFIELD Cyrus J.

Tuttie, 79, of Greenfield, died at 6 a.m. Monday at his home following a long illness. Mr. Tuttle was a member of Dade I00F Lodge, and the First Christian Church. Survivors include his wife, Clora; a step daughter, Mrs.

Schmidtke, Mt. Vernon; a stepson, Charles Yates, of Independence; a sister, Mrs. Margie Tuttle, Joplin; and six step-grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in First Christian Church of Greenfield.

The Rev. Leo Oliver will officiate. Burial will be in Greenfield Cemetery under the direction of Canada of Greenfield. BURL BLAIR Blair, 57, of Alameda, died Saturday in a hospital at Alameda. Cause of death was not known here but death was from "natural causes," according to funeral home attendants.

Mr. Blair was formerly of Fair Grove. Survivors include his wife, Ruth; two daughters: five sis. ters, Mae McAtee, 1429 Frisco, Mrs. Pearl Osterloh, Urbana, Mrs.

Nola Tracy, Aledo, Mrs. Marie Eslinger, El Cerrito, and Mrs. Ethel Wilson, 2141 North Travis: and a brother, Delbert, of Kansas City. Funeral arrangements will be announced by Rainey. MRS.

STELLA EICK Cemetery. WILLIAM T. THOMAS Funeral services for Mrs. Stella Eick, 78, of 1468 North Jefferson, who died at 9 p.m. Sunday in Burge-Protestant Hospital following a two-week illness, will be at 2 p.m.

Wednesday in Klingner Chapel. The Rev. Howard Woodruff will officiate. Burial will be in Hazelwood William T. Thomas, 61, of Upton in Texas County, died Monday at 11:05 a.m.

in St. John's Hospital here where he had been a patient for two days. Survivors include his wife, Ethel; a step daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Kerscht, Pueblo, three stepsons, L. E.

Jones and Johnnie Jones, both of Guymon, and Gene Jones, of La Junta, and three step grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday in Rainey Chapel. Burial will be in Greenlawn Cemetery. HYLE F.

DAUGHTRY, JR. Hyle Franklin Daughtry, 39, of 3230 South Lone Pine Road, was dead on arrival at Springfield Baptist Hospital at 8 p.m. Monday. He died of an apparent heart attack. An autopsy was to be performed.

Mr. Daughtry was a of Arkansas and had lived in Springfield since 1946. He served in the U. S. Marines five years and had been employed by Wheat Electric Co.

For the last five years, he was a salesman for the Cave Carburetor Exchange. He was a member of the Masonic Dodge. Survivors include his wife. Vivien; two sons, Hyle and Mark of the home: a daughter, Patricia, also of the home; his mother, Mrs. Gussie Griffe, Woodson, one brother, James Danghtry, 1120 East Delmar; two step brothers, Robert Burch Woodson.

Ark, and Joseph Burch, Little Rock, two sisters, Mrs. Alma Mae Dennis, Flint, and Mrs. Madge Carter, of Little Rock. Funeral arrangements will be announced by Gorman-Scharpf. DAN FONDREN Dan Fondren, 62, of Brownsville, formerly of Springfield, died in his home late Monday after a short illness.

He is survived by his wife, Maria, of the home; and two step-sons, both of Brownsville. Funeral services will be Friday in Brownsville. MRS. MARY FORD oFuneral Ford, services 79, of for Mrs. Springfield, Mary who died early Monday in the Kimbrough Nursing Home, will be at 2 p.m., Thursday in the Louisburg Primitive Baptist Church with W.

E. Harper officiating. Burial will be in the Louisburg Cemetery under the direction of Montgomery of Buffalo. MRS. LESLIE V.

JONES Funeral services for Mrs. Alice Stewart Jones, 81, of 1226 East McGee, who died at the Davis Rest Home early Monday after a long illness, will be at 2 p.m. Thursday in Ralph Thieme Chapel. Dr. Thomas S.

Field and the Rev. Robert Baker will officiate and burial will be i in Greenlawn Cemetery. Survivors not listed previously include two sisters, Mrs. James S. Dansberry, Denver, and Mrs.

Ruth Bergerson, Kansas City, Highway Crash Near Fulton Kills Woman FULTON, Mo. (AP) Mrs. Nell Coons, 74, of Houston, was killed Monday in a car that collided with a truck on U.S. 40 near Fulton. Isabel Prather of Montgomery City, another passenger in the car, was reported in condition in a Columbia hospital.

The driver, Ray Coons, 76, received minor injuries. The truck driver, James P. Dunn of Batavia, Iowa, was hurt slightly. ARNOLD V. CORWIN HERMITAGE Arnold V.

Corwin, 63, a former resident of Bennett Spring, died at his home here at 4:30 a.m. Monday after suffering an apparent heart attack. SHe was a native of Audubon. Iowa, but had been a resident of Missouri for the past 35 years. He had lived here for the past five years.

Survivors are his wife, Nellie, of the home; a son, Arnold Rex, Grandview: a daughter, Mrs. Virginia Nell Gourley, Raymore: a brother, Carl, Miller; a sister, Mrs. Ruth Kolbe, Miller; and five grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Hermitage Christian Church with the Rev.

J. R. Harvey and the Rev. J. C.

Jordan officiating. Burial will be in Hermitage Cemetery under direction of Hathaway of Wheatland. PORTER PRICE BUFFALO Funeral services for Porter Price, 59, of Route 2, Buffalo, who died at his home at 4 a.m. Sunday, will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at St.

Luke's Methodist Church, east of Elkland. The Rev. Roy Jones will officiate. Masonic services will be conducted at graveside by Roddick Lodge 361 of Buffalo. Burial will be in St.

Luke's Cemetery under direction of Jones-Cantlon of Buffalo. Survivors in addition to those listed previously are his mother, Minnie, and a sister, Mrs. Verse Price, of Buffalo. TRUSTER INFANT HARTVILLE-Anthony Wayne Truster, 6-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs.

Billy Truster, of Hartville, died at 2 a.m. Monday in the Mansfield hospital following a short illness. Death was attributed to Survivors to the pneumonition parents are a sister, Candice Sue, of the home; the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Truster, of Springfield; and the maternal grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. Woodrow Todd, of Mansfield. Funeral services were to be at 2 p.m. today in the Bergman-Miller-Bledsoe Chapel of Hartville. The Rev.

Charlie Findley will officiate. Burial was in Steele Memorial Cemetery in Hartville. SHERMAN POTTER AVA Funeral services for Sherman Potter, 79, lifelong resident of the Route 5 community who died in his home at 12:15 a.m.. Monday, will be p.m. Wednesday in the Girdner Church south of Ava.

Mr. Potter had been ill for some time. He was a retired farmer, and is survived by his wife, Drada; a son, Everett, of Sheldon; three grandchildren and eight greatgrandchildren; a brother, Bert Potter, Ava; a sister, Mrs. Cora Singleton, Ozark; and several half and half Burial will be in the Girdner Church cemetery under direction of Clinkingbeard of Ava. Officiating will be the Rev.

Tom Johnson. WILLIAM H. QUINLY EVERTON-William H. Quinly, 75, of Route 1, Everton, died near his home about 9:15 a.m. Monday of an apparent heart attack.

Mr. Quinly was a farmer. Survivors include his wife, Virginia; a daughter, Bonnie Sue, of the home; two sons. Bert, Park Ridge, and William, of Tallahassee, two sisters, Mrs. Edith Krebs and Mrs.

Fern Key, both of Paris, and four grandchildren. Funeral arrangements will be announced by Birch of Ash Grove. Private graveside services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at the Ash Grove Cemetery with the Rev. Jack Daniel officiating.

Burial will be under the direction of Birch of Ash Grove. DEBORAH SUSAN COOPER Funeral services for Deborah Susan Cooper, 11, of 905 State, who died at St. John's Hospital at 10:30 a.m. Monday after a week's illness, will be at 12:45 p.m. Thursday in Thieme Chapel.

Dr. William E. Everheart will officiate and burial will be in Hazelwood Cemetery. BIRTHS son, Ava. a boy, a a a 11:05 a.m.

Monday, To Mr. and Mrs. James WaterSt. John's. To Mr.

and Mrs. Lawson Dry, 1701 West Grand, girl, 2:49 a.m. Tuesday, St. John's. To Mr.

Mrs. B. D. Pitchford, 1329 Mt. Vernon, and, girl, 1:05 Tuesday, St.

John's. To Mr. and Mrs. H. A.

Bates, Louisburg, a girl, 5:09 a.m. Tuesday, St. John's. To Mr. and Mrs.

Vernon Lee Lurvey, St. Louis, a boy, 6:11 p.m. MonTo Mr. Springfield and Mrs. Hubert Phipps, Cenday, Baptist.

tral Bible Institute, a girl. 10:56 p.m. Monday, Springfield Baptist. To Mr. and Mrs.

Everett Jones, Clever, girl, 9:25 a.m. Sunday, Burge Protestant. To Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Morrow, 631 South Nettleton, a boy, 5:03 a.m.

Tuesday, Burge-Protestant. To Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGinnis, 2550 West Monroe, a boy, 6:48 a m. Tuesday, Burge-Protestant.

Marriage Liceuses Kimbrough. DIVORCE CASES APPLICATIONS Delbert Lee Hunter, 18, of Cabool, and Linda Sue McCubbins, 16, of Canool. David Lavern Deaton, 21, of Decatur, and Marilyn Faye Carr, 17, of 2146 Johnston. Roger Bruce Wells, 20, of 1152 East Meadowmere, and Jean Carol Edmonson, 19, of 1248 South Ferguson. Oscar William Tyson, 72, of 203 East Olive, and Elsa M.

Brown, 70, of 1025 Prospect. Charles Young. 44. of 220 State, and Flo Simmons, 39, of 908 West State. James Udell Mangan, 23, of 1021 West Walnut, and Rosemary Harlan, 19, of 1157 East Elm.

Fred Charles Brinkman, 50, of 427 Kimbrough, and Viola Williams, 43, of 427 PETITIONS FILED Jennettie Pauline Losey against Or. ville L. Losey. Leslie Miller against Ray Miller. Gwendolyn.

K. Gilmartin against Fred D. Gilmartin. Beverly Brashears against Sgt. Robert Brashears.

Mary Louise Dishman against Oswald Keith Dishman. Mary Louise Toliver against Henry 0. Toliver. AUTO ACCIDENTS J. T.

Joplin, cited for failure to yield of to car driven by D. T. Hanks, 2714 Glenwood, at Meadowmere and Glenstone, 12:45 p.m. Monday W. M.

Garrison, 1018 South Overhill, cited for failure to yield right-of-way to car driven by Emma Wheeler, 1116 West Kerr, at Elm and Hillcrest, 11 a.m. Monday. N. N. Noland.

2740 East Division, cited for failure to yield right of to car driven by Rhoene Bechtold, 1359 East Pacific, on Bergman near Glenstone, 1:15 p.m. Monday. Cheryl Ann Stockton, 19, of 839 East Walnut. cited for following too closely in traffic after collision with car driven by Jerry N. Benson, 22, of 3171 Shalimar, at 525 South Glenstone; 4:04 p.m.

Monday, Tommie J. Haynes, 27, of 3037 West Lombard, cited for failure to yield right of way after collision with car driven by Billie K. Jones, of 1128 West High, at Chase and Broadway; 4:19 p.m. Monday, HIGHWAY PATROL Gerald Lee Little, 1351 East McGee. cited for careless and imprudent driv.

ing. James Roy Barnes, 2451 South Ferguson, cited for speeding. Felsia F. Newman, 1620 North Oak Grove, cited for improper registration. Cited for no operator's licenses were Vanise Ann Compton, 604 South Avenue, Antoninette Marie Taylor, Route 6.

POLICE COURT For drunkenness Janis Putnis, 602 West State fined $16. Thomas Erwin. 1439 East Commercial, $16, Byron W. Ed. wards Galena.

$16. Fined $5 each for violations of fire ordinance were Jack Joplin, 2126 North Main, Jim Bleomker, 2502 East Grand, Carol Mitchell, 2300 block East Division, Rex Hughes. 1439 South Luster, Frank Weishaupt, 1354 West Bennett. Fined $5 each for violations of dog ordinance were Mrs. Betty Boscue, 1424 East Broadmoor, Raymon Tracy, 1229 East Seminole, Mrs.

Dean Carter. 1909. West Normal, Lincoln; Allen Wilson, 909 East Chick, 2150 J. J. North Johnson, 1174 Marian, DanNewton.

Hubert Committed to Jail for drunkenness were D. Mills. 3036 West Elm, to 30 days, Leland C. Jones, tenced South Campbell, $27, Louis W. Johnson, Davenport, Ozark.

Springfield, 30 days, Wayne man, 432 West Tampa, $32. $27, Robberson Spark- SHERIFF'S OFFICE theft F. L. Faley, Republic, reported the of a 12-volt battery in from his car day. parked his driveway; 8:30 a.m.

Monthe Mrs. Belle Brown, Republic, theft of a spare tire her reported up truck: 5:18 p.m. Monday. from pickW F. Brown, complained that his Nichols dog had Street Road.

the right hind foot: he told been shot in that he would offer deputies a $100 reward for though on who shot the dog. information he said he didn't al: charges; 8:56 p.m Monday. want to file BUILDING PERMITS Superior Tile and Linoleum addition. 933 Boonville. $17.984.

Company, tion, D-X 1003 Sunray: South Oil Company, Glenstone, $14,000. service staLloyd E. Tracy, five North Burton, $12,000. room house, 515 Earl Clark. four-room house, Evergreen, $5000.

512 West Earl Hatfield. six-room West Berkeley, $9600. house, 1342 house, 1510 Evans and Son. five-room George W. East Crestview, $8500.

Kimbrough, Davis. $2000. foundation, repair, 723 Glenstone, Motel, remodeling, 2107 North Sho-Me $200. G. B.

Halliday, repairs, Sherman, 1515 North $250. W. A. Hoglin, Waller, $150. repair porch.

2102 North Bob Leeper, addition, $800. 1733 Lancaster, South E. Strode. enclose Thomas 1918 Kings, $150. carport, The Rev.

A. L. South Pickwick, $400. Burgreen, roofing, 1235 REINHOLDT GARDNER Call. Write or Come to For Stock Market Information Member New York Stock Exchange PHONE UN 9-2591 209 South Jefferson DUAL TIME MAY CHANGEBUT NOT OUR SENSE OF VALUES.

CONSIDERATE SERVICE TO ALL FAITHS. SCHARPF FUNERAL HOME 525 SOUTH NATIONAL PH. UN 9-5464 TRAFFIC COURT Gene Webb, Route 9, fined $20 Donald for leaving scene of accident. Johnson, 1826 West Chestnut, Charles and Leroy Lloyd A. Hamilton, 1442 Texas, fined $5 for failure to disNorth play eity W.

Stone, Marshfield, fined sticker. $5 for Lawrence drivign without lights. Fined $10 each for running stop South, signs and were Rancy V. Burch. 964 B.

Putman, 1040 East EverJames gree1 each for excessive motor Fined S5 noise were Johnny Sanders, Republic, Charles Leroy Johnson, 1826 and Ronald J. Lewis. Chestnut. For improper parking Ernest R. 1916 College, fined $10, and Maples, Route 4, $8.

driving For careless and imprudent North Frank Fountaine, Howard fined $25. Jean Ann Powell, McDaniel, 1413 La 942 South Kansas, $15, Flovd Havener, 1925 Boonville, $51, Kenneth Dean Williams. Ewing, 948 East North Lyon. $31, Gene Edwin MillElm, $15, John J. 2367 sap James 2348 Edward South Allen, 1018 North Delaware.

$15. Warren, fined $5 or for standing, accident. violation of "no parking, Fined stopping $10 each for following too closely Orville were D. D. E.

Anderson, Fair Grove, Charles Garrett, Walnut Grove, L. Eckert, 2654 East Portland, Frankie M. Maczuk, 615 South Jefferson. Fined $5 each for improper North lane use Dessie M. Francis, 2020 Fort.

were Fined each for failure to yield rights Roy I. Noel, 2001 West Scott $5 of way were Jacqueline Peck, 929 Peach E. Rees, 1867 North Grant, Paul Tree, W. Guy Chapman. 1601 North Waverly.

Arthur Paul Beckerdite. Republic; fined East $10 were Tillie H. Looney, 1024 Harrison, Iris Ann Willard. 1028 South New, Bollinger, 1137 Maryland, Clyde E. Elliott D.

Adams, Ozark, Donna Rae Stewart, 1621 West Lee. Fined $5 each for improper turns were Ronald J. Lewis, College. Joseph Paul Amato, Fort Leonard Weed. Robert 1447 South Fort, Gary L.

E. Manley, Geishelmer, 1644 East Olive. Fined $5 each for running stop signs were Mark V. Homan. Niangua, Luther M.

Wilkerson, Aurora, Robert Merle Cox, East Cherokee, Roberta C. Rogers. 1342 South Kimbrough, Joseph 1107 Leslie Foell, 928 South Market, James A. Compton. Route 11, Vergie Anderson, Lee Pippin, 1459 2545 Nichols, Jchn E.

Kearney, Kay M. Rittenhouse, 620 East 1672 East Turner, Lee Roy Phillips, Edgewood, Harold J. Eugene Davidson, Meade, 2401 1623 Nicaols, Donald Kentwood, Sherman W. Birkes, 305 Elm, Robert Crihfield. Carthage, Luther Loomie Chrisman, 1005 South National, Robin Wayne Spencer.

916 North Pickwick, Virgil Howard 1056 South Nettleton. James R. Carlson. Route 9, Lee E. Lechner.

1519 North Missouri, Michael M. Miller, 1027 North Benton. James Leslie Moore, 620 East Seminole, John Myers Cotter, 1377 East Florida. Hershel B. Messenger, Route 3, Jack Hackworth, North Campbell, Charles M.

Lecompte. Route 2. For speeding Evelyn Ledgerwood, 2053 Manley Drive, fined $14, Patrick T. Fox, 2420 Skyline, $20, William A. Brown.

Brighton, $30, Richard D. Sneed, Route Berniece Lowery, Everton, $10, Judith P. Norton, 1213 North West. $12, Charles F. Coller, 2433 South Marlan, $10.

Charles E. Patton, 3040 Shalomar, $10, Janice L. Williams. 2943 East University, $17, William Miller, Route 6, $10, Pattv Lee Rook, 2319 Snuth Roanoke, $14. Clyde A.

Tingler. 926 East Belmont, $10, Timer L. Cameron, Pleasant Hone. $10. Rose Manning, 1911 Ron, $10, Janet Alice Sullivan.

Route 8. $10. James Tavlor, 2557 West Walnut, $19. Donald Daniels. 2336 North Kellett.

$11, Bill King, 1234 St. Louis. $10, Orva Looney, Bois D'Are $9, Morris J. Hav wood Stockton. $10, Glen Hubbard Britain.

1726 South Weaver, $10, Donald G. Butts 1316 West Catalpa, $15, Minnie L. Parker, 821 North Franklin. $14, Donald L. Henderson, 927 East McGee.

$10,. Coleen E. Spley, 1905 West Chestnut. $13. Harold G.

Melvin. 815 North Glenstone, $10, Joyce Fay Roaland, Baptist Bible College, $20, Phyllis Lovett. 507. South Scenic, $10. Marian Mitchell.

1302 South Newton, $10, Steve L. Cantrell, 707 West Chicago, $20. Garv Lee Bobison. Route 3, $10, the Rev. J.

Blakey, Evangel College. 59, Linda Jean Western, 745 South Jefferson, $15, William Barnhart, Kirksville. $15. Lydia I. Cole, Route 2, $10, Thomas William Kesterson, 812 Evergreen.

Gus R. Robards. Route $13, Gary W. Moody, Highlandville. $20.

Ed D. Clark. 722 North Glenn. $10. Don L.

McCall, Route 6, $14, M. Allen. Route 11, $15, T. L. Singleton, 2936 South Stewart, $10, Lawrence J.

Freeman, 933 East McGee, $15, Harley Dean Blanset, Ozark, $10, Curtis Wayne Deck, 715 College, $15, Dan I Chick, 2151 North Kellett, $10, George F. Chick. 1634 Cherkoee, $10, Billy D. Adams, 2029 Columbia, $10, James Griffith, Rogersville, $15, William E. Stoner.

2462 South Franklin, $15, Dennis C. O'Dell. 1832 East Crestview, $15, Warren J. Hayes, 1925 South Roanoke, $15, Larry Luke Maggard, Route 4, $10, Hubert A. Morris, Jr.

Evangel College, $13, Edwin Wayne Fisk, Ash Grove, $10, Joseph P. Farel, Elkland, $15. LOSSES REPORTED W. F. Hartman, Route 12, reported theft of tyo dolly wheels at Battlefield and Golden Sunday night.

Sue Breakbill, Route 12, reported theft of blanket from car Monday. Glen Sell, 2227 North Franklin, reported theft of tire and rim from car at home in January, FIRE ALARMS FIRE ALARMS Firemen extinguished, a plastic chair cover which ignited when placed too close to a stove at the Oak Rest Court, 2939 West Sunshine: 5:30 a.m. Sunday Grass fires reported Monday at 2613 Cherry, 2:42 p.m.; 1519 East Brower, 5:33 p.m. Grass fire at 2223 Claiborne at 11:20 a.m, Tuesday extinguished by firemen who were summoned back at 11:59 A.m. to extinguish remnant of the blaze at 2618 South Luster.

Magistrate Court Criminal Cases Gene Amis Brake, Route 1, Willard, fined $37 for careless and imprudent driving. Orville Diller Mayers, Gainesville, fined $17 for 1669 improper East brake. Wayne Antion George, Turner, fined $13 for improper muffler. James Mooney, 307 South Jefferson. fined $17 for no chauffeur license.

Fined $17 each for expired truck license were Gary Allen Head, 3426 Horseshoe Drive, Robert James Bayliff, 3046 South Franklin. Donald Kent Bredechoeft, Decatur, fined $17 for no trailer license No trailer licenes charge dismissed against Lee Harold Cruse, 3545 Mentor Road. Virgil E. Kelso, Des Plaines, fined $17 for expired pro-rate license. Henry Howard Westphal, Peoria, fined $22 for no Missouri license and over.

weight. Herman Lester King, Lincoln. fined $22 for no PSC markings and overweight, Fined for overweight and overdimension violations were Albert Car. roll Mulherin. Maiden, $32.50: Irvin New.

ton Deckard, Route 1, Willard, $27: Richard John Shoak, Milford, $17; Roscoe Wilkie Peaco*ck. 2207 North lett. $17; William Edward McCowan, Grand Prairie, $17; and Charlie Lee Toland. Dallas, $17. Civil Cases Milton B.

Kirby against John W. Allan Company and John W. Allan, suit on note; asks $255.90: set for Feb. 25, Montgomery Ward Company against Mr. and Mrs.

William M. Lane, suit on account: default judgment for plaintiff for $477.89. Springfield Greene County Employes Credit Union against James S. and James E. Buckley, suit on note; asks set for March 3.

Springfield Greene County Employes Credit Union against James R. and Marie M. Moore, suit in replevin; asks set for March 3. Robert Page against Clifford G. Run.

corn, suit on note; asks $477: set for Feb. 25. 4 6:0 6:11 6:30 7:00 7:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:21 11.20 12:00 7-30 8:00 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11 11:36 11:43 12:30 1:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 5:30 6:0 6:3 7:3 8:0 9:0 10:0 10:1 10:5 11:6 9:0 10:5 11:0 11:3 I 12:4 12:5 12:4 1:3 2:0 2:1 3:0 3:3 4:0 5:0 In Er the are vol rep ne: clo sin wh ve fla POLICE CALLS R. J. Tindle, Ozark, reported some.

one used soap to scrawl vulgar words in rest rooms of his service station at 1306 West Sunshine, 8:20 a.m. Monday. Mrs. Paul Brookshire, 857 South Nettleton, reported fence posts were pushed over, 9 a.m. Monday.

Officer Lew Fields reported finding burro in his front yard, 2954 College, 7:20 a.m. Monday. It was picked up by neighbor. Woman in 1200 block Benton reported at 10:25 a.m. Monday a man contracted to refinish an antique for $40 recently, then returned it partially finished and wanted $20.

Police advised the man he couldn't reclaim the furniture from the woman's home. Jack Johnson, 43, of 223 North Grant, arrested on drunkenness charge in 590 block South Campbell, 5:45 p.m. Monday. Lawrence Elmer Hurd, 50, of 1895 Boonville, arrested on drunkenness. charge in 200 block South Campbell, 4:30 p.m.

Monday. Buddy Maschmann, 2830 West Madison, reported an English setter stray. ed to his home Monday. Everett Virgil Davis, 63, of 910 North National, told police he was driving east on Meadowmere when his left front wheel went into a manhole and dare aged the car; he said also hurt his back: police said the manhole cover was broken in half: 10:50 p.m Monday. Mrs.

Ilene F. Lee, 33, of 2024 North Park, told police someone tried to steal hubcaps from her car, but ran whea she appeared; she said she has been missing gasoline for six months and that two weeks ago someone took two dummy spotlights: 7:34 p.m. Monday, Irene Ann Burk, 51, of 1401 Nichols. cited for drunkenness after she followed officers to the street and attempted to pull a sign from a post: 5:20 p.m. Monday, Cited for drunkenness were Lawrence Elmer Hurd.

50. of 1895 Boonville, Wanda Sue Costello. 32, of East Central (also cited for affrav and 8:45 p.m. Monday, Jack Johnson. 47, of 223 North Grant, 5:45 p.m.

Monday, James C. Faucett. 45, of 1621 East Allantic, 3:10 a.m. Tuesday, and Marcella Ann Skiles. 35.

of 222 Mt. Vernon. Also cited for affray and vagrancy), 8:45 p.m. Monday. Terry Gene Gustin.

of 725 South Dollisen, charged with careless and imprudent driving after he attempted to elude police in the 1600 block East Cairo: he told officers he tried to escane because his car is improperly registered; Monday p.m. Checking report of Mrs. H. M. Hansley, 1050 West Portland.

that someone had tied a string across the street in the 900 block West Portland and that it had damaged her radio police found the -string by running into it with a patrol car: the car was not damaged: Monday p.m. Articles Recovered Joseph Weaver, 1114 Texas. notified police Monday that a car battery reported stolen Saturday had been left on his front porch. DRIVE- IN FIRE FIGHTING RENO (AP) Engine units of a westbound Southern Pacific freight caught fire four miles out of Reno. Crew members tried to douse the flames themselves, but failed.

So they unhooked the engines and drove them back to Reno, pulling up to a fire station alongside the tracks. The firemen stepped out the door to battle the flames. CITY PARKING PLAZA PARKING PLAZA Of Many Added Features Talk about extra servicesHerman Lohmeyer Funeral Home provides them! For example, beautiful background music is played during visitaMember tions. THE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN RULE fleeman Lohmeyer FunERAL Home One 500 EAST WALNUT STREET.

Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri (2024)


What company owns the Springfield News Leader? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

How many police officers does Springfield Missouri have? ›

The Springfield Police Department is an Accredited Law Enforcement Agency comprised of an authorized strength of 367 sworn officers and 92 civilian employees.

Where is the Springfield News Leader located? ›

The Springfield News-Leader, located at 901 E. St. Louis St., Suite 1100, Springfield, MO 65806, is the hometown newspaper of Springfield, Missouri. It is distributed in the morning, seven days a week.

How do I cancel Springfield News Leader? ›

How can I cancel my subscription? You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-800-695-2005. Residents living in California, Georgia, Maine, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Virginia can cancel online by visiting their Account Management page once logged in to the website.

Who owns ky3 in Springfield MO? ›

It is owned by Gray Television alongside NBC affiliate KYTV (channel 3) and Branson-licensed CW affiliate KYCW-LD (channel 24); it is also sister to Branson-licensed tourist information–formatted station K17DL-D, channel 17 (which is owned by Branson Visitors TV, LLC, a joint venture between Gray [50.1%] and Market ...

Who owns the Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

How much do police officers make in Springfield MO? ›

How much does a Police Officer make in Springfield, Missouri? As of Aug 10, 2024, the average annual pay for a Police Officer in Springfield is $52,715 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $25.34 an hour. This is the equivalent of $1,013/week or $4,392/month.

Who is the chief of police in Springfield MO? ›

Paul F. Williams was sworn in as the Chief of Police for Springfield on July 1, 2010.

Who is the biggest police officer in state? ›

The Director General of Police (DGP) is the highest-ranking police officer in Indian states and union territories. The DGP is appointed by the cabinet and holds a three-star rank. The DGP is responsible for overseeing the entire police force and law enforcement activities within their respective jurisdiction.

Who is the largest employer for the city of Springfield? ›

1. State of Illinois. The state of Illinois is Springfield's largest employer with about 17,800 employees. Illinois is the fifth-most populous state in the country with almost 13 million people.

Does Springfield, Missouri have a newspaper? ›

Your best source of news for Springfield, Mo., and the Ozarks. Tips? Email webeditor@news-leader.com.

Who owns Channel 10 in Springfield Missouri? ›

Owned by Mission Broadcasting, the station is operated under a shared services agreement (SSA) by Nexstar Media Group, making it sister to Nexstar's duopoly of Springfield-licensed MyNetworkTV affiliate KOZL-TV (channel 27) and Osage Beach-licensed Fox affiliate KRBK (channel 49).

How do I cancel unwanted magazines? ›

Use an Unsubscription Hub

It allows you to unsubscribe from specific catalogs, as well as magazine and credit card offers for yourself and deceased relatives. DMAChoice.org contacts the companies to unsubscribe for you, but this process takes time—between 30 to 90 days.

How do I cancel my leader subscription? ›

To discuss a cancellation of either a Postal Subscription or a Pre-Paid Voucher Subscription, please contact our customer care team on 0800 953 0227 or email deliveries@newsquest.co.uk.

How do I cancel my leader post? ›

How do I cancel my subscription? For cancellation requests related to your current home delivery subscription, please email us at mysubscription@leaderpost.com or call 1-800-667-8751.

Who owns the news leader? ›

The News Leader is a daily newspaper owned by Gannett and serving Staunton, Virginia, and the surrounding areas.

Who is the owner of the Springfield Cardinals? ›

Diamond Baseball Holdings

Who owns the major news outlets? ›

The biggest media conglomerates in America are AT&T, Comcast, The Walt Disney Company, National Amusem*nts (which includes Viacom Inc. and CBS), News Corp and Fox Corporation (which are both owned in part by the Murdochs), Sony, and Hearst Communications.

Who owns Springfield Underground? ›

The Erlen Group is a family-owned group of companies, with assets like the Springfield Underground, Cold Zone, the Frisco Building and Lime Light Development, a developer of industrial parks and warehouses in southwest Missouri, according to the company website.

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