Richmond Independent Telegram from Richmond, Indiana (2024)

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WUJOO uhnuri 1 w( rw RICHMOND WEEKLY TELEGRAM THE JJ JOWJB INDIANA A fine new Hotel is being erected at Kokomo Marlon county pays an internal revenue of $90051 Gov Morton and family have gone to the Hot Springs Strawberries are ten cents a quart at New Albany John Barr a man employed in the cattle pens at Aurora was terribly gored by an ox last week The Union and Logansport Rail road will connect Marian and Logan port in a few months A young man died near Dunlaps ville last week from over exertion in playing Great preparations are being made throughout the State for the celebra tion of the ourth of July There is some talk on the part of the citizens of Crown Point of hav ing that place incorporated A strange fierce animal was killed near Greencastle a short time since It very much resembled a panther The pioneer meeting to be held at Lawrenceburg on the 13th of June has been postponed indefinitely The Union Press of Lawrenceburg favors the nomination of Will Cum back for the next Governor red Douglass will lecture in In dianapolis on June' 21st and 22d for the benefit of the African ctiurch Oliver Lawrence a Terre Haute shoemaker hung himself last Sun day Some bad people in Terre Haute have been stealing flowers from the cemetryof that place A little son of Mayor Ware of Jef fersonville fell into a vault last Sun day and was drowned red Douglass will speak at Knightstown on the 21st of this month The Sabbath School Convention at Lafayette this week filled Opera House to overflowing The Railroad from Vincennes to Indianapolis is under contract It will take two years to complete it The new fire engine from the No 2 Union company of Evansville weighs about 5000 pounds ifteen prisoners attempted an in surrection in the Jeffersonville prison last wreek The ort Wayne Gazette tells of a woman in that vicinity who is the mother of twenty two children The house of Mr Geo James of Jeffersonville was struck by lighten ing last Monday A Thompson is agent for the Indiana Commercial and Home Advocate published at Lafayette The Mayor of Vincennes received last year a salary of eight hundred dollars The corner stone of St new Episcopal church was laid in Indian apolis on Thursday James Mcadden of Shelbyville has been appointed Register in Bank ruptcy for this District The Young Christian Asso ciation have fitted up an elegant reading room in Terre Haute Ten thousand dollars are offered in premiums at the Indiana State ain to be held at Terre Haute this season A little boy was poisoned at Madi son last riday by eating the blos soms which fell from a locust tree A man named Jacob Bell came near killing himself on Sunday at ort Wayne by drinking water in which was sulphuric acid Ed Updergraf a young man who was put iu the Shelbyville jail the other night worked himself out bycutting a hole through the roof The auuual assessment of Internal Revenue in the District is $57 623 S5 of which Vigo county pays $32476 60 James Brewster the great Missouri desperado was arrested in Orange county last week He is charged with several murders A very large bell weighing 12000 pounds has been cast in Harve rance for Notre Dame church at South Bend There are thirteen turnpikes center ing in one town in this state yet Lawrence county has not one pike in it Mr Thomas ZMiles had his horse stolen from him while in Laporte last week The theif was captured in Chicago Mr Armstrong of Boonville had a valuable cow struck by lighten ing last week The animal was in stantly killed VOL RICHMOND INDIANA SATURDAYI JUNE 8 186 NO 50 Political TWO DOLLARS PSR ANNUM IN ADVANCE Office Cor Sain and Marlon Sts and broke his be in NEWS Jeffer al Vienna are to steamer Simla off It is feared have been filed county for the new railroad con Central Pacific in Paris Ken female dog Cyrus Lieut asked to or OHIO A bad break In the Hydraulic Canal at Dayton occurred on the 3d There are nineteen exhibitors from Ohio at the Paris Exhibition Gen Manning orce is talked of for Supreme Judge The State Union Convention will be held at Columbus on the 16th of June There were 273 deaths in Cincinnati last month The prospect for wheat in Clinton county the coming harvest rejoices the hearts of the farmers The heaviest thunder storm ever Itnown passed over Cincinnati on Tuesday afternoon doing considerable damage The Episcopal Convention of the Diocese of Ohio met in Cleveland on last Wednesday Bishop Mcllvaine presided The Cleveland Herald says that a child was bom in that city a few days since which weighed twenty one and one half pounds James Ringeley of Hamilton county was drowned recently while attempt ing to cross a river near Montgomery in a buggy His horse valued at $1000 was also drowned Mr and Mrs Smith of New Jasper were thrown with their buggy over a culvert at a railroad crossingin Green county last week Mrs was badly hurt A man near Xenia last week found a Spanish quarter bearing the date of 1221 The coin therefore was minted 271 years before the discovery of Am erica The colored people of Ohio have determined to hold a State Conven tion on the 3d of July to devise plans that will aid in having the Word white stricken from ttu State Convention Sarah Turner has just obtained a verdict of $10000' damages against Sidle in the Zanesville Court of Common Pleas for seduction and breach of promise The Rev Gaddis of Cincin nati preached a good sermon on Sunday evening concerning theatri cals He poured his vials of wrath particularly hard upon the "Blacks The Agricultural air of Clinton county will be held in the capacious and beautiful ground belonging to the company near Wilmington on Wed nesday Thursday and riday LSth 19th and 20th of September 1867 KIWI IM OEMIRAL The police force of Chicago has been increased to two hundred men The President is now on a swing around the Southern circle California contributed $6194 in gold to the Southern Relief und Gen residence in Louis ville was sold at auction this week A new Roman Catholic church has been built at Omaha Edwin Booth is now playing at Chicago The rate of rents has decreased lately in Chicago A great crop of tobacco is expected in Virginia this year The new Greek Minister to the United States Mr Paughabie arrived in Washington this week The seventh annual Congress of the beer brewers of the United States convened in Chicago on the 5th' Six notorious prisoners escaped from the District jail atJWashington Tuesday Only two were recovered The liquor law has been sustained in Portland Maine by a vote of 1139 yeas to 302 nays The Legislature of Massachusetts adjourned on Monday after a session of five months Twenty seven hundred and fifty emigrants have arrived at New York since Saturday A terrible fire occurred at Petro leum center Pennsylvania this week The loss was very great The prospect for a good tobacco crop in North Carolina is discourag ing The steamer Henry Chauncey from Aspinwall arrived at New York last week bringing $985145 in specie A New Orleans horse railroad com panj has been condemned to pay 825000 for killing a boy A fire works factory in Chicago blew up on Tuesday and destroyed some halfdozen buildings Loss $16 500 The funds of the Yale Theological School how amount to $210000 and by a contingent bequest will creased to $250000 Gov Hunt of Colorado has the Government for authority ganize a mounted force against the Indians The police of Galveston have been removed by Gen Sheridan for disloy alty the Military are to act in their stead A young man named Edmund Eames of Elgin Ill shot himself through the heart on the night of the 30th of last month The second annual Buffalo Horse air will be held at that city in Au gust The premiums amount to $12 000 Captain John Bankhead of the United States navy died April 27th on the Bengal Aden The trial of a structor on the California has proved a complete success In the District of Columbia the ex traordinary number of 18004 voters have been registered whereas only 5783 votes were cast at the last mu nicipal election The Secretary of the Treasury has authorized the directors of the mints to purchase nickel cents at a nomi nal value in order to procure nickel in a convenient form The captain and crew of the Eng lish ship Assam Valley who landed on North Audeman Island were cap tured by the cannibals all were massacred Mr Terry living near tucky owns an eccentric which has repudiated her own off spring and adopted a litter of young coons In a blacksmith shop in Auburn Hi the other day a man named Thaxton stabbed one named Hurst in the bowels causing his death almost instantly Seven miles from White Bluffs Sta tion on the North western Railroad in Dickson county Tenn some work men struck oil in digging a well The I yield is about twelve barrels per day Two highwaymen visited the house of Mr Parish of Hardin county Iowa this week and forced him to give i them the key to a trunk and took from it sixteen hundred dollars A locomotive belonging to a freight train at Huron on the Southern Michigan Railroad exploded on the 4th killing the engineer and an as sistant An enormous gun for the Chilian Government has been cast at ort Pitt oundry Pittsburg it weighs 116000 pounds or fifty three tuns is twenty feet six inches long five feet four inches in diameter of breech and has a bore of twenty inches One hundred projectiles weighing 1000 pounds each accompanied the gun One thousand three hundred and fifty emigrants arrived in New York from Bremen on Saturday The police authorities of St Louis still continue their war on the gam bling hells Two frightful deaths from hydro phobia took place in New Orleans last week The victims were chil dren General Meagher of Montana has raised a force of one thousand men and taken the field against the hos tile Indians The colored people of Savannah have petitioned General Pepe to re move the Mayor and Police of that city on the ground that that they can not obtain justice there The impeachment trial of Judge ratier at Nashville has been con cluded He was found guilty re moved and disqualified from holding any office herafter The Richmond Dispatch states that the Board of Public Works of Virginia have determined to pay on the 1st of July in that city the interest upon the public debt of Virginia usually payable in New York Thirty two drinking bars in Mont gomery Alabama pay an annual license of $29600 as follows $16006 to the city $9000 to the State $1600 to the Government and $2460 to the county The city council of St Louis has passed an ordinance prohibiting the keeping of more than two cows by one person within the city This will improve the sanitary con dition of the city A mouse stole five fiftj' dolar green backs and some smaller bills from the safe of the irst National Bank at Portsmouth The five large bills were recovered but the robber is still at liberty Walter Rogers a Louisville po liceman wasTuesday wantonly mur dered by a man named John Prewitt The latter placed a pistol at the throat of Rogers fired ami the un fortunate man fell instantly dead Not less than forty or fifty quartz mills have been shipped to Montana this season There weie only twelve or fifteen mills in the territory prior to the ipening of navigation this Spring show that Genera Sheridan has re moved all of the police force st Gal veston Texas on account of disloyal ty and that he has also organized military commission for the trial of civilians and Mothers charged witK crime The Maryland Democratic Consti tutional Convention has disposed of the negro testimony question by adopting a provision declaring that no person shall be incompetent as witness on aceout of race or color unless hereafter so declared to be by I act of the General Assembly I The Treasury Department is pre I pared to redeem United States Com 1 pound Interest notes as they shall' I severally mature by payment of prin cipal and interest thereon to date of maturity on their presentation to the Treasurer or to the assistant Treasu rers at New York Philadelphia orBoston A correspondent at the Paris Ex hibition notices the fact that the people from each nation pay mom attention to its special department than to any that Americans may be more often found studying or admiring the articles from America the English those from England tc any others In the Maryland constitutional con vention last week it was decided that the question of removing the disa bility heretofore imposed on negroes preventing them from testifying la the courts of the State ought to be settled by the convention and that the constitution now being formed ought to contain a provision remold ing such disability The impeachment trial of Judge Kino which has been progressing before the Missouri Senate at Jeffer son City for two or three weeks terminated on Monday in his removal from office and disqualification from holding any office of honor trust or profit in the State for two The respondent was found guilty upon all the articles and specifications except one 1 The Republican State Central Con mittee of Maryland lias issued a call for a Border State Convention of Re publican Unionists to meet in Balti more on the 12th of next September and welcome delegates without re gard to race or color The object is to make an appeal to Congress in be half of manhood suffrage Delaware West Virginia Kentucky Tennessee and Missouri are invited to attend Senator Reverdy Johnson contem plates publishing his speech made in the last executive session in the Sen ate on Mexican affairs It will de fend Maximilian from the charges1 made against him by Senator Mor ton show that the relations al authorities towards govern ment are not what they have been generally represented to be Tiie removal of the Mayor and Chief of Police of Mobile has caused much attention It is thought by pome that the Preident will interfere in tiie matter and have them restored He places hi right to da so on tiie decision of the Supreme Court in tiie Mississippi injunction ca es when it was held that the du ties of the generals commanding in the several military districts must! necessarily be performed under tha4 supervision of the President as Com mander in chief and that the duty thus imposed was in no sense mini terial but was purely executive aad political 1 of Indiana and endeavor to of the liber Tbe trial of the Carlisles father and son for the murder of Lieutenant Hampton is now in progress at Mount Vernon The new Methodist meeting house at Saccarappa was struck by lighten ing on Thursday night The damage was small Peter O'Grady of Kokomo paid fines and costa last week to the amount of $37 for abusing his wife and children A joint stock company for the man ufacture of boots and shoes is being organized by the shoemakers of New Albany Well executed counterfeit notes on the Third National Bank of Philadel phia of the denomination of ten dol lars have been detected The Board of school trustees of Col umbia county have issued bonds to the amount of seven thousand dollars for the purpose of erecting a fine school house The German Musicians of the whole United States intend holding a grand convention at Indianapolis in Sep tember next Accommodations will be made for many thousand people In a recent election for Sheriff in White county the vote was an ex act tie The old sheriff continues in office until fall when a new election will take place The people of Rochester in this State intend bolding a Moral Re form Meeting The object is to edu cate and guard the children of the city from crime Two lads near Bedford got into a dispute about a pocket knife last week in which one of them struck the oth er with a large club skull Thirty four claims in the office of loyd recovery of damages dope in the Mor gan raid The total amount ofclaims is $23105 At the Supreme Judicial Court at Auburn on Monday Judge Walton decreed divorces in eleven cases In ten of the cases the petitions were the wives The twin daughters of Hon John Miller of Lafayette were run over on Wednesday last by a lumber wag on and seriously hurt One of the largest and best steam boats ever built on the Western riv ers is now ready to launch at sonville The trial of Thomas and Carlisle for the murder of Hampton commenced at Mt Ver non on the 5th The shooting match between Erb of Lafayette and King of Spring field at ort Wayne this week for five hundred dollars resulted in vic tory for Erb The two State Temperance organi zations the Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance and Grand Tem ple of Honor have been in session at Lafayette this week In the Superior Court at Lafayette this week Mrs Adeline Price was al lowed $15000 damages for the death of her husband occasioned by the Northern Central Railroad Oliver Lawrence committed suicide by hanging Saturday night at his residence a couple of squares east of the Union Depot in Terre Haute HonR Thompson has been in vited to deliver an address before the Masons of Crawfordsville on the 25th of June at which time they will have a picnic celebration New counterfeit five cent nickel coins have made their appearance in great numbers in some places The counterfeit is of a much lighter weight and color than the genuine The late freshet on the Wabash has washed away all the repairs on the State dam at Pittsburg fifteen miles above Lafayette and also at the dam at the mouth of Wild Cat about three miles above Michael Oassell of ort Wayne a dealer in second hand clothing died on the 2d from the effects of some sul phuric acid that he had taken on Sunday Dull times seem to have been the cause of the suicide Mr McGime alias Hoosier Bill a notorious thief was tried in Indian apolis this week before the Criminal Court in two cases of robbery and sentenced to the Penitentiary for fourteen years in each case There will be a grand celebration of the 4th of July 1867 at Lafayette All the hosts of the Grand Army of the Republic throughout the State the Press as a body all Temperance organizations all Turners enian Brotherhood ree Masons Odd el lows Schools Teachers organizations Workingmen's Union Bass Ball Clubs and iremen are cordially invited to attend as ograni zations THE WEEKLY TELEGEAM PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY SALTER OREIGK enians are still being arrested in Ireland The fortifications be commenced immediately Some of the foreign notables have arrived in Paris The Emperor Alexander will visit London Lord Monck has been appointed Viceroy to Canada The town of Bisby on the frontier of Austrian Gallicia has been nearly destroyed by fire The owner of Hermit winner of Derby is said to have won £200000 in bets It is understood that the Czar and Napoleon have agreed upon a plan for the settlement of the Crepan dif ficulties The Government of Russia has issued a proclamation extending a general amnesty to the Poles engaged in the last insurrection in Russian Poland The first day of July will be pro claimed a national holiday through out Canada that being the day on which the new confederations take place A bill was adopted in the rench legislatif body reducing the term of naturalization from ten to three years and to one year when important servi ces had been rendered by the persons Horace Rambold Secretary of the British Legation at Berlin is going to marry the daughter of Mr Harring ton United States Minister to Switzer land Thirteen regiments of regular British troops numbering 9000 men have been distributed along the Canadian border with a view to repelling eni an agressions It is understood to the intention of the Sultan of Turkey to visit Queen Victoria some time in July after he has completed hH visit to Napoleon and the Paris Exposition A roval order has been issued in 1 Havana valuing slaves at four bund I red dollars This is looked upon as a decided step toward the abolition of slavery Count Bismarch asked to be relieved I from the cares of his office immedi ately after the adoption of the ederal Constitution by the Northern German States The King lias given his con sent to the proposal The Turkish government has pre pared for the promulgation of the following reforms The reorganiza tion of the financial system the re forms of the military schools grant ing to foreigners the right of land teaure rom Dublin Dublin Ind May 28 1867 Dear Brother Yester day I attended the funeral of Michael Johnsonbaugh of Cambridge City he was buried by the I of and the discourse was delivered by the Rev Dr Spellman the discourse done credit to the author and the oc casion Tiie deatli of Mr Johnson baugh has bad a telling effect on that community and it is destined to work out is legitimate influence After the funeral I went to Milton where through the Court two grog shops have been licensed I immediately assembled in the office of Drill Com pany some half dozen of her leading citizens and proposed that efforts be immediately taken to abate the nui sences as quick as public opinion could do it A meeting of the citizens was appointed for that night the 30th and a more enthusiastic one has never been held in the county Resolutions were prepared which the people de clared to tame and they were amended until they spoke a radical determina tion It was gratifying to me to see such men as Jesse 8 Wilson Rev Mr Winchester John razee Chas More Mr Williams and others sus taining by speech and vote the Reso lutions Committees were appointed to visit tiie saloon keepers and ask them to give up their traffic More than two hundred persons pledged themselves by theirsignatures to abate the nuisences A good work is going on in Cam bridge City A Division of the Sons of Temperance has been established there that is taking into its folds many that have pledged near get drunk Many of our adopted citizens of the land of ather Mathew tiie noble Priest of Cork have entered our Division and are among its most respectable and effii ent members Dublin now boast of three temper ance organizations Since the Good Templars have existed the Temple of to office Honor and the Son of Temperance I have been organized and the town is more than itself again A storm is raising in the west of Look out for startling claps of thunder and showers of pure eoki water which shall decend on the fires of intemper ance and quench its devastating flames' Yours in Love Purity idelity The National Republican of Mo bile has been suppressed At Cairo the Democrats voted tors negro for Judge of the Circuit Court Generals Smith and Custar are both at ort Hays Judge razier of Tennessee hu been found guilty by the Tennessee Senate as charged in the articles of impeachment He has been removed from office and declared forever dis qualified to fill any office in Tennessee President Johnson in his speech at Raleigh said: us my friends repair the breaches made by the war and restore the Johnson probably knows as much about repair ing breeches as any other man General Samuel essenden of Maine a brother of the Senator from that State declines the position of Assist ant Secretary of the Treasury which has bean tendered him He prefers his position in the patent office Governor Wells has published letter addressed to the President pro testing against his removal and a address to General Sheridan in which he says there is not a word of truth iw I the charge that he was impeding the execution of the laws of Congress.

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

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Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.