The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

Vi AMHERST AND UMASS TEAMS HAVE IMPORTANT ROAD GAMES SCHEDULED THE SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, MAY 10, 1953 Williston Academy Squad Looks Ahead to Parents' Day STOL Sto Shown here are the members of playing host to rival Deerfield Hall, Bill Judge, Skip Berlin, Joe nini, Guy, Palmer, Capt. Terry (Sunday: Republican the Williston Academy baseball Academy. Back row, left to right; Welch and Asst. Coach Lou Light, Martin Rubin, Lou Stern Holyoke Sports Notes Holyoke, May 9 The first Sunday baseball program of the season will be offered tomorrow at Mackenzie Stadium when the Holyoke Jay-cee Pee-Wee Baseball Each of the 10 teams entered in the League holds its huge, jamboree. circuit for 8 to 10 year old youngsters will play two-inning exhibition contests.

The ball games will be preceded by a parade from the high school to the ball park and a band will march with the kids. The games will get underway at 2 p.m. The three Holyoke schoolboy baseball teams will engage in a total of nine contests during the week. Holyoke will play four games while Holyoke Trade is slated for three games, and Holyoke Catholic is listed for a pair of tilts. Holyoke will play two Valley League games during the week, both carded for.

Mackenzie Stadi-ing um. Coach Ed Moriarty's nine takes on; Westfield in a 5 p. m. game on Monday and meets Turners Falls. at 3.15 p.

m.on Thursday. In an independent game at 2.30 p. m. Saturday, Holyoke will oppose West Springfield at the stadium. In its lone road appearance of the week HHS will travel to West Springfield on Wednesday.

Holyoke Trade will take part in two Bi-County League tussles and face one independent rival. Trade will play at Chicopee Vocational on Tuesday and be at home to Westfield Trade at Mackenzie Stadium on Friday in the league encounters. Trade will meet Springfield Commerce in a non-league engagement at Mackenzie on Wednesday. Holyoke Catholic will be at home to Chicopee on Tuesday afternoon with the game scheduled for Anniversary, Field. As a matter of fact, Catholic's other game of the week will also have Anniversary Field as the scene as Cathedral will appear here on Friday.

Mackenzie Stadium had other bookings for those days, hence, Rev. James P. Lynch' arranged his contests for Anniversary. The Holyoke High School tennis team, with two straight Valley League triumphs, will be back in league action after a week's layoff as Chicopee and Northampton are not in the tennis loop. Holyoke will play Westfield on Monday and ners Falls on Thursday in league matches.

Holyoke has previously downed Greenfield and Turners Falls. Coach Bob Diamond's racquet-wielders engaged Williston Academy in a series of practice matches this week and the results were very encouraging for Holyoke. The first track meets of season will take place during the comweek. Holyoke High will engage Turners Falls in a dual meet at Mackenzie Stadium on Tuesday and then will be host team in a quadrangular meet on Fridays Teams which will compete in the Friday session are Westfield, West Springfield, Cathedral, and Holyoke. The semifinals and finals in the member-member tournament at the Mount Tom 'Golf Club will take place tomorrow.

Because it is so early in the season the two matches will be The first round matches today were 18-hole jobs but tomorrow's encounters will be nine or 12-hole affairs at most. The Tri-County Baseball League schedule will be drawn up at a meeting of the board of directors on Monday night: at the Allies AC rooms, 41 Commercial St. The Allies, only Holyoke club in the league, will play win the official opener on Monday, 18, against the Chicopee Colonels but the rest of the slate has not been approved. Shire City Sports Shorts Pittsfield, May 9-Jim Pemrick, playing coach of the crack Lenox Merchants, is spending some time in Pittsfield: He is a traveling auditor for the General Electric Company, and is on assignment at the local plant until July. He's living with other auditors at the Tanglewood Motor Court in Lenox.

Jim, a famous Union College captain, goes to his home in. Schenectady for week ends. Stock car racing, which has become popular with many Pittsfield people, will move closer to the city late this month. A. track is being staked out on the site of the former airport in West Lebanon, N.

Y. Robert L. Scott of Lanesboro is one of the promoters. The closest surface up to this development was at Burden Lake, N. on the main road to Troy.

Plans call for the West Lebanon: operation to start Sunday, May 31. Twelve teams have. entered the General Electric Athletic Association Softball League, which will open its season at the Crane Avenue field Monday, May 18. Freddy Callo, long director of recreation for the GEAA, is in charge. Pro Drug's 1952 Massachusetts girl softball champions.

will play some home contests this season at the GEAA Field after operating almost exclusively last year as a road outfit. Two out-of-town girls provide the pitching for the Pittsfield club. The ace is Betty Baumann of Hinsdale. Ellen Ducharme of Worthington is rated as the No. member of the staff.

Charley Garivaltis, Pittsfield High's captain and slugging outfielder, has compileda phenomenal record in four, seasons of baseball play against city rival, St. Joseph's In six games, including the first meeting of the teams Wednesday, he has batted .632 on 12 hits in 19 times at bat. Charley's average for three years of regular duty up to was .433. He'll enter Colgate. University in the fall.

Pittsfield High's track team was soundly beaten by Berkshire School at Sheffield last. Saturday, but sevreorganized and tryouts are being held to fill the vacancies left from theprevious season. Twenty berths are open and over.60 youngsters are trying out for the positions. The boys are between the ages of 8-12 with only five 12 year olds being chosen this year and the remaining 15 will be between the 8 and 11 year old bracket. There are four teams in the Merill Farms, Pioneers, Pontiac-Chevy, land the Finishers.

3. 3. Day next Saturday afternoon by Mickey Reingold, Dick Barstow, Nowakowski, Kip Swan, Bob BarManagers Dick and Milou Quaboag Valley Echoes By FRANK J. KITCH Palmer, May 9-It was a drap and dreary last Tuesday morning. Rain pelted the downtown area of Palmer as the funeral hearse, bearing the remains of DeMaio, 54 Squier followed by an' open funeral car bedecked with flowers and succeeded by vehicles of mourners, passed on its way to the Church of St.

Thomas the Apostle and final services. Jimmy DeMaio, who always played the game to the hilt and made a name for himself semipro football and baseball circles, was enroute to a new assignment in another world. A couple: of old-time fans stood by silently as the solemn procession moved by. Brushing aside a tear, one was overheard to say, for inch, and pound for ponnd, there was never a better athlete or gentleman raised in Palmer." ot. The remark carried plenty emphasis, for, football and baseball players of two decades ago came to respect Jimmy DeMaio for his sportsmanlike conduct, his ever-present will to win for whichever club he represented and gave a helping hand to anyone who would stop to listen.

A graduate of High where he soon became prominent athletically under John "Jack" Moore, no "player came in for more praise by the townspeople and the school officials for his aggressiveness and will to put the best foot forward in Palmer fame on "the sports map. Following graduation, Jimmy DeMaio played on the sandlots and then turned his attention 'to the Franco-American football club 'of have been collected to assure everyone there of at least one prize. The prizes will be display at, Roby's Hardware store. The members of the men a and women's bowling league of the past winter had a gala time at their annual banquet Tuesday evening held at the Wyantenuck Country Club. Prizes were awarded, and Charles T.

Larkin, was toastmaster for the evening. awards went to Chet's Marketeers, winners of both halves of the women's division. The team members were Mrs. Alex Dezieck, captain; Mrs. Arthur Kinne, Mrs.

Aldo Soldati, Mrs. Marjorie Markham, and Mrs. Robert Kinne. The prize for high single for the first half went to Marjorie Markham with 111; high single for the shared by Amy Evans, Florence, high Barry three and Jeanne first string for half to Jemma Wagner with 308; high three string second half Jeanne Adams with a 299. Jemma Wagner won the prize.

for the highest average for the first half with 91.7 average and for the second half with 91.1. Other prizes awarded to women bowlers went to Nalty, Barbara Laramee, Jo Ann Kotleski, Henrietta Feldblum, Nancy Reid, Catherine Gagliardy, Steinberg, and "Tootsie" Verones. The sports committee elected the following officers for next year: President, Betty Brazie; vice-president, Martha Larkin; secretary, Margaret Sweeney; treasurer, Jemma Wagner; sports committee, Henrietta Feldblum, Edith Kinne, and Miss Verones. The Marchetti team won the award for capturing the men's league title, with Condon's finishing in runner-up spot. The Marchetti team was made up of Guy Marchetti, Atillio Arcardi, John Korte, Arthur Dioli, and John Negrini.

The runnerup team which also received prizes were, Charles Condon, captain: Frank redo Gorham, Thomas Kotleski, and Zmis. The prize for the high string for the with first 133; half high went single for: second to Fred Bryden' half to Billy Milani with 130; high three Condon string with 336. first He also won the half by Charles prize for the second half with a 339. Condon also had high average for the first half with 100.6. Bill Milani won second half honors with 100.5.

The sports committee elected the following officers: President, land Foster; treasurer, Atillio ArCharles Mack; vice-president, Harey: cardi; sports committee, Achilles Zasecretary, Margaret Sweennetti, Charles Crippen, John Fulco, Henry T. McCarty and Robert Kinne. Other prize winners men were Bert Brazie, Dave Gagliardy, Aristotle (Trip) Tripodes, Gordon Ogen, Frank Gorham, Orville Brazie, Jack Harvey and John Darada. I in A. 3 UMass and Jeff Nines Slate Four Road Tilts Redmen Face AIC a at Home Tuesday, Travel to WPI And Tufts; Amherst Visits Wesleyan, West Point; NEI Tennis Tourney Scheduled By The Amherst and UMass the most part "this week scheduled, that being the Field.

The Redmen travel then take a trip to Medford the Lord Jeffs Wednesday against Wesleyan GERALD E. FINN baseball teams will be on the road for i- with only one 'collegetown home game UMass-AIC tussle Tuesday at Alumni to Worcester Thursday to meet WPI and to tangle with Tufts Saturday. In the make their second "Little Three" start on the Middletown, diamond. PITTSFIELD NINE OPENS SEMIPRO SCHEDULE TODAY Buick Tyler Aces Host to Albany Elks in Booster Day Tilt Pittsfield, May 9-The Pittsfield semipro baseball season will open at Wahconah Park tomorrow afternoon at 2.30 as the Buick Tyler Aces, this city's only: representative. in the field, oppose the Albany (N.

Elks. The contest has been designated as a booster day affair by Leo Koski, proprietor of Stanley's Grill, which adjoins the park. Former Pro Players Manager Joe Borletto, an optimist notwithstanding numerous financial reversals in his far-flung athletic operations, reports that there has been encouraging advance sale tickets. He has assembled a strong array of talent. Most of his players have had professional experience.

Borletto outlined plans for his ambitious project early in the winter. He spent every waking hour in solicitation of advertising for a large program, and feels that he make a success venture. needs only modest, patronage to 'The Aces hope to play, three home contests a week at the height of the season. Borletto originally announced that this heavy program would start immediately after the season opener, but he later abandoned plans for night games early in May. to That an appropriate concession to harsh weather.

Most of the men made the long trip to the American Baseball Congress tournament at Wichita, last summer are. back with the Aces. Several other experienced players have been added to fill vacancies caused by departure of younger men to the military service. Turner With Aces Included among the former pros the club are Wade Tate, Louis who have been working out, with Palmisiano, Earl Turner. Bob Tone and Donnie Troy.

team. George Morrell, a catcher. at Pittsfield High in 1942, will return to that position. The team appears to be rich in pitching. Among the better known are Cliff" Bona, Ed Saldo, Don Powers and Bing Miller.

Pellerin feels he will have more than enough to throttle all semipro opposition in these parts. Borletto hopes to obtain the Massachusetts semipro championship tournament for this city. The Aces won that last year at Canton, and then beat Woodstock, two games in a playoff series to determine the two area's represenative at Wichita. SO. BERKSHIRE SPORTS Housatonic, May 9-As the Southern Berkshire League approches the half way mark, Lenox High is leading with a 3-0 record.

The Millionaires have stopped Searles, 'Chester, and Williams thus far this season and will be out to make a a clean sweep of the first half of the league this Tuesday as they take the diamond against Lee High in Lenox. The big question in the Gilligan coached club; however, is not how many contests they will win but whether they will be able to complete: league play. School authorities announced, early last week, that the athletic fund is almost exhausted and that without the help of the townspeople the team would. most likely have. to drop out of competition for the remainderof the season.

Lee High claims a 1-1 record thus far this season and the Wildcats will be out to catch the league leaders Tuesday. Searles handed the Consolati men their only defeat in an extra inning contest in Great Barrington last week. Eddie Thomas, Bruce Stevenson, and Pete Triano are the three veterans upon which the brunt of the Lee attack is based and these three men could easily combine to upset the present league leaders applecart and capture joint possession of the top berth. Searles High should have little trouble gaining its second win of the year next Tuesday as they oppose Williams High in Stockbridge. 'After receiving a 5-0 setback in their league opener the Great Barrington baseballers eked out a 5-4 victory over Lee last week to share second place honors with the latter.

The Stockbridge Rebels have ganized a semipro nine again this oryear and are planning to open on Memorial Day at home. This appears to be the only semipro team in Southern Berkshire again this season dropping as interest seems to be off in this brand of baseball joyed in a this section. The Rebels enhighly successful year last season and piled up a fine record. They were defeated at home only twice and both setbacks came at the hands of Williamstown. Joe Basnett of Lee has take over, the coaching assignment in place of Ray Urban.

The Great Barrington Little League is in the process of being Heavy Schedule for Pittsfield High Nine Coach 'Art Fox Has Top Notch Team but Has Encountered Little Opposition Thus Far; Five Excellent Pitchers On Staff 5 By E. H. TOOLE Pittsfield, May 9-A potentially strong team, is being hampered' in its development Berkshire factors--rain and non-formidable weather has raised havoc with Coach Art However, in the next seven days the team workouts, that is if the rains will hold off. have jammed up the slate so completely that NORTHAMPTON SPORTS By "JOSEPH CONNER' Northampton, May 9. Mike Peligian won top, honors in the seventh, annual fishing contest put on by the Northampton: Sporting Goods Company.

Young Peligian caught a 19-inch brown trout Little Alum and for his catch he will receive a valuable prize. Bill McDonald, well known baseball umpire, has been appointed umpire-in-chief of the 'Hamp Little League for the 1953 season. All of games must signify this intenumpires, who want a full schedule tion to him, so that a schedule the arbiters may be made to the start of the season. Any umpire wishing to work in the loop must file his application prior to Wednesday as a meeting. of the umpires has to be held to screen the applicants and then have the umpires assigned to the various league games.

Robert Dash, a senior at Northampton High School was elected captain of the newly created high school golf team. by the senior members of team. Coach "Hoby" Parsons has his team set for action and plans to open soon. Coach Eddie Peterson of the Florence AA baseball team wants all candidates who reported for the first couple workouts to report tomorrow at the Arcanum Field 2 p. m.

The Florence AA is League which opens the 17th member of the County Baseball and unless the deadline is extended to post a players list Coach Peters must work. overtime. The Northampton High School varsity baseball team gave every indication that it will be hard to stop for top honors in the Valley League the past week as they. defeated: two preseason rivals to make it four straight in league play as they knocked off both Holyoke High and Greenfield High. Coach Ed Buckley, can relax momentarily now that Alexander will have a rest as Whitlock turned back the Greenfield lads.

Thursday and now go all out against. Chicopee or Monday at Chicopee. The. Northampton, Little Bigger League is rapidly taking shape and player agent Bud Lucey is well satisfied to date with the excellent co-operation he has received from managers and coaches alike in the auction of players. President Meehan of the Little Bigger League stated that a few changes in coaching have been approved; they are: Joe Natalie has been named coach of the Pepsi-Cola, Eddie Morris has been named an assistant to Jim Cote and Hal McGrath with the Sherwin-Williams team and Bob fFinn along with Jerry Bouthilette, were named coaches of the LaSalle Ice Cream team.

tryouts for the 14 year olds will be held tomorrow morning at Veterans Memorial Field. The Western Massachusetts Umpire's Association will hold a regu- West lar meeting Tuesday at the Springfield American Legion Winters at 7.45 p. m. President Gus there urges are a few special items to all members to 'attend as be voted on and umpires, must pay their dues as the final date to pay. The Northampton Little League, which planned to open with a double header tomorrow had to put the off the official opening until 17th as tryouts were delayed a number of times.

Smith's School baseball nine will meet a. strong Arms Academy team at home Monday and travel to Amherst Thursday. Tessier will twirl 'for the school with on the receiving end Monday while Pietraskiewicz will get. the call against Amherst. Both games will start at 3.15, HADLEY SPORTS Hadley, May 9-Hopkins Academy made it two wins in three Hampshire League baseball games this week when righthander Hank Moczulewski blanked Smiths School, 6-0, on three.

singles. He fanned 10 and had no-hitter. until Kowalski singled with one down in the sixth. Ray Brown paced the academy attack with three singles and John, Lipski drove in two runs, Bud Kneeland's nine' has two out of town league games next week, against Deerfield High? on Monday and Smith Academy on Thursday, John Callahan, who has two wins and a to his credit, will probably pitch, against Deerfield. Old Hadley Post 271, American Legion, plans to enter a team.

in Pittsfield Hig baseball by the two perennial opposition. Aready the Fox's drills andschedule. should get plenty of Postponemens to date in the next sven will be 'called upon to play This six games. afternoon on Pittfield is scheduled to play the Williams College freshmen at Williamstown. That one, plus next Thursday afternoon's game with the, R.PI frosh at Troy, N.

are alout all that hold any, promise of stiff opposiat tion. Other games coming will be the exhibition with Chester of the South Berkshire circuit on Monday afternoo here, the North Berkshire Leaue game at Dalton on Tuesday nd the postponed Drury game, ere Wednesday. Completing the veek will be the' return game Williamstown High here on friday. of To date Coach Ex's charges have had little ster opposition. Opposing hurlers hae been below par and not.

hipful in the sharpening bating eyes of nate, for Wetern MassaPittsfield High." This is unfortuchusetts tourney tim the hitters will have had little light of topgrade pitching ante lay well be found wanting at plate in major encounters as the make their bid for the sectional honors. So many postponedgames plus the absence of opp*rnts'. power at the plate is also causing the Pittsfield mound corpsto go stale. What with such sandouts As Larry Bossidy, Denny Cohen and Bruce Robarge to toethe rubber, plus a number of cer lesser lights, Pittsfield has a stellar at pitching staff. Bossid and Cohen a have gained notice in New England wand Eastern Sttes Legion playoffs in recent year while Robarge was the standou in the All American Baseball, Tournament which was won by Majestic team of Pittsfield las summer.

But they need work Ind plenty of it. Early this pastweek Bossidy registered 15 strikouts in a seven-inning game but of those saw the hitter having the third strike called without eva as much as taking the bat off his shoulder, In the infield, Pittsfied has but two veterans of a yearago-second baseman Jim and shortstop Dick DiQio. Jack Thompson at first and John Dalone at third have cone along ior Legion. ere for the outfield, nicely after year with the Garavaltis ad either Bossidy or Cohen, when hot pitchin rive the desired defensive and offensive power. Traversa and Evans are capable ly chasers.

Up to now Dick Donati las been doing the catching while foe Spadifora recovers from a ullet-explosion that injured his fingers during the winter. By net week the talented should beable to assume his chores behind he hitters. A the Dist. 2 American, Legio, Junfor Baseball League. Hadly has been represented the past sveral seasons.

Each team allowed 15 players. The season extends from June 16 to July 19. Varsity basketball nenerals were awarded at Hopkins Academy this week to the folowing: Don Sullivan, Gene Hoynosli, Ray Brown, Hank Moczulewsk, Ted Kosior, John Callahan, Mary Kostek, John Lipski and John Waskiewicz. Soccer letters vent to Sullivan, Hoynoski, Brown; Jim Reed, Pat Duffy, Kosior, Callahan, Lipski, Jim Russel, Clarence' Babb, Dick and Jack Tyden, Bob Wysocki, Peter Fyden and Mgr. John Karakula.

Members of the girls' basketball team presented letters were Anne Fisk; Helen Filipowic, Shirley Niedbala, Pat O'Hara, 'onia Warkiewicz, Elsie and: Virgnia West, Donna Klimoski, Rachelle Rimbold, Telka Wancryk and Mgrs. Carolyn Chunglo and Ame Gwozdik. Cheerleaders who, received letters were adlowski, Logie Blyda, Lorraine Zalenski, Audrey Waskiewicz and Maryjane Kieras. Holy Name softball tean opened its season with a 14-13 vin over Northampton Holy Nane. Stan Jekanoski, Jack Gnatek, Joe Tudryn, Stanley Moczulewki and John Filkoski led the wining attack.

Tickets for the George Villiams testimonial dinner on May 19 can be obtained here from Kneeland at Hopkins, Willians was ore of the founders of the Hampshire Basketball League ind has been a successful coach it Amherst High for many year. Ernie Sarrasi, who this played two sports at Hopkns, left to week for Parris Islant, S. C. enlist A in the Marine Cops. necticut The 1952-53 University Conbasketball team won Yankee Conference crown for the fifth time in six years, FOR OVER 38 YEARS THE LEADER IN THE FIELD! TOUPEES WIGS TRANSFORMATIONS SWITCHES PATCHES Finest Quality Guaranteed Workmanship We have many, many Springfield end Western Mats, people among our satisfied customers.

BEFORE SEND FOR CIRCULAR TO Subway AFT T. B. MASSARO 127 Tremot A They are due for a longer Saturday when they visit West Point for action with the United States Military Academy nine. Tarpey Pleasant Surprise Baseball isn't the only sport in the limelight for the Jeffs and tiedmen golfers this week. square off Amherst against and each other tomorrow.

Springfield College will visit the UMass courts the Redmen racqueteers have Wednesday for a' tennis date and road match Saturday Tufts. Trinity and Springfield are on the Amherst golfers' schedule for the week. The Lord Jeff lacrosse team finishes its slate by playing host to WPI Wednesday and meeting 'Amherst MIT Saturday at Cambridge. netsters have a date Tuesday at MIT while the freshman tennis team plays Nichols' The yearling golf and track teams also have action slated against Springfield Tech and, Wila standout home attraction beliams, Wesleyan, 1 respectively. The Lord Jeffs without cause the New.

England Intercollegiate tennis tournament will be housed at Amherst over the week day. with Dick Friday as the starting Squires of Williams ap pears "to be the boy to beat in singles competition while the Amherst duo of Dave and vorite Barry Schleicher is a strong fato gain doubles honors. Coach Paul Eckley's nine, riding a crest of luck in. first part of the season, has the potential, to title make try a and successful Bob Dehlen "Little dorf will probably take the mound against Wesleyan. Perhaps southpaw Bill Kerhlis will get his chancel starter in the West Point game.

Terpey has been a pleasant surprise for Earl Lorden at UMass. The righthander has posted pitching wins over strong Trinity and Boston College. Either he or southpaw ace Don Swanson will start against AIC. Hugh McKenzie and Joe Fawcette may handhe, mound choices in the WPI encounters. They combined for a one-hit effort against Clark and appear to be ready for stiffer op- RIVER VALLEY SPORTS Both River-Valley high school teams continue of Chester and Huntington Huntington to seek their first victory.

High had. opening game with Holyoke Trade switched to the Paper City and became the victim -of an to 0 no-hit, no game. Chester High, well' into its schedule, was defeated 17 to 5 by Lenox High; and Lee High also came off with a 5 to 0 win. That Coach Bill McNally's nine is steadily improving was evident in the Lee game. Only two errors were made, and Lee could not score 'on freshman Pete Davenport until the fourth inning.

The Valley Pee Wees are warming up for their second season of baseball; and every team had a record turnout for their practices. Eighteen eager, ambitious juniors reported to Coaches Lou. Charbonneau and Bill McVeigh at Huntington; and response throughout league was similarly enthusiastic. Mike Oakes and George Chaffee of Crescent Mills, members of the St. Mary's High, School nine of Westfield, take their baseball seriously.

Both boys attend school all day, practice a couple of hours, but their day is not over yet as they take to the highway and thumb their way some 10 miles to their homes. These boys are made of the right stuff. Eddie Willey of Chester, Bryant Wilcox and Lou Cobielle of Huntball for their college ington, continue to play teams. Eddie featured at Providence College. He stepped in at the sixth inning and fanned five in a hitless performance to come out with a 7-7 Wilcox in his last outing with the UMass Frosh team, helped himself to two hits and made "three putouts in his centerfield position.

Lou Gobielle handled nine chances at second base with errors, and added a hit to his day's work. Injuries still crop up to plague the Chester High School baseball team. Dave Blanchard, trying to help out in the injury-riddled catcher's position, was himself put out of action when a foul tip hit his middle finger. Also out of action is Gary Wise, shortstop and first baseman who sat out. the Lee game with a sore back.

However, regular catcher Sam Moreno, managed to be back for the Lee game, and this helped the dark cloud have a silver lining for Coach Bill McNally. 4 The schoolboy baseball schedule for the coming week has St. Mary's High of Westfield appearing in Huntington Monday; and Friday Chicopee Trade also arrives to take on Coach Co Joe Kelly's Hornets. Both are League games. Monday, Chester High is scheduled to meet Pittsfield High in the Shire City; but may be forced to postpone the meeting as a league rule states that league games that have been rained out be played first.

Then on Friday, Bill McNally's boys face Lee High. This game also is on the road. 5 Staff. Photo) team, who will help observe Parents' Coach Dale: Lash, 'Syd Russell, Gebhard. Front row, same order; Bob and Mike Polczwartek.

In front are Three which I brought the outstanding semipro attractions here. He was a lineman and they that opponents, skirting his side had considerable difficulty. in brushing him out of a play and if records were kept, very little yardage was gained on the ground around his flank. The Emily Bills and Shamrocks of Springfield, bitter Franco. enemies, will attest to this, as.

will the St. Stanislaus of Adams, Holyoke Churchills: and Greenfield AA. Jimmy DeMaio is gone but not forgotten. He will, certainly. be missed by the sports gentry for time to come.

He was an advocate for the old saying, a "For when the One Great Scorer comes to write against your name--He writes--Not that you won or lost, but how you the game." That's how he played and that's how he would like to see future Palmer athletic teams conduct themselves. Palmer Beagle Club. planning its fall trials at Holland next September, holds a monthly meeting tomorrow night in the Hopkins House to examine reports and to hold discussions. YMPA baseball club, entrants in Quaboag Valley League under the guidance of Walter Majka, has a practice tomorrow afternoon at 2 at Pulaski Park. The league season opens Sunday, May 17.

Forest Lake Sportsman's. Association held a meeting last in the Lakeview Shelter and mapped plans for the proposed two-months' pan fish derby. Details will be released later. DALTON SPORTS: By WILLIAM J. GLENDON promising newcomers were uncovered by John Carmody, the veteran coach.

Guy Chester, a sophom*ore miler running the distance in varsity competition for the first time, won the race handily in five minutes, two and six-tenths seconds. was considered excellent, in vie of the fact that the track was soggy. Chester is the young son of Fred Chester, AllBerkshire tackle under Carmody at (PHS in 1925 and 1926 and later captain of the varsity crew at Syracuse University. Larry" Herzig, the junior AllBerkshire football guard, gave a creditable account. of, himself in both He seriously threatened Berkshire's ace, Henderson, but had to settle for: second in each race.

Herzig, ci a chuncky little fellow, should be a consistent point winner this spring. Carmody is back at the track job after an absence of two: years because of illness. Max Montgomery, former Brown University football player, in charge while the veteran was sick. Granville Pruyne, a star sprinter at PHS in the late. 1920s, is assisting.

Carmody. Pruyne joined the faculty this year. Timmy Ryan Joseph's sophom*ore, who has landed the first-string catching assignment, is learning baseball from one of his father's old pupils. Coach. Ted Mezejewski played under on Pittsfield's New England AmerIcan Legion champions in 1940.

The elder Ryan was an oustanding catcher at Holy Cross in early 1920s. BARRINGTON SPORTS By JOHN LAFONTANA Great Barrington, May 9-Head-towski! lining the sport's picture this week in Great Barrington will be the 38th annual Great Barrington Fish and Game Association's banquet in the town hall, long one of the most popular events held locally. The affair will be held Thursday evening. The dinner will get under way at 6.45. The Berkshire Restaurant in Pittsfield will do the catering and will serve a roast ham dinner.

A five-act floor show. will be put on 1 by Arthur J. Clements of Hartford. and if the acts are anything like those presented by the Clement company in the past an enjoyable evening is in store for the game club members and their friends. Many of the local business places have donated prizes which be distributed during the course of the evening and enough of them Dalton, May.

9-Dalton High has two important home games schedule for this week. They play Pittsfield, the 1952 pennant winner, on Tuesday and St. Joseph's on Friday. The largest crowd of the year will watch the locals engage heavily favored Pittsfield in the first meeting of the clubs this year. The Friday contest will be the second meeting with St.

Joseph's and Dalton will seek to avenge a 3-0 loss suffered at the Shire City. John Brennan, CRA acting director, has announced the appointment of Peter Stephenson, high school basketball coach, as his first assistant on then playgrounds for this summer. popular coach will have complete charge of swimming, the boys' baseball leagues, and all special events. He is graduate of Williamstown High and Springfield College. The championship of the 12 team Men's Bowling League was decided Tuesday when the Cubs, National Division winners, defeated the Exhausts.

American Division winners, by 1745 to 1608. Les Calkins of the Cubs won high single honors with 128 and teammate John O'Laughlin took high three total with 317. Other "Cub bowlers are Captain Clarence Decker, John Glennon, Ev Calkins; and Dick Livingston. Co. office division bowling league held its annual dinner at Tod Morden's Wednesday night.

The B-29's captained by: Ben Sullivan was top team. John O'Laughlin with a 99.2 had high average for the men, and Jean Morrison with 86.8 led the women. Charles DeAngelus won the prize for perfect attendance. The Luckies defeated the Rollers by 17 pins. Monday night in a roll off to decide second place honors in the Women's Bowling League.

The teams ended the regular season in a tie behind the champion Question Marks. Bowling for the Luckies were Doris Parker, Shirley Turner, Doreen Kirchner, Elaine Fetherston, and Nellie Crosier. High single honors for the night went to Jean Pelkey of the Rollers with a 103 and teammate Geraldine Morris bowled 287 for high three. Three Dalton bowlers were bers of Sukels Clothiers team that finished fifth in the fast Pittsfield City Bowling League. All three men compiled fine averages for the 28-week season.

Managers and captains of the town softball league will meet Thursday night at 7.30 at the Community House to discuss the schedule and submit rosters. The sixteam circuit will get underway May 18. Frank Beeman, Michigan State tennis coach, and Stan a Drobac, Spartans' net captain, were doubles partners in the 1945 U. S. Army championships at Wimbledon..

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.