The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

4 6. Lad SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, MAY 12, 1957 JOHN L. SULLIVAN LEAGUES TO ENJOY GIANTS 'BOOSTER NIGHT' ON JUNE 3 Pee Wee League Set For Opener Tomorrow Trinity Meets Jack Jill in First Game at Park; Springfield Giants Plan Booster Night For League June 3. John L. Sullivan Pee Wee League raises the curtain on campaign tomorrow night when defending champion TriniJack Jill at Forest Park, starting at 5.

In less than' a June 3 to he exact, the Springfield Giants will extend a hand to the Pee Wees by holding booster night at Pynchon season is anticipated for the circuit, according to Romeo J. Cyr who announces that 75 teams, composed of 1690 youngsters are awaiting the opening call. Opening Ceremonies Ceremonies at the lid-lifter include a battery 'composed of Walter Graham, managing editor of The Sunday Republican and sports editor of The Daily News; Charles, the Stoneham, Giants; general and man- Rev. Dr. H.

Hughes Wagner, pastor of Trinity Methodist The fact that the Springfield Ciants are more than interested in the local kid baseball program is evident. Stoneham plans to turn over to the John L. Sullivan League all proceeds from the ticket sales for the Springfield-Syracuse game June 3. The 'Pee Wee Leaguers will have a program' that night. inand a Pee game.

In charge cluding home, piate of the program is general chairman Cyr. Acting as assistant chairman are William Oates and Raymond Smead. Nick DeNucci, Ned Boyajy, Tom Also on the committee are Connery, Tom Fitzpatrick. Edward Dunn, Dave Ryan, and Bob Gourlie. Next Saturday, the Midget League will be in operation.

Participating in the opening procedings in the ML will be Mr. Graham, a Mr. Stoneham, and Springfield Giant Manager Mike McCormick. Holy Cross is defending champion in this bracket and will play Our Lady of Sacred Heart Giants at Forest Park in the opener. All managers in the Mitey Mite and Small Fry Leagues are asked to be on hand for an important meeting Tuesday night at Blunt Park.

Mr. Cyr would like all managers at the field house before 8: Both leagues are set to open the season Saturday, May 25. The following is a list of the Midget Leagues and their affiliates: WALTER GRAHAM Holy Name Jays. Trinity Aces, Our Lady of Sacred Heart Red Sox, Turners, St. Mary's of East Springfield, Wachogue, Ruth Elizabeth and St.

Thomas. MIKE McCORMICK Our Lady of Sacred Heart Giants, Holy Name Ponies, Holy, Cross, Hope Church, Van Horn, Lady of Hope, Trinity Beeliners, and St. George Olympians. CHARLES STONEHAM City Dye Works, 16 Acres, Our Lady of Sacred Heart Yankees, Lud-1 low Boy's Club, St. Mathews, Christ the King, Highland YMCA, and' Tapley.

The schedule: FIRST WEEK Monday, May 13, 5.30 Jack Jill vs. Trinity at Forest Park Tuesday, May 14, 6 o'clock St. George we. South End RO At Emerson Wright Wednesday, May 15, 6 o'clock St. Mary's Vs.

Our Lady of SH at Blunt Park Turners TS. City Livers at Forest Park East Springfield Hope Church at Adams Playground All 1 Souls V9, vicopee of at Van Horn Thursday, May 18. 6 o'clock Wachozue ('ross at Nathan Billie Lary of SH Tigers 14. Van Horn at. Van Horn Highland Our Lady of SH Cardinals At Glickman School Friday, May 17.

6 o'clock Holy Dame re. St. Thomas at West St. Bethel Tapley PTA at Magazine BOBBY JONES III IN EXHIBITION The another ty meets month, helping Park. A Co-ordinator Pittsfield, May 11 Bobby Jones III of Pittsfield, Berkshire County Allied golf champion, has agreed to play in an exhibition match next Friday at The Country Club in Brookline.

He and Massachusetts amateur champion Charley Volpe will oppose veterans Fred Wright and Ted Bishop. 1 The match will feature a preview program at the official christening of the completely renovated course, the site of the 1957 national amateur championship tournament Sept. 9-14. VS. TECH Pittsfield, May 11 The Pittsfield High track team will face Technical High School of Springfield in a dual meet at Blunt Park in that city Monday afternoon.

BANNICK DEFENDS VETERANS' GOLF CROWN JUNE 9 Eighth Annual Tournament Slated for Feeding Hills Paul Bannick. the Wilbraham Country Club sharpshooter, will defend his veteran's golf championship June 9, when the eighth annual tourney is played on the Feeding Hills Country Club. Extra-Hole Match Bannick defeated Joe Feicha of Ludlow on the fourth extra -hole in the first playoff in the history of the event. Both finished the 18 holes in par 71s on a damp day and parred the first three extra holes. Many other topflight amateurs in Western Mass.

are expected to enter this popular 18-hole medal tournament. Past winners include Milt Reach, now a pro; Walter write Martowski, Marty Rafay and Martowski have won and Dobek. Both the event twice. Dobek, who won in 1955, holds the low gross record with 70 over the tricky Feeding Hills layout. Many Ludlow Country Club 'golfers-Dobek, Martowski, Walt Nawoi.

Fred and Luke Consolmagno, Frank Comfort and Joe Olko among others -are expected to try' for top prize this season. Other amateurs who are expected to give it another try are Cookie Pajak, Walter Kupiec, Pete Svitenko, John Ciborowski, Stan Jarecki and Joe Dombek. Walter Bernotti is committee chairman, assisted andY Homer Paro, Chet Noonan Don Iallam. The entrance fee, which includes a greens fee and a smorgasbord, is $1. BENVENUTI TO RETURN 1 TO SCHOOL IN FALL Adams, May 11-Roger Benvenuti, former Adams High football star who discontinued his studies at Point after playing as a regular in the backfield with the Army Plebes last.

season, plans to enter another college this fall but, as yet. he has not definitely decided which one it will be. The choice seems to rest between Holy Cross and Williams at the present time. Besides being an outstanding halfback, Benvenuti is a better than ordinary catcher. He represented Adams High on the gridiron and diamond for three campains prior to entering West Point.

PITTSFIELD HIGH HAS THREE HOME GAMES Pittsfield, May 11 Pittsfield High's baseball team will be at home three times in the coming Week. as The follows: dates and Monday, opponents Wednesday, Friday, St. Joseph's Williamstown. of North It's likely that' one or more of these contests will played at Wahconah Park. The city's finest diamond facility has been made ready for use.

St. Joseph's and Williamstown Highs played the first baseball game there in two seasons. The St. Joseph's of North Adams contest may draw more than the usual handful of spectators. People will want to see the team which scored a nig surprise trouncing PHS 11-1 at North Adams Wednesday.

That upset occurred just 24 hours after PIIS had taken sole posession of first place in the Northern Berkshire League by edging Pittsfield St. Joseph's 2-1. The New York Rangers won the Stanley Cup three times-1928, 1933 and 1940. STEERING CORRECTED! BALANCE VISUALINER STEERING SERVICE SHOWS YOU GRAPHICALLY THE ALIGNMENT CONDITION OF YOUR CAR! CHRYSLER PACKARD DESOTO DODGE FORD PLYMOUTH SPECIALISTS ROBERT F. SCOTT.

INC. .:725 WORTHINGTON ST. TEL. RE 7-0259 AUTO BODY AND 1 WE SERVICE ALL FENDER REPAIR MAKES OF CARS John L. Sullivan League Leaders Plan Season Officials and team leaders of John L.

Sullivan League clubs are a Springfield Giants "Booster Night" at Pynchon Park on June 3 Chiefs. Standing, left to right: Romeo Cyr, league director; Ray Mulvaney, treasurer; Tom Fitzpatrick, Holy Name; Ted Dunn, Our Tom Connery, Holy Name. Seated: Ned Boyagy, Holy Cross; Dave Westfield Hopes for Return Of Semipro Baseball in City Whip City Was Once Hotbed for Sport; Organizational Meeting Next Sunday By GEORGE Westfield, May 11-Semipro River Valley are in high hopes that ball to Springfield will stimulate throughout the area. Some of the Springfield Ponies and point to signed two of the best outfielders from the semi-pro ranks, Francis Ray Fitzgerald who went ahead to a long career of professional Fisk Red Tops also signed for baseball. Art Johnson or of the one year with Shean, but gave up professional baseball with an Eastern League record of four wins and no defeats, to remain in business.

Many Semipro Leagues In those days semipro leagues were abundant in city in the area and on Sundays an all star team from the leagues would often play inter-city tilts. The Westfield City league of 25 years ago was an outstanding example of how the players desired to compete in an organized league rather than play independent ball once or twice a week. When the league organizers that year found it impossible secure an entry from up the river, due no doubt to the bank moratorium and the unsettled condition of the country at that time, a four team circuit was formed in Westfield and went on to enjoy one of the best seasons of any loop the city has ever supported. With only four teams in the circuit, the talent was well divided with the. result that nearly all games played were a tossup before the records outcome show was that decided.

the eventual winners, Sanatorium, clinched the title by defeating Old I CHICAGO MEETING TO OPEN MONDAY 1 Chicago, May 11 (P -Balmoral jockey club touches off Chicago's 97-day major spring-summer thoroughbred racing season Monday. The Balmoral meeting will run for 30 days at Washington Park. The season continues, at Arlington Park and Washington Park through Labor Day, Sept. 2. During the span, more than million dollars in stakes and purses will be distributed.

Balmoral's opening feature is the $15.000 added Coronet Stakes at six furlongs for 3-year-old fillies. Highlighting the 30-day meeting will be the $50,000 Chicagoan June 8, and the $50,000 added Balmoral Turf Handicap closing day, June 15. START SOFTBALL LOOP Adams, May 11-The Town Softball League ha slaunched its 11th season here with six teams competing. The loop is composed of the Deblois Markey, Dean St. Cafe, Toro Snack Bar.

KostkAS, Commercial St. Cafe' and Chick's Cafe. ATHLETE IN KOREA North Adams, May 11-Verne Gould, former Drury High School athlete who joined the Army. al year ago, is now serving in Korea with the seventh U. Infantry Division.

He hopes for an opportunity to play baseball in the service this season. ZAVATTERO DOING WELL Pittsfield, May 11-Former Pittsfield High athlete Joe Zavattero is having considerable with Beaumont, Texas of the Class Big State League: He currently is batting .471, and is the team's first-string catcher. WIGS TOUPEES Finest Quality Workmanship Guaranteed Send For Oircular Ta BEFORE AFTER T. B. MASSARO 127 Tremont Boston, Mass.

Surging Redlegs Big Senior Loop Surprise. Cincinnati Gets Bats Booming and Pitching Show Tremendous -Improvement Over NineSwing of Eastern Cities By THE During the past week the surge the most startling development in ager Birdie Tebbetts' club has just trip without losing a single decision. this phenomenon. In the first bats to 'In the 11 games heading east they got as many the nine games in the East hit in double figures in every contest. Home runs were about same, nine to ten, It was in the pitching that the greatest difference showed.

Additional' In the first 11 games, the Reds' opponents batted for an average of 'on the castern trip Reds pitchers cut that mark to .250. The Reds hurling staff managed but 'one complete game in their first 11 contests; in the East they hurled four. Perhaps most significant is the fact that they walked 44 men in the first home stand, an average of exactly four per the eastern swing they walked" 28.0 a shade over three per game. And all baseball fans know how that deadly base on balls. can lose games.

It always seemed to this DALTON SOFTBALL LEAGUE TO OPEN Dalton, May 1--The CRA' Softball League will begin its 22d season Monday night at Pine Grove Park when Crane Co. is scheduled to meet Luigi's Restaurant of Hinsdale. On Tuesday, Central Lunch will face D'Agostino's Garage and on Wednesday the Hinsdale Home Club meets Dalton. Garage. THOMPSON TRINITY FIRST BASEMAN Pittsfield, May 11 Jack Thompson, former Pittsfield High and Deerfield Academy athlete, is playing first base for the Trinity College varsity baseball team.

He's a junior. Jack now has returned to his original position. He was used at shortstop as a freshman and at third base last spring. CHAMP DINICOLA HAS MUCH EXPERIENCE Pittsfield, May 11 Americo (Merk) DiNicola, the new Berkshire County bowling champion, has been rolling since he was 13 years old, when he was a pin boy at the New Jefferson Alleys. This was his fifth county tourney.

He finished fourth in his, first try at the tender age of Merk has been in the City League six years and in the Mercantile League 11 years. He also competes in the Fennway League. He has never had an average under 100. He now is assistant manager of Lou's Alleys, where the county finals were held. From 1952 to 1956.

he was manager of the New Jefferson. He's a 1948 graduate of Pittsfield High, and saw Army duty in Korea, LONG LIKES CHANGE OF SURROUNDINGS North Adams, May 11-Dale Long, Berkshire's only sentative in' the major leagues at the present time, who was recently traded by the Pittsburgh Pirates to the Chicago Cubs, well pleased with his new surroundings, according to word received from him by local friends. Long believes that the change in clubs will be beneficial to him as he was under great pressure with the Pirates after setting a new major league record last season for home runs in consecutive games. His batting has already started to improve and he poled two circuit blows in his early games with the Cubs. The Rev.

George Holderith has been Notre Dame's golf coach for 23 seasons. PROFESSOR 'of the Cincinnati Reds has been the National League race. Mancompleted a nine-game eastern Several factors contributed to place the Reds got their famed big they played in the West before as 10 hits in only three games. In observer that the customary weekly averages needed to be supplemented by other data if the fans are going to get the true meaning of why victory goes where it does this, great tional game of ours. Consequently we offer the following charts to provide additional data to is offered elsewhere in this sporting section.

The headings mean games played, games started. complete games pitched, shutouts, reached base average or number of men allowed to reach base via hits in and walks, including hit batsmen, nine innings of pitching, and scoring average, or percentage of men who reach base who score earned runs off a pitcher. Here are the first-division clubs as of the end of play on May 9th: shown here as they made final plans the Home City Eastern Smead, assistant director; William Lady of Sacred Heart; Robert Ryan, Sixteen Acres; and Nick (Sunday Republican Staff Photo) for the season's opening and League team will play Syracuse Oates, assistant Jack Gourlie, Wachogue Church and DeNucci, City Dye Works. baseball fans in this city and the the return of professional baseinterest in the semipro ranks more rabid fans recall the former the fact that owner Art Shean to wear a Springfield uniform Duffy of Holyoke and Westfield Colony 2-0. Danny Burke, Old Colony hurler allowed the champs but three hits, two triples and a double, but his opponent, the late Johnny Bigda, set the Envelopemakers down with only two singles.

Polish Americans and Westfield A. C. were the other two teams in the league. Bigda enjoyed one of the best years of his short career that season with Billy Grebbins behind the plate. Jimmy James, former Springfield College star, and the late "Clicky" Clark, at second and short respectively, formed an ideal keystone sack combination.

Jack Slattery at the initial sack and Duffy Clark at the hot corner completed the infield. Outfield duties were shared by Gonzalez. Eddie Anderson, Phonse Laudato, Mahoney and Freddy Frederickson, the latter top bunter in the circuit. Utility infielder Paddy. Toomey.

Such performers As "Dutch" Enko, Johnny McGowan, "Socks" O'Rourke, and Billy Tripp graced the Old Colony lineup. On the Westfield A. C. roster were Ralph Sanville, who sparkplugged the club, Heinie Miller, Pete Bryndza, Paul Schoenrock and the brothers. Polish Americans relied on the Symahcyk brothers, Billy, "Happy" and the late "Cherry." The latter's bright pitching career was cut short by his sudden death before he turned 21.

Eddie Krom, Connie Dykus, Eddie Barry and "Poochy" Lucas also carried. the colors of the Polish Americans. meeting is tentatively scheduled for Sunday morning, the 19th, at Maher's store of persons interested in reorganizing a semipro circuit here, It is felt that graduates of the Little League, which now been in operation eight years, should be ready for semi-pro ball. Stars of the first two Little League circuits that operated here are now 18 and 19 years old and should be ready to perform in a city league. I Sievers Keeps Senators From Being Total Loss Power.

Hitting Outfielder Runnerup to Williams In Home-Run Race .312. In last week's games, Sievers collected 10 hits in 21 times at bat, a .476 pace. He moved into seventh place in the batting competition. He is runnerup in to Boston's Ted Williams, who has hit nine out of the park. Williams, the league's 'fourtime batting champ, had six safeties in 11 trips last week and boosted his average to a sizzling .443.

He's followed by Harry Simpson of Kansas City with .369, Reno Bertoia of Detroit with .360 and Joe DeMaestri of Kansas City with .358. In the national league, Cicinnati's Don Hoak remained the top batsman with mark. He increased his average 19 points last week with an 8-for-17 performance. Stan Musial of St. Louis is in second place with Then come Hank Aaron of Milwaukee, .367 and Hank Foiles of Pitts: points while tailed off 24.

burgh, .362, Musial, dropped 10 The records include Friday's games. Hoak also is the league's runs batted leader withy 21 while Aaron, teammate Joe Adco*ck and Wally Moon of the Cards share the home run. lead with six. Jack Sanford, Philadelphia Phillies' rookie, and Virgil Trucks, Kansas City veteran, have the best won-lost record among the pitchers. Each has four victories and "no defeats.

Herb Score of Cleveland is the strikeout leader. He fanned 39 New York, May 11 (P -There's a big guy from St. Louis, Mo. making a lot of noise in Washington these He's a senator, but he lets his bat do his talking for him. Roy Sievers is the name and he's just about been the whole Washington basehall club.

The 6-1, 195-pound outfielder-first baseman has had some lean years after winning the American League's rookie-of-the-year award in 1949. But this season seems like one of his good ones. Not that Roy's efforts have been doing; the good. But last-place he's at Senators least, likely much to batters before he was win a spot on the circuit's all- when struck by Gil McDougald's star team come next July. line drive last Tuesday.

Sievers and Most Sievers, 30, is in his ninth big nine The home Washington runs and team Sievers has has hit batting average of .259. Last sealeague season. He has a lifetime six of them. The club has driven son, pounding Roy out finished 29 home with .253 runs. while 24 home RBIs 89 to runners lead the and Sievers has spent five seasons in this with the St.

league Louis Browns and then WAS two department. .300 batters headed traded to Washington for Gil The Senators have .330 and followed by Eddie by Yost's Roy's Coan on Feb. 18, 1954. EXETER TRACKMEN TOP MOUNT HERMON Mount Hermon, May 11-Exeter's top notch track team defeated Mount Hermon, 82 to 34 this afternoon. Dick Edmunds of.

Exeter equalled a school record by running the 100 in 9.8 while Dave Bain set a Mount Hermon mark by touring the 440 in 50.5. The summary: 120-high hurdles--Won Blodgett (E); Butler (E), 3d; D. Hamilton (MH), 3d. 100-yd dash--Won by Edmunds (E); Bain (MH), Butler (E). 3d.

-Ties Exeter record. Mile- Won by Berglund (MH); Cox 2d; Williams (MH), 3d. 440-yd. Jun -Won by Bain (MH): Johnson (MH). ad: Bunce 3d.

T- 50.5. New Mount Hermon record. 220-low hurdles--Won by Butler (E Davis (E), 2d; Fuller (MH): 3d. 880-yd. run by Wolff (4)): Keay (MH), 2d: -Clapp (E), 3d.

320-yd. dash- by Edmunds (E): Bain (NH), 2d; Harlow (MH), 3d. T- 21.1. Shotput--Won by Niles (E), Flavin (E), 2d; Heeter (E), 3d. Distance -49 ft.

Discus- Von by Flavin (E); Niles Toladort (MH), 30. Distance -110 7 in, Javelin- Won by Blodgett (E); ney (E), 2d; Davis (E), Distance-153 ft. 3 inches. Pole Vault--Tie for first between Anthony (E) Blodgett (E); tie for third among Chalmers (E), Angle (E) and Hamilton' (MH): Height-10 ft. 6 in.

High jump--Won by Wallace (E); tie for second between Morris (E). D. Hamilton (MH), Tolsdort (MH), Livingston Height-5 (MH), 6 And in. J. Hamilton (MH): Broad jump--Won by Blodgett (E); Knox.

(MIH), 2d; Angle (E), Sd. Distance-19 10 in. Chicago Cub rookie pitcher Dave Hillman won 21 games for Los Angeles in the Pacific Coast League, in 1956. Looking Back in Sports by Hollreiser 5 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK DETROIT, MAY 15,1952 VIRGIL TRUCKS PITCHED LOVE THAT HIS FIRST OF 2 NO-HITTERS OF A THE SEASON. VIC WERTZ HOMERED WITH 2 OUT IN THE NINTH INNING OFF BOB PORTERFIELD TO GIVE TRUCKS AND THE TIGERS 15 YEARS A WIN OVER WASHINGTON.


0 15.00 10.29 .400 .125 CINCINNATI Acker 6. Fowler Freeman 0 13.50 19.13 .129 9.00 .500 Hacker CO 12.33 9.86 .261 Jeffcoat 0 11.12 .378 Klippstein 0 19.58 .341 .167 0 12.44 Lawrence .277 Sanchez 17.00 11.03 .353 .111 BROOKLYN Bessent Craig 11.00 .412 Drysdale 11.14 .154 0 11.74 Labine 11.77 Maglle 0 0 11.00 10.50 .214 .273 Newcombe 0 12.00 .015 Valdes 04 10.61 11.00 .435 ST. LOUIS Dickson 21.00 .238 Jackson 21.37 1.02 .316 Jones McDaniel 9.34 .149 .133 Merritt 12.28 11.30 .304 11,57 .067 Schmidt 11.74 .233 Wehmeier 16.00 .188 Wilhelm 21.00 12.40 .392 .714 PHILADELPHIA Farrell Cardwell 1 10.86 .171 12.21 13.27 .263 .357 Miller Hearn 16.50 .357 Roberts 6 12.86 9.00 .400 Sanford 0 11.14 .206 14.76 .415 You can readily see from studying these figures that a good pitcher has an RBA of 12. or under a SA of under 3. Spahn, Burdette.

Craig, Labine, Maglie, and Podres are just a few cases in point. Keep an eye on the youngsters who have started out well, men like Pizarro, Gross, Sanchez and Cardwell. Here are the remaining ing staffs: NEW YORK' GE CG Sh NRA SA 8 14.85 -1 14.09 .519 Gomez 11.25 .225 Grissom 17.00 .412 15.00 .100 10.88 .258 33.00 .455 Ridzik 14.00 .143 Surkont 17.00 .638 Worthington 13.16 ,531 CHICAGO Brosnan 16.61 0 113.10 .375 Drabowski .563 Drott 11.32 Hillman 0 16.68 :133 Kaiser 10.90 0 0 17.00 .273 0. 2.00 Poholsky 15,00 300 Rush 13.18 .474 Valentinetti 8 0. 13.30 .203 A 11.32 Churn 0 14.63 309 Face 10,13 Friend 2.

1 12.00 .437 Hall 6 21,00 5M Kline 0 -0 16.38 .300 27.00 LAW 8.36 Turkey 10.97 .231 BASEBALL TICKETS NOW ON SALE FOR ALL BOSTON RED SOX Home Games Played at Boston with or without Bus Transportation For Information Tel. 1 RE 2-3173 PETER PAN BUS LINES OUTSTANDING POSITIONS FOR A TOP FLIGHT MEN SALES ENGINEER Electrical field. EE degree or equivalent quired. Relocate N. Y.

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State towN. perienced or recent grad. Salary $8,000. FEE PAID. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS.

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Salary $8,700. FEE PAID. 5 in New York, top grade cost accountant 8 to 10 years ACCOUNTANT. For an international business, with headquarters perience. Salary $10,000 to $14,000.

Fee negotiable. SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST. For large industrial firm in West Virginia. College degree required. Prefer writing rience, with analytical background in organization and methods.

Excellent salary. MANY OTHER LISTINGS Call In Person Bring Resumes SNELLING SNELLING Personnel Consultants 1 Suite 216 95 STATE STREET. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. vi.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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