Will Trent: Season 1, Episode 9 script (2024)

A convicted criminal is accused of murder, Will and Ormewood discover some evidence that could prove their innocence. Angie struggles with sobriety when she finds out her former abuser is free.

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Previously on "Will Trent"...

No! What the hell's your
boyfriend doing here, huh?

What, did you chase the
ambulance here, Trent?

You know how I said I
grew up in a group home?

Will was there.

We could go to the cops.

They won't do anything.

He walked into your room
in the middle of the night

and raped you.

Are you worried I'm
gonna start using again?

Angie, I know all of you.

How about the next
time you want to run,

give it 24 hours.

See if it passes.


Been waiting a long
time for today.

Hopefully, we can
all finally move on.

No matter what LaPorte gets,

it won't make up
for what he did.

Now fry, cop killer!

Enjoy Hell, LaPorte.

Andrew Hollis was my friend!

Come on. It's the cuffs.

Look at this place.
We gotta keep moving.

I love your outfit.

Thank you. It's my favorite.

Not used to the
shoes, yet, though.


Are you a lawyer?

Oh, God, no. Um... GBI.

with how often I testify here,

I might as well have
my own parking spot.

But it is hopping
in here today, huh?

Were those gunshots?

We're gonna be alright, okay?

Just breathe. What's
your name again?

Bonnie. Bonnie, I'm Faith.

We're gonna be okay.

No service. Of course.

My daughter. She's...
She's in the court.

I'm a mom, too. I get it.

But stay calm, okay?

Where's the kind we
usually get, Betty?

♪ Doesn't take much
to make me happy ♪

They must have
moved things around.

♪ And make me smile with glee ♪

♪ Never, never will
I feel discouraged ♪

We need these.

'Cause our love's no mystery ♪

Can we get the regular kind
instead of whole wheat?

Sure, yeah.

If that, uh, works for you.


That's bad bitch Betty!

What did you just call her?

That is bad bitch Betty, right?

♪ Want the whole
wide world to see ♪

Listen, I'm not sorry.

Betty is very popular on the

You didn't even
bother to ask, huh?

This is Trent.

♪ You've got the
best of my love ♪


Isn't Faith there today?

Yeah, okay, I'm just
a... A block south.

Alright, I'm on my way.

Alright, look, um...

Don't do anything
stupid, alright?

♪ Oh, oh, you've got
the best of my love ♪

Get those
civilians out of here.

Take them to
the Clerk's office.

Oh, fantastic.

It's the second responders.

You're welcome.
Will Trent, GBI.

Here to assist.

Tate Grillo, APD.

Uh, ground floor's secured.

No reported injuries
yet, but we believe

LaPorte stole a
pistol from security.

This courthouse has 14 exits.

Six have security blind spots.

Foster kid.

Spent a lot of time
in this building.

Let's put that knowledge to use.

Sam LaPorte's smart.

He knows how to get
people to trust him,

but make no mistake, he's
a cold-blooded killer.

You know a lot
about our fugitive.

He killed my partner.

Then let's find him.

Excuse me.

I said excuse me.
Hey, don't even...

- Hey, hey, hey!
- Hey!

Shut up! Shut up!

Keep breathing,
Bonnie. We're okay.

Come here.

Get over here. I
said don't move.

Please, please. Look,
she didn't do anything.

Look, I'm Faith Mitchell.

I'm with the GBI,
and I can help you.

Faith Mitchell?

You don't say. Okay, look.

Put your gun on the ground
and kick it over there.


Look, if you pull that trigger,

everyone will know
exactly where you are.

Move! Move!

It's up here, on the left.

Put your hands on your head!

Where is he?

He was gonna kill me, but


Who were you with?


Is this hers?

Where is she?

He took her.

And my car keys.

Ormewood, tell dispatch that
LaPorte is armed and dangerous.

And he's taken Faith
Mitchell hostage.

Slow down.

We don't need any
unnecessary attention.

I have a son. Jeremy.

He's a freshman at A. C. Tech.

Look, I love that kid.

So I will drive you to
the end of this world

if that means that
I'll see him again.

I'm diabetic,

and I left my kit
at the courthouse,

so if we're gonna do that,

then we need to
stop for medicine.

Keep straight.

Where are we going?





Oh, are you there, God?


It's me... Faith.

Dumb joke. Sorry.


I'm in a bit of a jam right now.

Maybe you noticed.

Okay, okay.

Relax, relax.

Come on.


Breathe space
into the joints...

through the spine.

Lengthen the arms.

Tighten the core.

Oh, my God!

Why don't we do
this in hot yoga?

Sorry, God. I'm back.

Listen, I need help.

Please don't let
this be my time.

I need to be here for Jeremy.

Please, please, please, please!


Thank you, God.

Thank you, Shanti from hot yoga.

Now please don't let
this latch be broken.

You're under arrest!

Once again, my name is
Special Agent Faith Mitchell,

and I'm with the GBI.

Obviously, I know how
to get out of a trunk.

This is not what we discussed!

I went in there and
got meds for you.

It was a nice gesture!

Where you going?
Where you going?

We're switching cars.

Come on.

Stay right there.

Do not move.


Alright, listen up.

Sam LaPorte has stolen
a black Ford F-150.

APD is patrolling his
previous addresses.

They got a half an hour on us,
but we will find that truck.

Let's go!

Be safe!

I got a bad feeling about this
angry mob of trigger-happy cops.

Yeah. Me, too.

We'll find her,

but chasing that
truck's a fool's errand.

It's one of the most
common vehicles in Georgia.

And even if we got lucky

and found the one LaPorte stole,

a high-speed pursuit only
puts Faith in danger.

And you have a better idea?

The pharmacist confirmed
that LaPorte stole insulin.

He plans on keeping Faith
alive, at least for now.

The best way to catch this guy

is by getting one
step ahead of him.

Well, how do you
plan on doing that?

Well, learning about
him, not the crime.

If I wanted to drive in
circles, I'd rent a go-kart.

So this is his mom's place, huh?

Yeah, for the last six years.

Now we just wait and hope
the prick comes home.

I didn't know
Andrew Hollis well.

You guys were close?

Yeah, he was in my
class at the Academy.

Great guy, frickin' genius.

Probably would
have made Captain.

And then he hired LaPorte.

Gave an ex-con a chance,
and look what happened.

Can't trust anybody.

I can't believe he got Mitchell.

Will must be losing his mind.

Oh, Mr. Spock?

Yeah, I bet if Mitchell dies,

it'll probably ruin
his whole afternoon.

Knock it off.

That's him.

No way. Where?

No, uh...

Never mind.

It was somebody else.

What's going on with you?

I'm fine.


Okay, I'm not
taking another step

until you tell me
where we're going.

In there, in my
friend Glen's house.

No. No.

Help! Help! Stop.

Help! Stop! Listen to me!

I'm innocent! Ow!

He says to the woman
he just kidnapped

in front of the truck he stole.

I swear, I did not
kill Andrew Hollis.

The night of the crime, I was
in there with my friend, Glen.

He can prove it, and then
you can just clear my name.

You have to see the irony
in threatening to kill me

unless I convince people
you're not a killer, right?

Well, I don't have
any other options.

Now, move.



Oh, God.

He's in here!

Sam, call an ambulance!

It's on its way.

Thank God.

He's still got a pulse.

Suspect's armed.

He's upstairs.

I found your gun.

This is Officer Grillo.

I'm at 64 Hawthorne Street.

I got one dead on
arrival... Glen Donato.

Shooter is GBI Agent
Faith Mitchell.

Copy that.
What are you doing?

It's you.

You did this to me.

Sam LaPorte's been located.

He and Mitchell are
working together.

I need backup. Now!

I need backup!

Shake it up, shake it up ♪

I just got paid ♪

♪ I'm feelin',
I'm feelin' nice ♪

Just got paid, Friday night ♪

Did you kill him? Dispatch:
Backup is on their way.

Proceed with caution.

Faith Mitchell and Sam LaPorte
are armed and dangerous.

Okay, we need to go now.

No, no. We need to
stay and explain.

Faith! They're
going to shoot us.

We gotta go. Come on.

I'm gettin' down ♪

Just got paid ♪

This is Officer Grillo.
I'm at 64 Hawthorne Street.

I got one dead on
arrival... Glen Donato.

Shooter is GBI Agent
Faith Mitchell.

That's it?

That doesn't prove anything.

Ballistics matched the
casings to Mitchell's handgun.

And her coat was found at
the scene of the crime.

That's hard evidence.

Faith's never pulled the
trigger on the job before.

There were scuff marks
from Faith's shoes

in the trunk of the sedan.

She was kidnapped.
She's your partner.

I should pull you from the
case based on your bias alone.

Oh, assign someone
worse. Be my guest.

Director Armstrong, this isn't

the Faith Mitchell
any of us know.

The two have history.

She arrested LaPorte for
burglary seven years ago.

And it pisses me off that I had
to hear that from someone else.

I need LaPorte and Mitchell
in custody A. S. A. P.

And if the two of
you aren't up to it,

I'll find someone who is.

We need a plan. Shut up.

I need to think.

I need to get a
message to my partner.

Can we call him?
With what phone?

I may have killed an innocent,

highly-decorated police officer.

You're a convicted murderer.

Even if I could call Will, APD
has already tapped his phone.

They've already tapped
everybody's phone.

got a manhunt!

Earlier today, Sam LaPorte,

convicted of killing
Officer Andrew Hollis,

escaped from APD custody

with the help of GBI
Agent Faith Mitchell.


They were last seen
driving a black F-150.

Do with that what
you will, snitches.

Okay, you did not kill
Andrew Hollis. I know.

He kept Glen from testifying

and killed him after
you escaped. I know.

You were framed. Yeah, I
said that a few times, too.

We need to find a
place to lay low.

We're gonna get through this.

Together. Okay.

Well, you do know what they say.

There are two I's
in "fugitive."

Yeah, there's also an F and a U.

Alright, we're just south
of some cabins I know about.

They should be empty
this time of year.

Where are you going?

To get a lottery ticket.

The bathroom. I'll be quick.

Okay, can you uncuff
me first, please?

Be right back, okay?

Hey, there.

I know, I know. I look a mess.

I'm having a bad day.

Hey, what do you do
when you have bad days?

Eat candy.

Yeah, well, when
I have bad days,

I like to look at
pictures of puppies.

You know, my friend
has a really cute dog.

You wanna see?

Hey, Nico. It's Faith.

Tell Will that I'm safe
and I did not kill anyone

and I left my gun
at the courthouse.


Start the truck,
start the truck.

You okay?

What were you doing with my son?

I'm gonna call the police!

Thank you, Patrick.

Nine months is a big deal.

Keep it up, brother.

Would anyone else like to share?

I would, please.

The floor is yours.

Uh, hi, I'm Angie.

I'm an alcoholic, a drug addict,

and a Sagittarius.

Hi, Angie.

I am 81 days sober, and...

today's a rough one.

I saw someone today that I
hoped I would never see again,

and now I feel
powerless and, uh,

I feel exactly like I did
the last time I saw him

when I was 15.

Uh, my colleague is...

She's been kidnapped,

and I'm supposed to be
out there looking for her,

and all I can think of is...

Oh, man.

It was so much more
fun telling y'all

about when I got kicked
out of the aquarium.

That man I saw today

was supposed to protect me

because I was a kid.

But he always said he'd rather
treat me as a woman instead.

And I just wish I could
forget that scumbag existed,

but he's back.

Oh, my partner's
calling me non-stop,

and I feel like I'm getting
pulled in a million directions.

But the fact that I'm
here right now means, uh,

in this moment, at least...

I'm in control.

Faith Mitchell.

I can't believe it.

I guess she and
LaPorte had a thing.

Glen was dead when you arrived?

Who tried to stop the bleeding?


The pillow. That
bloodstain pattern.

He must've rolled onto it.

Who the hell let
you in here, anyway?

My partner's still missing,
and the door was open.

Your partner tried to kill me.

Why didn't she?

What's that supposed to mean?

She killed Glen, right?

You arrived on the scene.

Why didn't she kill you, too?


Look, where's Angie?

She had an appointment.

What's more important than this?

Look, I'm not keeping tabs

on your girlfriend for
you, Trent, alright?

I got this.

What happened to
your neck, Tate?

Oh, this?

Faith strangled me.

With what?

Those look like ligature marks.

You know, this
homicide case is APD.

GBI was just asked to help
assist in the manhunt.

You're out of your
jurisdiction, Trent.


I'll walk you out.

Glen's car cost more than
everything in his house.

Wonder how he afforded that.

You should look into the VIN.

Oh, I don't need you to
tell me how to do my job.

Are you sure?

Because that crime
scene's busted.

It's staged.

And either you're bad at your
job, or you're in on it, too.

In on what?

It's not your case,
Trent, so let it go!

My partner's being
framed for murder!

I can't let it go! Then don't
let it go... someplace else.

Look, I can't explain
those bullet casings,

but if Faith really shot Glen,

why didn't she use the
same gun on Tate, too?

Think about it. His neck.

Those are ligature marks.

Faith had handcuffs on.

That's a
lot of leaps, Trent.

I'm going back inside.

That bloody pillow
says everything.

Thanks for the input.


Faith used
someone's phone

to send Betty a
message on the 'gram.


She says she's safe and
she didn't kill anyone,

and she left her gun
at the courthouse.

Does that make sense to you?


Yes, it does.

We're here. See?

Now, that wasn't so
bad. Okay, let me down.

How about a thank you for
carrying you through the woods?

Oh, how about thank you
for saving your life?

You know what?

You might not be a murderer,
but you are an idiot.

And you're my prisoner.

I mean, girl, those
socks are wild.

Oh, you think it's funny

that I lost my shoes
and my favorite coat

while being held
hostage at gunpoint?

Most comedians
have a tight five,

but you... you got
a tight 25 to life.

Sam, sit.

That was a good one.

You really don't
remember me, huh?

Okay, May 11, 2016.

I was at a Best Buy...


Come on. You arrested me.


No, I'm telling you.

How many times have
you been arrested?

Cool. Whatever that number is,

there have been weeks
where I did triple.

Well, you were kind.
I never forgot it.

Yeah, well, the next time
you wanna say thanks,

just send flowers.

Hey, what do you know
about that fridge?

Nothing. Good answer.

Follow me.

What's left of my
favorite outfit is ruined,

so I'm gonna take a shower.

And when I get back,
I want you to tell me

everything there is to
know about this fridge.

Seriously? Mm.

is so messed up.


Thanks for saving my life.

Thanks for ruining mine!

I need all the security
footage from the courthouse.

Well, where the hell is it?

I'll call you back.

I had a BPA expert
check the pillow.

Transfer stains.

Faith must have held
it against Glen's chest

to stop the bleeding.

You were right.

I set a meeting with
Andrew Hollis' widow

at my house.

You coming?


Please, come in.

No, no.

This was a mistake.
Mrs. Hollis.


Don't you dare.

Like we're old friends.

Mrs. Hollis.

Maia, we have questions
about Andrew's murder.

Where were you when I
found my husband's body?

When that maniac...

Do you have any whiskey?

I'm afraid this is a dry house.

That's just great.

Do you think Sam LaPorte
killed your husband?

Andrew liked him.

Wanted to give an ex-con
doing right a leg up.

Why didn't you testify?

My testimony was not needed.

Tate was the tragic hero
in search for justice.

No one cared about me.

That's not true. Oh, please.

You dropped off a
casserole and disappeared.

Tate ran the investigation.

I asked how you were
doing constantly,

and he said you didn't
want to see any of us.

Officer Grillo was
keeping you isolated.

He controlled the narrative.

I couldn't talk to anyone
without him by my side.

Snooped around my house
all hours of the night.

I swear he had my phone tapped.

Do you have any idea what
Tate was looking for?

I can't. I'm sorry.

Look, I understand
that you're scared.

Alright, but what you know

might help save
someone else's life.

My husband was an honest cop.

He knew Tate wasn't.

He suspected he was
stealing evidence.

He knew Internal Affairs
wouldn't listen without proof.

So he started to
put together a file.

Do you know where that file is?

I looked everywhere.

I never found it.

Was there anything else going on

around the time of
Andrew's murder?

Andrew planted a
bunch of bamboo,

and I didn't like it.

So he finally agreed
to change the backyard.

Two weeks into the
job, he was murdered.

Would it be possible for me to
take a look around your house?

I moved after he passed.

Too many memories.

Andrew was right about Tate.

But he's not just a bad
cop. He's a sociopath.




What the hell are you doing?

Sam LaPorte, you are a
fugitive from the law.

Put your hands up
or I will shoot.

One more move and your
head will be next.

Wow, that was a good shot.

Put your face on the floor!

Okay. Okay, okay, okay.


What happened to there
being two I's in fugitive?

My fate relies on your partner
checking his doggy DMs.

And while I'd love to put
my faith in law enforcement,

I think that ship has sailed.

Look, we need to move.

Alright, I got some
friends in North Carolina.

They... They can get
us some passports.

Just get a grip, man.

Will needs time to do his job,

and you're my prisoner...
My responsibility.

And we're gonna
live through this.

You just tried to shoot me.
And whose fault is that?

As of right now, assigning
blame is a little complicated.

We only had two
bullets left, dummy.

Hey, uh, any update on Mitchell?

Nothing solid.

What's going on?
Where have you been?

Um, can you do me a favor?

Can you verify that
that's the current address

for Lenny Broussard?

Run it yourself.


I can't have my name on it.

What'd this Lenny guy do to you?

I was in his foster
care for a little...

It wasn't great.

Must've paroled
and no one told me.

But last night, I
was with my friend Glen.

Okay, look.

We got into an
argument when I tried

to replace some bamboo
with some rose bushes,

but listen, I... I get it.

I mean, it's his
money, his house.

Jeremy. What are
you doing here?

Police brought me
in for questioning.

Do you really think
that... No, I don't.

Well, what if
something's wrong...

Jeremy, listen to me.
We're gonna get her back.

I told you to wait in my office.

And the pizza's here.

Any ideas?


But I think it's best
to keep you out of it.


How quickly can
you find a shovel?

These flashlights
are real subtle.

What the hell are we doing here?

Well, Sam says he and
Andrew got into an argument

about removing bamboo.

Maybe Andrew didn't
want him touching it

because that's where he was
hiding the file on Tate.

Under the bamboo? Seriously?

Sounds like a job for
the GBI's Panda Unit.

It's the only lead
we have, alright?

You got a better idea?

Nobody's home.

Now you tell me?

You need a boost?

Could you move your arm?

Not a team sports guy, huh?


If you're wrong about this,
we're gonna look pretty stupid.

Uh, there's a suspect
for you in holding.

My suspect, right.

Thanks, Lau.

I was told that I
was being brought in

for disorderly conduct.

I don't understand.



You're so grown up.

How... Not your
type anymore, huh?

Hold on, please.

Angie, I'm sorry.

I am so...

incredibly sorry.

You're sorry for raping
me when I was 15?

Or for getting me pregnant?

Or for all the other girls,
'cause I can't be the only one.

All of it.

I'm sorry for everything.

What I did to you, to myself.


I wish I could take it back.

Listen, I...

Prison changed me.

I have been clean for 12 years,

and I wanted to make amends.

And so I have a... a letter
that I wrote and rewrote,

but now you're here,

and I still don't
know what to say,

except for I'm sorry
for what I did.

And all I can do is promise you

that I am not that man anymore.

It's great to see you...

helping people for a living.

I can't do this.

I don't know what
I was thinking.

Here's what I don't get...

You blow your nose
with that thing, right?

Then you just keep it
in your pocket all day?

Yeah, Angie won't
answer me, either.

It's a serious question.

You know, I don't know how
you do it, Ormewood, honestly.

All those deep thoughts just
swirling around your head.

That's either a septic
tank or a miracle.



Under the bamboo.

Lenny, what
did they want?

I don't know.

It was just a big

Your mother worries too much.

Isn't that right, Crystal?

You know, it's surprisingly
easy to pick these locks.

You just need a paperclip,
a little bit of patience.

I guess that works, too.

Well, Andrew was
nothing if not thorough.

He had records of
every evidence seizure.

What they found and then
what they brought in.

And we're talking
guns, drugs, and money.

Yeah, Andrew took these photos

a few weeks before
he was murdered.


APD got a tip from a
sheriff in Pickens.

A lady said two people
tried to steal her phone

at a gas station.

Profiles match
Faith and LaPorte.

What's in Pickens?

A few years ago, there
was a string of burglaries

at a resort community.

MO matches LaPorte's.
He might be headed back.

We've gotta get there before
someone takes a shot at Faith.

We just found proof that
Tate was keeping evidence,

stealing it.

Hollis knew.

We got enough to
re-open the case.

I want that on my desk now.

I'll follow up on the evidence.

This is Detective Ormewood.

What's he doing there with you?

I'm on the right
side of this, ma'am.

I hope so. Get it done.

Will, I'm on my way.

I got this. Go
get your partner.

Thank you.

Don't make it weird.

I don't know how not to.

♪ Think of the future ♪

♪ Forget about the past ♪

You gotta
peel the paper off first.

Oh, my gosh. You're
horrible at this.

Okay, well, you're a criminal.

Your knife skills are criminal.

Put some tomatoes in it.

♪ Our love will last ♪

♪ Every day ♪

Okay. Salt and pepper.

No, actually, um, there's
some... pine nuts in the fridge.

Bottom left shelf.

You told me to get to learn
the fridge, so I listened.

You know, people always
talk about murder and arson,

but you wanna know the most
heinous crime of them all is?

The price of pine nuts.

Dump 'em.

Yep, there goes somebody's
college tuition, right there.

Where did you learn how to cook?

My mom.

Your mom. Mm-hmm.

What's she like?

Oh, she never missed a
single day of my trial.

And, you know, it didn't
look good from the jump,

but she kept showing up.

Alright, let me taste.


Not bad.

Needs some pepper.

Your mom... Yeah?

She sounds great.
Yeah, she is.

You know, she lent me the money
to help me start my business.

Your landscaping
business. Mm-hmm.

Okay, so did you
have, like, employees?

Yeah, I, uh, had
employees. Mm.

Um, Glen was one of them.

I am so sorry.

He was your friend. Yeah.

happened so fast today.

I just didn't have
time to think.


Look, I made a lot of mistakes,

and, you know, I
turned things around

and then, you know,
this happened.

My life is over.

No. Not yet.

We're gonna make things right.

♪ I promise, darling ♪

Get down.


Faith Mitchell!
I know you're in there!

You hand Sam over, we
can work something out.

Or I can just start lobbing
grenades in the living room.

I'm going out
there. No, no, no.

Don't. I have to.


Thank you...

for everything.

You stay here.

You're my responsibility,
and I will protect you.


I'm only gonna
ask you this once.

Get back in the car...

Backup's on the way, Mitchell.

It's all over.

You and your mom are
leaving quite the legacy.




Drop your weapon!

Get your hands over your head!

Don't shoot!

My name is Faith Mitchell,
and I'm a GBI agent.

Where is she?

Come on. Let's
get out of here.

Hey, wait right
there. Not so fast.

Special Agent Mitchell is under
arrest for shooting a cop.

Three hours ago, Detective
Ormewood and the GBI

seized stolen cash
and several weapons,

including the gun used
to murder Officer Hollis.

And what does that have to do

with the fact that
she murdered a cop?

It was found in a storage
unit rented by Tate Grillo.

Special Agent Mitchell
was defending herself

against a criminal, and
she's coming home with me.

I'm sorry.

You did the right thing, Faith.

You did.

This is how you decide to
tell me Betty has a puppygram?

They're overturning
your conviction.

It's official...

You did not murder
Andrew Hollis.

H... Will did.

He found the weapon that
Tate used to kill Andrew.

So, does that mean
I get to go home?

You still escaped from custody,

assaulted an officer
at the courtroom,

kidnapped me, uh,

stole two vehicles,
and broke into a cabin.

Yeah, don't forget
about your diabetes medication.

Yeah, I'll put in a
good word with the DA.

Take care of yourself, Sam.

It's okay if I call
you when I get out?

♪ It's okay in the
day, I'm staying busy ♪


Tied up enough ♪

So I don't have to wonder ♪

Is Faith okay?


She'll be alright.


I didn't hear from
you at all yesterday.

a 180 ♪

♪ I'll stay up,
clean the house ♪

At least I'm not drinking ♪

What's this?

It's non-alcoholic.

Is there a problem?

Did something happen?

God, you have no idea.

That everyone gets ♪

Why are you trying
to pick a fight?

Just disappears ♪

What's going on, huh?

Are you not gonna look at me?

Come on.

We've been doing so good, Angie.

You can tell me.

Whatever it is.

By the bed ♪

Pour myself over him ♪


It was nothing.

Just... a tough day.

I'm just really glad
that Faith is okay.

You did great work.

♪ And I wake up alone ♪

♪ And I wake up alone ♪

Will Trent: Season 1, Episode 9 script (2024)
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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Views: 6246

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Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.