Recipe To Build Qi, The Immune System, And Improve Digestion (2024)

Bok Choy, Shiitake Mushroom, Ginger Root “Happy Soup”: Recipe To Build Qi, The Immune System, And Improve Digestion

By Margarita Alcantara, M.S.Ac., L.Ac., Reiki Master/Teacher, Medicine Woman +
April 2, 2014 | Chinese Medicine, Healing, Healthy Living | 27 Comments

Growing up, I’ve always enjoyed the delicious, tangy taste of various Asian soups. One of them included baby bok choy, mushrooms, and ginger. I’ve made manysoups in the past, but, for whatever reason, I’ve only ventured into making this one when I saw the recipe on MindBodyGreen.

Frankly, I was rather nervous to cook it. Because, even though I’ve cooked numerousyummy dishes in the past, I’d never cooked this particular soupbefore. This Chinese-inspired dish also harkened to my part-Chinese ancestry. Surely, if I messed up on this commonly made dish, my ancestors would be rolling in their graves!

But, I made it nonetheless, curious to see what would happen (and, also a part of me wanted to dispel my apprehension and release my fears.)

And, wouldn’t you know it, it was absolutely delicious! I think it’s become my favorite soup, in fact. Aloved one, who’d shared this virginal batch of bok choy soup, remarked, “This is a happy soup. It makes me happy.” Indeed, I was happy eating it, too!

So, let me share the makings of the “Happy Soup” with you.

Here are some major health benefits of some of the simple ingredients:

Bok choy (Chinese cabbage):

  • Recipe To Build Qi, The Immune System, And Improve Digestion (1)A staple in Chinese cooking, this cruciferous vegetablehasvitamins C, A, and K, and is an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, and iron.
  • Asingle cup of bok choy contains the entire RDA of beta carotene, which has been shown to prevent night blindness and possibly reduce the risk of cataract and macular degeneration, makesithighly recommended by the Macular Degeneration Association.
  • It helps recoveryof breast cancer survivors.Science Dailystates, “Astudy by Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center and Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention investigators reveals that breast cancer survivors who eat more cruciferous vegetables may have improved survival…Commonly consumed cruciferous vegetables in China include turnips, Chinese cabbage/bok choy and greens, while broccoli and Brussels sprouts are the more commonly consumed cruciferous vegetables in the United States and other Western countries.”
  • In Chinese Medicine,bok choy is used to quench thirst, relieve constipation, improve digestive health, and treat diabetes. It is also considered to be a cooling food that helps cool off those of us with heat signs (such as red or flushed face and lips, desire for cold drinks, red tongue, and may even include constipation, dryness, or irritability.)

Rice noodles (rice sticks/vermicelli noodles):

  • The great thing about rice noodles is that they are gluten-free, which is a great benefit to those of us who are sensitive to gluten or have celiac disease.

Shiitake mushrooms (DongGuin Chinese):

  • Beneficial to the stomach.
  • According toHealing With Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition,by Paul Pitchford, “[It is] said to be a natural source of interferon, a protein which appears to induce an autoimmune response against cancer and viral diseases. Used in the treatment of cancer, especially cancers of the stomach and cervix.” (p. 542)
  • Decreases both fat and cholesterol in the blood, as well ashelps discharge the excess residues of accumulated animal protein.
  • They are a good source of germanium, an element that improves cellular oxygenation and enhances immunity.
  • In Chinese Medicine,it helps remedyupper respiratory diseases, poor blood circulation, liver trouble, exhaustion and weakness, and boostsQi/life energy.

Garlic (Da Suanin Chinese):

  • The benefits are numerous! But among them, garlic is powerful against infectious diseases like colds and flu. You can find my recipe on making a garlic honey elixirhere.
  • It is also a potent antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal agent.
  • Medical News Todaystates, “According to theNational Library of Medicine, part of the NIH (National Institutes of Health), USA, garlic is widely used for several conditions linked to the blood system and heart, includingatherosclerosis(hardening of the arteries), highcholesterol,heart attack,coronary heart diseaseandhypertension.Garlic is also used today by some people for the prevention oflung cancer,prostate cancer,breast cancer,stomach cancer, rectalcancer, andcolon cancer.”
  • May be effective against drug-resistant bacteria.
  • Reduces risk for heart disease,including heart attackand stroke.
  • Helps normalize your cholesteroland blood pressure.
  • Protects against cancer,including brain,lung,and prostatecancer.
  • Reduces risk of osteoarthritis.

Fresh ginger (ShengJiangin Chinese):

  • Boosts the immune system, helps us combat oncoming colds, and relieves congestion.
  • Strongly relieves nausea and vomiting.In a study published in the 2007 issue of theJournal of the Medical Association of Thailand, researchers found ginger to be more effective than vitamin B-6 in relieving nausea and vomiting during early pregnancy.
  • Ginger root has a very high level of antioxidants,higher than many berries,which makes it an excellent defender against cell damage and associated disease caused by free radicals.
  • Is anti-inflammatory.It hasbeen reported to be effective at reducing pain and swelling in patients suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee, rheumatoid arthritis and general muscle discomfort.
  • In Chinese Medicine, its warm nature warms the lungs and stops coughing, warms and heals the digestive tract (to help with nausea and indigestion), builds the Wei Qi (the defensive Qi that helps us combat oncoming colds), and can even help reduce toxicity of food poisoning, especially from shellfish.

Sun dried tomatoes:

  • Very high in fiber and Vitamin C.
  • It is also abundant inVitamin K, potassium, copper, and manganese.

Lemon juice:

  • Hasstrong antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting powers and isused as a weight lossaid because itis a digestive aid and liver cleanser.
  • It clears toxins, which is why I often recommend drinking warm lemon water in the morning to help flush out toxins.
  • It is alkalizing for the body, which restores balance toyour body’s pH.
  • Helps neutralize free radicals, which are linked to aging and most types of disease.
  • It contains citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectin, and limonene.
  • It helps heal acne, oily skin, and can be used in natural cleansers for the face and body.

Red pepper flakes:

  • Are an excellent source of beta-carotene.
  • Red peppers are a good source for capsaicin – a natural inflammation fighter.
  • It may also prevent colds by boosting immunity due to its high vitamin A content.

Recipe To Build Qi, The Immune System, And Improve Digestion (2)
Because I absolutely love soup, I doubled this recipe when preparing and cooking it, and loosely followed the instructions. I’ve made some notes of my preferred ingredientsin the recipe, below.

This recipe was adapted from,“Soup In 15 Minutes: Bok Choy, Ginger & Shiitake (Vegan & Gluten Free)”.

Ingredients (serves 4):

  • 1 lb. of baby bok choy, washed and separated (cut any large leaves in half vertically) (the grocery was all out of baby bok choy, so I got 2 large bok choy bunches, and cute them in half, horizontally and vertically)
  • 4 ounces of vermicelli rice noodles (1 large package seemed to work perfectly)
  • 3 ounces of shiitake mushrooms, sliced (I used a whole package)
  • 1 medium garlic clove, finely chopped (I put in 4 cloves to up the immune boosting capabilities, and because I love garlic!)
  • 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger, finely chopped (I used 2 medium sized nodes)
  • 4 slices of sun-dried tomatoes, finely diced
  • 4 cups of vegetable broth (I like the Better Than Bouillon vegetable stock)
  • Juice from 1/2 fresh lemon (I used bottled organic lemon juice)
  • 1/4 cup of olive oil (I used a blend of extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil, the coconut oil is sourced from the Philippines and benefits local farmers)
  • Pinch of red pepper flakes
  • Season with salt and pepper

Recipe To Build Qi, The Immune System, And Improve Digestion (3)


  1. Place a large (12 – 14″) deep sauté pan over medium/high heat.
  2. Add oil and heat until hot but not smoking.
  3. Add mushrooms and cook for about 2 minutes, or just until they begin to color.
  4. Add bok choy and cook just until they begin to wilt.
  5. Add chopped garlic, ginger and pepper flakes and cook until the garlic begins to color (a minute or less).
  6. Add the broth, the lemon and the sun-dried tomatoes and cook for a few minutes more until fragrant and the broth begins to bubble.
  7. Add the rice noodles and cook until soft but still a bit firm.
  8. Season and serve.

Recipe To Build Qi, The Immune System, And Improve Digestion (4)

Do you have a favorite Happy Soup?
If so, feel free to share your recipes in the comments, below!

Happy souping,

Recipe To Build Qi, The Immune System, And Improve Digestion (5)

Copyright © 2014 by Alcantara Acupuncture & Healing Arts. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.

Recipe To Build Qi, The Immune System, And Improve Digestion (2024)


How can I improve my stomach Qi? ›

Eat More Cooked Foods

This digestive “Qi” (enzymes, hydrochloric acid, bacteria, etc) that breaks down our food into usable parts has to do twice the amount of work when we consume raw and cold foods. Eating foods that are at body temperature or higher, allows you to save Spleen and Stomach Qi.

What foods increase Qi? ›

Foods You Should Eat to Nourish Qi

This includes foods like rice, shiitake mushrooms, lean beef, chicken, lentils, grapes, figs, cherries, sweet potatoes, whole grains, tofu, ham, dates, ginseng, royal jelly, squash, potatoes, yams, herring, or longan.

What are the symptoms of Qi deficiency in the stomach? ›

The diagnostic criteria in common are poor appetite, abdominal fullness after meal, loose bowel movements, pale or sallow complexion. The characteristic features of Spleen-Qi deficiency are fatigue, asthenia, atrophied muscle, pale tongue with thin white coating and moderate, weak pulse.

What can I drink to boost my immune system? ›

Here are six dietitian approved options:
  • Drink your greens. Eating (or drinking) more fruit and veggies is a great way to support and strengthen your immune system. ...
  • Honey and Lemon. ...
  • Almond milk (with B12) ...
  • Infused Water. ...
  • Boosted smoothies. ...
  • Ginger tea.

What should I eat for Qi deficiency? ›

“Warming foods” such as grains, pumpkin, and chicken, as well as spices like cumin, cayenne, and ginger, should be consumed frequently. Learn more about yin yang nutrition. Chewing food thoroughly is also recommended to help preserve the spleen's energy.

How to improve digestion Chinese medicine? ›

Cinnamon bark warms the digestive tract to aid in digestion. Hawthorn berry helps to reduce deposits in the arteries and blood vessels by lowering cholesterol. Orange or tangerine peel alleviates vomiting and loose stools. Ginger calms the stomach, reducing nausea and diarrhea.

What herbs increase Qi? ›

There are 13,000 herbs in the Chinese pharmacopea. many of them promote qi either directly or indirectly. A few common ones are ren shen (ginseng), dang shen (codonopsis), bai zhu (attractylodes, and Huang qi (astragalus) .

Is coffee good for Qi? ›

Coffee Moves the Qi & Relieves Liver Congestion

In moderate amounts, coffee can be helpful to the liver because it can move the Qi and relieve liver congestion. The liver is in charge of moving the Qi in the body. The key point here is that coffee should be in small amounts to achieve this function.

What herbs regulate the Qi? ›

Chai Hu and Chuan Xiong regulate and promote the circulation of Liver-Qi in order to remove Qi stagnation in the Liver. Bai Shao and Dang Gui nourish the Blood and strengthen the Liver. These two herbs can also relieve the body pain directly. Bai Zhu and Fu Ling tonify the Spleen and Stomach.

What organ controls Qi? ›

As the source of qi, blood, and body fluid, the spleen plays a vital role in maintaining life activities. The spleen governs transportation and transformation, it means the spleen can digest food, absorb nutrients of food and water, and then transport them to the heart and the lung.

Where is Qi stored in the body? ›

Qi is divided into innate Qi (Yuan Qi, roots in the kidneys), breathing Qi (Zong Qi, stored in the lungs), nurturing Qi (Yingqi, produced in the stomach and spleen) and guarding Qi (Wei Qi, body surface).

Which organ is related to raising Qi? ›

Herbs that enter the Liver, Spleen, Stomach, Large Intestine and Lung meridians are often used because these organs directly influence the Qi movement of the body.

What is the fastest immune booster? ›

Increasing vitamin intake.

Vitamins B6, C and E are all known for their immune-boosting properties. You can get all of these vitamins from a well-balanced diet, so you don't need supplements. Some foods rich in these vitamins include eggs, bell peppers, spinach and almonds.

Can Apple cider vinegar boost immune system? ›

Unfiltered apple cider vinegar often contains the “mother,” a mix of yeast and bacteria that work as probiotics. In 2018, researchers found that probiotics have an immune-boosting quality that effectively fights influenza-like respiratory infections and the common cold ( 1 ).

How do you reset your immune system? ›

To normalize your immune system, you need to find healthy ways to cope with stress and relax your nervous system. Dr. Blum recommends practicing mindfulness meditation, yoga, deep breathing, gratitude journaling, cognitive behavioral therapy, or any other technique that helps you calm down and feel positive.

How do you fix a stomach Yin deficiency? ›

Stomach yin deficiency

In these cases, use sweet, cool herbs to generate fluids, while sweet and sour herbs can generate yin.

What causes weak Qi? ›

The two major sources of Qi are breath and nutrition or digestion. Commonly, Qi deficiency is due either to poor nutrition or poor digestion.

What is stagnant stomach Qi? ›

If the Stomach-Qi and Spleen-Qi stagnate, the manifestations are fullness and distension of the entire abdomen, reduced appetite, belching, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and irregular bowel movement.

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