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  • Dec 30, 2022 at 10:09am#214420

    In reply to: Advice



    There are two beginner’s guides in the vorpX help that explain the most important stuff, but Fallout 4 is one of the games where you actually don’t really need one. Except from dialing in graphics details and resolution to match your PC’s performance (rendering in stereo 3D is more demanding than rendering mono), all you have to do pressing a button after entering the game and vorpX takes care of the rest. Precise instructions are shown in the game window.

    Gamepads work like they normally do after pressing said button.

    Dec 29, 2022 at 7:33pm#214413


    in forum General vorpX Discussion



    Hi, I’d like to get into VorpX but would like some pointers if possible and before I buy a HP Reverb headset.

    I’m looking to use VorpX with Fallout 4 and I see there are profiles for this on youtube my question is I use a modded Fallout 4 so even though Steam has to be opened it is launched through Vortex, would VorpX work in this scenario?

    There are one or two other games I’d like to use but Fallout 4 is the main one. I hope I can also use my elite series 2 xbox gamepad? I’m disabled so really prefer the gamepad to VR controllers. I’m looking at the HP Reverb (rev 2) headset. Is that a good choice? Would buying a second-hand one be wise or is it best to go brand new?

    Lastly is there an idiots guide to set this all up? I have seen a few youtube videos but they are a few years old so don’t know if they are still relevant. Sorry for the questions.

    Dec 1, 2022 at 11:41am#213988

    In reply to: Need Fallout 4 VORPX Setting Help



    “I play a modded Fallout 4”
    Have you tried to play it UN-modded ?

    If it was me I would start at the beginning (with a fresh install of the game).
    This way you can make sure everything is working as it should be first … Then start adding your mods, then you can narrow down what is causing your issue ;)

    Nov 25, 2022 at 3:14pm#213904

    Topic:Need Fallout 4 VORPX Setting Help

    in forum Game Hints and Settings



    Hello community,

    Forgive my bad English but I’ll try my best.
    I have the following problem: I play a modded Fallout 4 that I start with the NMM with activated F4SE. However, I can’t get along with the setting of the VORPX. There are downloadable Fallout 4 profiles but in my Oculus Rift S it shows ‘flat and rigid’. Can someone help me how to work with the settings? The official Fallout 4 VR is out of the question for me because the version is not compatible with my modifications. I would be very grateful for any kind help :)

    Oct 1, 2022 at 2:38pm#213219

    In reply to: The Outer World



    It is a very frustrating situation.
    I bought Vorpx mainly to play certain games like GTA4, GTA5, Red dead 2, bioshock or The Outer Worlds and it just so happens that the company that owns it is a b#####hit.
    Luckily I discovered great experiences with vorpx with fallout/Elder scroll saga, but there is no guarantee that in a few months I will be able to play them due to similar circ*mstances…

    Jul 13, 2022 at 8:03pm#212339

    In reply to: Fallout 4 Keeps Crashing (Reasons Unknown)



    I don‘t really think the issue is related to ModManager per se, more likely some feature or option you have enabled or your general setup. I don‘t recall any similar issue and given how long Fallout 4 is supported, a general ModManager issue would certainly have come up.

    Trying a different mod installer is one way to proceed, an entirely fresh install with a default ModManager setup might be another.

    Jul 13, 2022 at 6:15pm#212338

    In reply to: Fallout 4 Keeps Crashing (Reasons Unknown)




    I did as you suggested and fallout is working without Mod Manager 2. I got to run around for 2-3 minutes with a crash.

    Great news apart from the fact Fallout 4 without Mods is like the Cinema without popcorn, Just doesn’t work…

    Anything that can be done? Vortex? Anything????

    Jul 12, 2022 at 11:36am#212298

    Topic:Fallout 4 Keeps Crashing (Reasons Unknown)

    in forum Technical Support



    Equipment Oculus Quest 2
    PC Specs — i9-9900K RAM 32.0 GB RTX 3070 windows 10 Pro

    I bought Vorpx 3 days ago. I bought it mostly to play fallout 4 as the VR version isn’t enough for me (Mods) but every time I play it – it crashes after about 20 seconds. The crash offers no error, it simply shouts down the game and I’m left looking at my desktop screen. (no error message)

    For the past 3 days I’ve been going through this Vorpx forum trouble shooting my problem. So I believe I’ve tried everything that’s available to the public?

    I’ve also imported Vorpx cloud profile after doing a full restore believing this would offer a good and basic setup. My GPU is running at between 40% and 60% and the game/vorpx crashes.

    On the config menu device selection I’ve tried both Oculus and OpenVR, game/vorpx crashes

    I launch the game through Mod Manager 2 using F4SE with no active mods or plugins running, But once I see a co*ckroach ingame at the settlement the game/vorpx crashes.

    I’ve googled the problem, looked on redit also.

    Incase it matters? I’m getting steady FPS in the few seconds I get to play, between 30-90 I guess, but the rendering isn’t good. due to image stretch? maybe?

    I’m probably missing a heck of a lot of details here but any help would be welcomed. I’ve read people on this forum saying Vorpx is amazing etc. I would love to experience this software as they do!

    Again, Any help would be welcomed

    Jul 8, 2022 at 8:59am#211466

    In reply to: SkyrimSE + 30 mods + VorpX cinema mode = better than Skyrim VR



    Funny, i love Bethesda games so much. I played Fallout 4 several times, many hundret of hours, loved Oblivion but for some stange reason i was through Skyrim within just a few days. Perhaps i expected abit too much from the game, perhaps i didnt like the same voices on every corner, donno. The graphics werent kicking as promised from reading through the web,too somehow.

    @dborosev can you give us a list of those 30 Mods that work with vorpx ? ( May save some time with experimenting )

    Jun 9, 2022 at 1:22pm#211185

    In reply to: Vorpx, VR and low fps



    The geometry is the selling point for me – ive played Fallout4 modded for nearly 3 years solid now, its without a doubt my favourite game. I think mostly due to the fact that i can change and tweak things and alter bits to suit how i want to play.

    Vorpx is the icing on the cake for this game – i can play it and be IN it – the geometry is without a doubt the golden lining for me. Im running my 2060 RTX now on 1368×1440 windowed game res, and thats nice and sharp and REASONABLY playable in most areas – ive been used to 25-35 fps machines so its not bad for me.

    Jun 2, 2022 at 12:10pm#211134

    In reply to: Vorpx, VR and low fps



    Well ive been tweaking and testing for a little while now, and scouring these forums and a few other sites ive hit some interesting issues.

    My Vive + Vorpx configuration seems to work the best when the custom window size is TALLER rather than wider – odd but the pixel density is tightest like this.

    For some odd reason, the picture quality is AMAZING in geometry when i run FO4 with a custom resolution of 1080×1440. (window, set in Nvidia custom res.)
    If i lower the height of the window, i get bad pixelation – but with that exact height, i get really good quality, and the fps is 45-65 with geometry on, full vr.
    Im happy to run it like this, it looks amazing and plays well, minor stutter in heavy built up places.

    Im interested in finding out why the geometry stutters so badly at higher resolutions, and depending on where you are looking – the Nuka world dlc map in Fallout has very little structures in it, so the fps is decent enough to run Geometry in 1920×1440 res at 45 fps – but as soon as i enter an area with houses or lots of trees it tanks. Is it the cpu or gpu thats struggling here? Should i be lowering texture resolution or finding LOD / draw distance tweaks?

    Im basically trying to figure out the best way to tweak my config files for each mode.
    Z3d is ALOT faster, as i read many times here, but i cant make the 3d look “right”, and the config files from the cloud ive tried dont seem to make the picture look natural – there is a lot of distortion.
    I downloaded a cloud profile for “Ark Survival Evolved” called “The Isle” and this put Ark on a curved screen, a slight distance from the VR “centre” and has geometry and Z3d support and looks amazing, but i cant seem to simulate that with Fo4 – different games and all that i know.
    If i can run Z3d with a decent enough looking depth that would be awesome, but i cant get Fo4 or Skyrim to look like 3d – i either end up with depth but strange mirror like halos around everything, or i get a cardboard cut out like depth XD
    Is there some sort of generic guide here that i havent found about the basics of the Z3d mode and what sort of settings im looking at? A sort of, set this to this, and slide that to that and then adjust this bar to get the depth type guide?

    May 27, 2022 at 2:56pm#211078

    Topic:Vorpx, VR and low fps

    in forum Technical Support



    Recently decided to get into VR stuff, loved Fallout 4 and other games but didnt want a full vr wand experience, and Vorpx is highly recommended so i decided to buy a headset, the program and give it a bash.
    Im having some major issues, and wanted some advice or help – nothing so far has worked.

    Intel Core i7 7700k (4400mhz)
    AsusTek Z170-P motherboard
    16g DDR4 memory
    Nvidia Geforce RTX 2060, 6gb
    Vive Cosmos Elite (headset only, 1 base station)

    Setup the headset ok, ive got a Vive console window that pops up with “motion compensation” and options to select Vive openxr, Steam Xr etc. Can select VR or WMR “experience”. No idea what those are.

    Steam VR installed and works fine – i can see the base unit, i have a pretty smooth and high fps feeling here, and i used a program called virtual desktop which is sharp, smooth and fast.

    If i run games on the Steamvr using the desktop theatre, i get IMMENSE fps drop and stutter. Nothing seems to effect this, but if i enable the motion compensation option on the vive i get this weird black liquidy bleeding artifact on the headset that makes me feel violently sick. WHen this ISNT happening however, the fps is pretty decent.

    If i use Vorpx to run games, Skyrim and Fallout for example, the Steam VR loads up aswell, and then Vorpx hooks into the game and it loads. I have a screen on my pc that is 200+fps. The headset meanwhile is 30fps or lower from the looks of it, and is very stuttery and laggy. I tried the different screen options for the vorpx program and they all seem to work and im having fun looking at geometry and z3d options, but the auto resolution picker seems to want me running at 2500+ x 1800+ resolutions and these are almost 1-2 fps at best. Ive set the quality option on the auto to the lowest, and fps is awful. I disabled the “change game resolution” option and added custom resolutions to the Nvidia card, and ive had the most success with a forced 1600 x 1440 res, with z3d and a massively reduced graphics options (very low).

    My question is, why is the fps so low? A few days ago i was alt tabbing while using the program to close background apps, and noticed that while i was tabbed out of the game window, the fps was MUCH higher – nearly 70+ in the headset – but obviously i couldnt play because my mouse pointer was elsewhere – what could cause this?

    Overall im enjoying the product and im very glad i bought it, but im confused as to how to play it without it being the primary window XD

    Oh my desktop resolution is 1980×1020 btw, as the monitor doesnt go higher than this. I was able to run DSR factors on Fallout 4, scaling it up to 2560×1440 and that ran at about 70fps and looked lovely – but that doesnt work in Vorpx for me – black screen and exit to desktop. Vorpx needing a window and all that to run i suppose?

    It seems any app that starts to use DX graphics, drops in FPS for some reason if it is the main window?

    Apr 2, 2022 at 11:13pm#210498

    In reply to: Any chance of a non VR version of Vorpx now that 3d vision support is dead?




    by SuperDepth3D you mean Reshade? I also like to use that program. Recently played Resident Evil 7 and Blair Witch with it and it ran perfectly. My brother is currently playing Metro Exodus with it and is also very satisfied.

    But Tridef3D is also a very good alternative. Hellblade was a dream with it, or Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, Alien Isolation and Outlast.

    What games would you recommend for VorpX?
    Fallout3 is already a bit too old. I loved the game back then :)

    I’m afraid I didn’t understand how you do that with the zipped backups. I have never heard of such a thing. I would like to test but I have to understand that first. How can I create this .zip?

    I have a BenQ W2700. I’ve been using 3D since I saw Avatar in theaters in 2009. To this day I still love this technology :)

    My first projector was a Benq w1070+
    It could only do 1080p but I played Hellblade with it back then. With DSR you could select a 4K resolution and it ran perfectly with Tridef. You just need the right profile for it.

    Apr 1, 2022 at 5:16pm#210483

    In reply to: Any chance of a non VR version of Vorpx now that 3d vision support is dead?



    @Lewy1984 Good luck with this! I too still often play on a 3D monitor as it’s simply so much more relaxing than having to wear and HMD for games that you are really just wanting stereoscopy.

    I have very good luck now with vorpX (wish there were more absolutely perfect G3D profiles, *hint* *hint*) and SuperDepth3D is probably your best bet for titles that don’t work with vorpX or for a few other valid reasons (for example if a title is so bad you simply *have* to run other ReShade shaders; that will generally be incompatible with vorpX).

    For example, Detroit Become Human looks and runs fantastic on my 3D display using SuperDepth3D, but other titles look and run better using vorpX; especially any title with a working G3D profile (Fallout 3, FNV). It’s an unfortunate matter of trial-and-error, but in the end you can still get reasonably good results.

    Tip: If you routinely switch between different techniques or devices you can make zipped backups of your critical settings files and then label the archives properly. I move between my 3D display and HMD for Greedfall, for example, so I have “” and “” – that way I can just extract the correct prefs and move them into place rather than wasting time manually configuring settings whenever I change my display device.

    What 4K 3D projector do you have? Does it support any 4K 3D modes? I’ve been stereoscopic gaming about 12 years also and had a 720p DLP (I used it in frame-packing-mode; so it looked very sharp even at 720p). I have 3 sets of Optima shutter glasses currently, but no 3D projector at this time. I’ve been holding-out for a new standard that supports actual 4K 3D; but most projectors seem to switch to 1080P for any form of 3D output? Even though frame-packing is a thing of the past except for Blu Rays, it would be nice to find a projector that could do, for example, SBS and Top/Bottom 3D modes at 4K rather than 1080p.

    Mar 28, 2022 at 10:05am#210380

    In reply to: Any possibility G3D profiles are borked on Pimax HMDs?



    Shadows and other effects in modern games are often implemented with deferred rendering techniques that aren’t easily stereoizable. Past 3D drivers like Tridef often had the same glitches (or worse) in such cases. Fallout 4 however should be largely fine though except for some *very* minor issues with character shadows occasionally.

    In general make sure to keep the 3D-Strength at realistic levels (in official profiles that means 1.0). With realistic 3D these glitches usually aren’t too bad, only with exaggerated ‘doll-house’ 3D they become too annoying to be bearable.

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Page 3 – vorpX – VR 3D-Driver for Meta Quest, Valve Index and more PCVR headsets (2024)
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Name: Stevie Stamm

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