Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)

"Martinsville Bulletin, Sunday, September 0, 1956-Page 7-A Rookie Hurls Cubs Over Johnny Basilio 8-5 Favorite To Regain Title From SYRACUSE, N. Sept. 8 (AP) -Brimming with confidence, welterweight Champion Johnny Saxton invades Carmen Basilio's home grounds Wednesday night for a return tide fight at the War Memorial Auditorium. The 15-rounder will be broadcast and telecast -ABC, 9 p.m. EST coast, to coast.

The 26-year-old "fighting or147-pound crown second from New York, won the time at Chicago March 14 by scoring a unanimous but highly controversial decision over the ringscarred veteran from nearby Chit. tenango. Saxton was a 2-1 underdog that night and he's an 8-5? outsider for the return clash. The odds may dip by fight time 'as there are quite a few experts who feel the 29-year-old Basilio has seen his best days. Basilio cried loud and long that he "was.

robbed" in Chicago and that the referee was too quick to break whenever he started to work over Saxton at close quarters. Most fans, including those in the stadium and televiewers, and a majority of the boxing writers at the ringside, thoughts Basilio had earned the aggressive fight against the elusive, fastjabbing and sharp-punching Saxton. Saxton, although stagged in the second round, finished strong and virtually- unmarked. Basilio, who looks chopped up even when he wins, wound up with one eye shut, the other closing and face cuts. It looked like he had bumped head-on into a moving truck.

"I'll beat him again and it will easier- this time," said the quick-talking, co*cky champion as he neared neared the end of his his training. training he, "I busted him up pretty good and I did it with those jabs and combinations. did he think he got those cuts and lumps? From the referee?" It didn't take much, work for Saxton to get in shape. He has won eight straight. fights since he lost his title to Tony DeMarco in Boston, April 1.

1955. Basilio was No. 5 on the new string and Johnny has kept in shape with fights since, two of them last month. Basilio- hasn't fought. since he lost the championship.

He has put in long months of training and has concentrated heavily on running. But he has done less boxing and aced himself over the stretch. Carmen's handlers he over -trained for Saxton and was far from his best. Syracuse University is still look ing for its first undefeated football season. You're Distinguished.

so in the fashion on our new fall clothing by BOTANY DAROFF Your appearance is sure to carry that elegant air, that look. of distinction when your clothing bears the 'BOTANY' '500' Stamp of Fashion. of Peahion means FABRIC Skilled Daren FIT Now, Flettering MODE! Outstanding VALUE: See eN these special qualities in our entire handsome selection of clothing. $65 ATKINS STYLE CENTER FOR MEN Braves, 2-1; Brooklyn Dodgers Edge Giants, 4-3 EN Point After Point 1. By.

R. D. HUDSON BASKETBALL GAMES SLATED -District 6 basketball games were slated yesterday by many of the teams at the district meeting in Christiansburg. The slates. of most of the teams will be filled soon.

This year the number of cage teams in District 6 may scheduled reach is a total of 20. Since home and home games are always it obvious that no team can meet more than half of the other teams in -the district. Virtually all the conference teams slate. some games with outside foes. For that reason the big showdown comes at the annual district tourney at Blacksburg where the championship is decided.

Martinsville is the largest place that is represented in the district now, by a basketball team but the local school does not have the largest 'enrollment. Pulaski, Wytheville and Blacksburg have large enrollments. Franklin County, with more than 1,000 students 'has the largest enrollment in the district. The enrollment at. Drewry Mason are growing.

Students are transported to most of the schools from a wide area. -Pulaski-will- likely have a larger. enrollment than Martinsville. when the figures are compiled in March. Pulaski is one of the schools that will go to Group I in 1958.

Martinsville will also move up and George Wythe and Blacksburg are also expected to join the top group. Other teams in what is now District 6 will be in Group I before many years pass. GOOD FOOTBALL FIELD Northwest High School, near Rural Hall in North Carolina, is a consolidated high school where an lent football field has been built. In fact the field is better than "the ones on which most of the District 6. teams in Virginia play.

This school has been in operation for a year and the team is playing football for the second year. Northwest is located three miles southeast of Rural Hall in the northwest corner of Forsyth county. A crowd of approximately. 1,000 people saw the game: Failure of the Northwest officials to install a loud speaker system or prepare programs was something of a disappointment to visitors. These things are needed to keep the fans informed.

RHODES BACK AT -Dusty Rhodes has returned to Tri-City High at Leaksville to coach the Panther basketball team again. Rhodes was the coach of two state championship teams before he obtained a leave of absence to accept a position with the North Carolina Department of Education. The Panthers are expected to be stronger this season than during the past two years. A couple of Tri-City gridders also play basketball. Sam Gammons, tackle on the football team, is one of the top cagers.

ATTRACTIVE WILDLIFE DISPLAY- -Game Warden Edgar Lemons reports that an attractive wildlife display will be seen by those that attend the county fair at Collinsville, beginning tomorrow. The State Game Commission will have an exhibit showing mounted animals that are common in state and the skins of some of the animals will also be on display. Virginia has a large variety of game but squirrels are virtually the only animals that can be killed now. Lemons reports that squirrels are not as plentiful as last year. Many of the hunters are bagging one or two when they hunt but very few come home with the limit.

The hunters will be in the field here to shoot doves, beginning Sept. 15. The first part of the split season will end Oct. 27. It will be 1 open again from Dec.

25 to Jan. 5. Anglers will have their final fling at catching trout this week as the season will end Sept. 15. TD CLUB TO PRESENT AWARDS AGAIN The Martinsville Touchdown Club will present awards again, this year to the local gridders.

The program for the year will be discussed tomorrow night at the V-C Grill. Last year the top award went to the entire District 6 championship squad. This year the club will likely revert to the former custom of presenting an award to the most valuable player and the most improved player. Although the annual banquet for the Bulldogs will not be held until after the season closes the Touchdowners will make preparations for the event early. 1 1.

J.C. MARTIN RETURNS--J. C. Martin returned to his home near Axton Thursday night after playing baseball for the short season in the Nebraska State League. He finished with a- batting average of .278 after getting off to' poor start in this all-rookie league.

Martin tied with another Holdredge player for team leadership in home runs with 13. Although the Holdredge team finished the season in sixth place the club won 33 games and lost only 30. The percentage of .524 was one of the highest in any league, in the nation for a sixth place club. Martin will likely get. an opportunity of playing in higher class baseball next season.

NO ALL- STAR TEAMS- A motion that the District 8 coaches vote on the selection of all-star teams in both football and basketball was rejected at a meeting yesterday at Christiansburg. There was a time. when all-star teams in the district were picked. annually. However, the coaches said that there was more or less political log-rolling in connection with the selection.

It was the consensus that there was usually some injustice to some of the players. Until the past few years an all-star-football team" was selected by vote at the end of the season. It was also a custom for the coaches to hame an all-star basketball team at the conclusion of the basketball tourney. at Blacksburg. It seems to us that some satisfactory method could be devised of selecting such all-star teams.

p. Huge Crowd Foreseen For Race At Speedway Here On Sept. 23 "Clay Earles, track manager of the Martinsville Speedway, said yesterday that advance sales of reserved seats indicate' that convertible stock -car race here Sept. 23 may attract the biggest crowd on record. tract around 20,000 spectators.

Curtis Turner, winner at Darlington in the 500-mile Labor Day Grand National Circuit race for hard top cars, will. head the field in, the race here. Another wellknown driver, Glen Wood, of Stuart, also pilot a car. Now Turner would like nothing better than to win Virginia's biggest convertible classic, the 500- lap Martinsville race; and the Roanoke ace ranks as the driver to beat. Presently, Bob Welborn of Greensboro, N.

C. is leading In the national. championship point standings for convertible drivers, but Turner has been closing the gap in recent weeks and with 500 points going to the winner of the Martinsville race this will provide Turner with a chance to take No. 1 position. Turner, has Nationals won at two Martinaville, 100-mile but both wins were halfmile track before it was paved.

Approximately, 18,500 turned out for the hard top stock car race here in May. This was the largest crowd to date but Earles believes the convertible. drivers will at- Defeat Cuts Lead Of Braves To Half Game CHICAGO, Sept. 8 (AP) Moe Drabowsky, 21-vear old bonus pitcher, sent the Milwaukee Braves skidding to their fifth straight defeat today with a poised five-hit. job that gave the tail-end Chicago Cubs a 2-1 victory over veteran Lew Burdette.

The defeat cut Milwaukee's National -League lead over. secondplace to a half-game. Drabowsky, signed from Trinity College campus in Connecticut, vielded his only run in the second inning, when a pair of successive walks got him into hot water, and weathered 8 rocky eighth frame when Milwaukee loaded the bases with one out and failed to count. The slumping league. leaders, absorbing their second loss to the Cubs after dropping three straight at home to Cincinnati, again proved Monager Fred Haney's plaint that: "We need more hits and.

more runs--that's our trouble." They left nine runners stranded as Burdette, trying for his fourth decision over the Cubs; suffered his ninth loss against 18 victories. Righthander Drabowsky ed his second triumph against two setbacks; striking out five batters and walking seven, one intentionallyie Cubs clustered half of their eight hits off: Burdette in the first inning for their only two runs. The Braves skipper, Fred Haney, said afterwards that "I have no doubt but that we'll snap out of it, but I don't know when when you have guys who aren't hitting, there's not much you can do. but I don't plan any lineup changes." BROOKLYN, Sept. 8.

(AP)-Relief pitcher Don Bessent drove in the winning run in the eighth inning and protected it in the ninth as the Brooklyn Dodgers came from behind to defeat the New York Giants 4-3 today and climb to within a half-game of the leagueleading Milwaukee Braves. The victory enabled the Dodgers to pick up. full game on the Braves who dropped their fifth in succession, a 2-1 loss to the Chicago Cubs. Carl Furillo led off the eighth with a double and 1ook third as Gil Hodges bounced to second. After Rube Walker was intentionally passed by Hoyt Wilhelm, Bessent was permitted to bat and he sent a fly to Willie Mays in medium center.

May's throw was wide of the plate and Furillo scored the tie-breaking run. Bessent then finished up his two inning shutout chore by retiring the Giants in order, in the ninth to post his third victory against as many defeats. The bespectacled righthander has allowed only one run in his last 38 innings, all in relief. The winning run was the first tally he had driven in all season. Trailing 3-1, the Dodgers knocked starter.

Mary Grissom out in the seventh. Charlie Neal hit a pinch triple off the left-field wall and scored on Junior Gilliam's in-! field out. With two out, Pee Wee Reese and Duke Snider singled to drive Grossom the showers. Jackie Robinson greeted Wilhelm with a bloop single behind second just out of the reach of the diving Red Schoendienst, crossing the plate with the tying run. Mays, who scored the first Giant run, drove in the third tally with a single in the fifth.

He also made the defensive play of the day with a wall-climbing catch of Robinsons bid for extra bases in the first as Snider was heading home. Rogor Craig started for the Dodgers and almost immediately fell behind as Mays singled with two out in the first, stole second and scored on a single by Jackie Brandt. Bill White's homer in the came fourth back made it with 2-0 a but run the in Dodgers their halt when Robinson beat out an infield hit, went to second on Daryl Spencer's poor throw and scored on a double by Hodges. The Giants got that Mueller's run back single, in the fifth on Don an error by Robinson, and. May's third straight Clem Labine took over for Brooklyn in the sixth and held the Giants at bay the next two innings until the Dodgers tied the score in the seventh.

Wilhelm was charged with the defeat, his ninth against, four i Chances Of Ward To Repeat As Amateur Champ Look Slim LAKE FOREST, Sept. 8 (AP)A -For the first time since 1953 there'll be a defending champion on hand when the National Amateur Golf Championship starts Monday at the exacting Knollwood Club. But Harvie Ward's chance of becoming the Arst repeater in '21 years look very' slim. one thing, there. are too many good players 200-man field capable of knocking out almost anyone during the four six-round series of 18-hole Matches leading up to Friday's semifinal.

For another, Knollwood, one of the longest courses ever used for the National Amateur, ha's been fashioned into a severe test of golf which will allow little latitude for errors. There hasn't been a title defender in the tournament since Jack Westland lost to Arnold Palmer in the third round at Oklahoma City in 1953. And no one has won twice in a row since Lawson Little performed the feat in 1934-35. Although four of the last six winners now are professionals, amateur golf has undergone something of a revival in the past year for so. At least a dozen of the entries have the game and the experience to win.

About three time's as many are capable of upsetting the potential, winners in a quickending match. That was proven a year ago when Ward and Hillman Robbins were the only quarter-finalists who ever had been mentioned in pre-tournament speculations. San Francisco salesman who Ward, a personable, 30-year-old repeatedly has said he -won't turn pro, must be listed one of the favorites. Then there are Ken Venturi, another San 'Franciscan who led the way in the Masters Tournament through the third round this year; Doug Sanders of Tri-City Trims Northwest By 20-7 Score Tri Citv High school, foe of the Marin insville Bulldogs on Sept. 14 completely outrushed Northwest in the opener of the season to win Friday night, 20-7.

9 Sparked by Ken Campbell, slippery halfback, and Buddy Bowers, a stout. line plunger, the rolled to a 20-1 victory at Northwest. The Panthers held Northwest to! minus 14 yards by rushing. North, west scored on a pass play in the second quarter. Tri City scored In the first' quarter.

on long runs by Bowers and Campbell. Bowers broke away for of 30 yards to the Northwest 30 then an end sweep by Campbell gave Tri-City its first touchdown. In the third period Bowers went over from six yards out and again in the final quarter he hit center for about six yards to score. Tri-City was penalized total of 63 yards and some of the penalties nullified long gains, The Panthers gained 157 yards by rushing and 51 on passes. Northwest's safety man returned a punt for a 50-vard gain in the fina! period- and only driving tackle from behind prevented touchdown.

The Panthers resorted to passing only. five times but four of the passes were -completed for short gains: The Bulldogs will open the season against Tri-City at Morehead Stadium Friday night. This field is back of the high school, approximately between Draper and Mrs. Zaharias Says She. Will Win Cancer Battle GALVESTON, Tex.

Sept. 8 (AP) -Golfer Babe Didrikson Zaharias today vowed she would win' her three her bed at battle John against Sealy cancer. Hospital, the courageous shook her fist and grimly declared: "I'm determined to get up' from this bed. surprise you yet, for I'm going to win this Battle." Attending physicians said every one is amazed by. her persistent courage and.

determination. White Sox Gain Second Place Tie By Beating Indians, 4-2; Yankees Swamp Senators; 16-2 CLEVELAND, Sept. 8 (AP)-The Chicago White Sox gained second-place tie with the Cleveland Indians today as Chicago's Billy Pierce beat the Indians. 4-2 for his 19th victory. It was Chicago's 14th defeat of the Indians games this year, Yielding only seven hits, including a homer 'by Sam Mele.

White Sox southpaw became the leading winner in the American League: It was his sixth victory over the Indians. A homer by Minnie Minoso Was among the. 10 hits the Sox used to hand Early Wynn his ninth defeat against 16 victories. The White Sox scored their first run in the second inning on a single by Jim Rivera, a stolen base and a single Walt Dropo, Minoso's 15th homer gave them a 2-0 lead in the fourth and on they an made it 3-0 in the sixth unearned run following a wild throw, by Al Rosen, Rosewall, Hoad Move To Finals At Forest Hills FOREST HILLS. N.

8 (AP)-Australia's 21-year-old "tennis twins," Lew Hoad and Ken Rosewall, sent American tennis plummeting to its lowest depths in 23 years today smashing. to an all-foreign men's singles final in the diamond: jubilee National Championship. Rosewall, a little dark-haired marksman with unbelievable shot control. 'snuffed nut the last AmeriA fighter to the 10-8, 6-0. 6-3.

can hope by, crushing, Vic. Seixas," The powerfully -buil: Hoad. whose every shot is a blockbuster, overcame the early residence of his. fellow Australian, lefthander Neale Fraser, to prevail, 15-13, 6-2, Tomorrow Hoad goes after the greatest achievement in the game -a "grand slam' adding the U.S. title Australian, French and Wimbledon championships-and a $100.000 professional.

contract which is his for the asking. The day's only consolation for a near sellout crowd of 12,000 at Wes: Side Tennis Club came in the woman's division where Wimpledon Petersburg champion and Shirley Althea Fry Gibson: of. Star New York shot into the finals will resume an old rivalry. Miss Fry turned back the challenge of England's tiny Shirley Bloomer. 6-4, 6-4.

while Miss Gibson, bidding to become the first Negro ever win a major U. S. net. title, cut down Mrs. Betty Pratty of Jamaica, B.

W. 6-1, 10-8. Harvie Ward Miami Beach, who won the Canadian Open from a fine pro field; Joe Conrad of San Antonio, 1955 British Amateur champion, and. a handful of other and Walker Cup players. Ward and Venturi, who works for.

the same San Francisco mobile firm, landed at opposite ends of the draw. Venturi is in the first quarter along with Conrad, Robbins, a semifinalist last year, Walker Cup players Bruce Budd of Portland, and Don: Cherry of Falls, and Gerry MaGee, runnerup for the Canadian Amateur title. Ward, who- drew a first round bye, is in the fourth quarter, which might look easier but for the presence, of Sanders. Others in this. bracket include Chick Evans and Willie Turnesa, both two-time former champions.

Duke U. Expecting 1,000 Freshmen DURHAM, N. Sept 8-Nearly 1.000 freshmen, including 70 new student nurses, 290 coeds and 625 men, are slated to arrive on the Duke University campus here next Thursday for- a week of orientation prior to the opening of classes. In addition, more than 4,000 upperclassmen and graduate students will return to the campus early next week to complete registration and matriculation activities prior 10 the opening of classes on Thursday, Sept. 20.

According to Asst. Dean Lewis J. McNurlen, some 5,100 students are expected during the 1956-57 academic number year, which is comprised about the same as student body of a year ago. the man who wears Wings faces his public Guaranteed Airplane Guaranteed that clatt ,0 Naturally! Because this Superfort shirt has every costly plus a guarantee! The one and only shirt with airplane cloth collar and guaranteed to outwear the or you get a new one free! Fine combed broadcloth with costly single needle tailoring. Perma-sewnt buttons that the laundry can't Add to this a wide choice of the latest.

styles--and you'll is know America's why the Wings outstanding Superfort" "value $395 special 1 x3 fabric, Pend ounce for ounce the strongest Wings Mortons 9178 ST 2 CHURCH The Roanoke ace has not competed over the new half mile asphalt course. Time trials will be held Saturday afternoon, Sept. 22, starting at 1 o'clock, with the Sunday race set. for 1 o'clock also. Two more hits in the -seventh gave the 'White Sox a 4-0 lead.

NEW YORK, Sept. 8 (AP)-The New York Yankees pounded four, Washington pitchers for. 20. hits to crush the Senators 16-2 today and increase their first lead over Cleveland to games. Any.

combination of 10 New York victories and Cleveland losses will clinch the pennant for the 'Yankees. 1. Five Yankees rapped three hits apiece, Hank Bauer leading the attack with a double, triple and home run that drove in three runs. Andy Carey, with two doubles and a single, and pitcher Tom Sturdivant, with a pair. of 'singles and a sacrifice fly, also batted in three runs Yogi Berra, Joe Collins and Billy Hunter also collected three hits but Mickley Mantle, now four games behind Babe Ruth's record.

home run pace, was held to an in- field single in four. official times at bat. Sturdivant, who had an easy time picking up his 14th victory, was excused after he had held the Senators to one run and five hits in eight innings. Bob Turley finished, up and was greeted by Roy Sievers' 27th. home.

run. That set a new Washington record for one player in. a season; Pittsburgh Turns Back Philadelphia, 5 To 4 PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 8 (AP) The Pittsburgh Pirates, foiled once at the plate while trying to score the wipning run in the ninth try to Philadelphia Philinning, made, good on the second lies 5-4 in today's Connie. Mack Stadium contest before 4,808.

Two earlier Pirate homers helped reliefer Elroy Face' his 11th vistory..

Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)
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