Las Vegas Daily Optic from East Las Vegas, New Mexico (2024)

MT -j KuMiiiiK SuiKiiiy and DevnlrU ui" tile III tiivati-r Vt'LMS ulUj the slu*tf. w. KANE Editor ()r Room. i Iiu-. C14 Lint-nli) Avc VYi-us.

N. M. (i OF ASSOC'1 ATM)' IPHKSS" n'( if mv! 1 to (he u.s<- for rc-mihlirnlion nuws to it or not rrcditrd in pnper. liic ir.ral news pubMsncu herein. ALONG THE BANKS OF THE GALLINAS WALTBB HEADING FOR TH a.s Scronci Clnsx Mnuci undor iiie Ar i' till 1 1 1 ill oi Vegas.


Yes, sir, poor Mr. VaiidrrbDfs iittle tub was just too i lie uliiiost (qualiy Mr sail-equipped canoe. The 'iub'' and "canoe' cost sufficient relief lures, but it nil cornes under the of rich man's siwrt and i the old biUtPrrcl mug for which the raced in society fashion stays in U. S. We are Wiilcr carnival conscious, but! the International yacht rai-fs rather trlval from this distune'.

i to tux a.ssrss- Wi'lroinc soldiers the first tninrelsmi-n nrrived today. And a "hi" to Major Norton, in the horse Siiy, Capt. Wliipple. we prom- ised action by mid-week against the anti-wesd cutters. Really should harvest the crop of sunflowers, thistles, crtern before tlv and horse show visitors uet here.

i FAIlt DKA1. COU CAI'tTAi, One pha.sf of tin- now be-in" monts on public which ate undf-r the assessment authority ol the State Tax Commis.sion is the publu- drawn by the amounts of money mvf.slcd in Mcxim by others than its residents A remarkable- cireimiskmee is noted i.hat many of inve.slmenl.s oi capital support properties which have a greater valuation than ihr- combined assessment of all stock in the loi-u-oiM' in New Mexico One public utility in the city ot Albuquerque alone is a VZed- Alhllt l' ie alono is! Very hospitable, the Las Vegas li: "i Hie New Mexico banks' housing facilities capital -lock. Each on- of ihc major miniiiR operations is earned on the tax rolls lor value than is Uio total of 0 in hank, lpan which llu sl cal busine" thi.s depend lor financing. i Obviously New Mexico is al.lmeMvo to numerous capital investments other than in local which takes rank i(v i 1V rather low in the ralinu.s ol essentials to business York where he will manage jut seems (o indicate Unit without outside lU Con rf 1 QW MeXi woulri be in a mast unfavorable Mcx'co banking Note 0 If it's just Lne business activity the same to you, let's get the o.v outside invfsf monto anc ie sm draft made raln ovnr wili Ior couple of for the veterans stlil lacking and the lads an- liable to have to sleep in the city hall mot. the Jail, Ma ire! Alackei, former Optic sports writer, is going to the big city.

Laving Chicago for New lhe business activity the same to you, let's get the oj Oiii.side nw.sf.ineiHs. and the small draft made raln ovnr wili Ior couple of upon banking investments for public revenue which is T. KklPS ror Llie 6 lia important item of operating costs for all other capital encampment, horse show and le- But the public interest invited by of tax 0 UW most Rp versatile Mr. But the public interest invited oy of tax assessments does not seem to generate common eagerness i 10 have such investments multiplied. Instead it seems to con i Vei versatile Mr.

rMister) centrate in a desire to have the government, take'mort from rtdln8 lhe f' re the earnings of the non-resident i i sallsr lU 'S long-cherished amijl- the i ni Inve st0! ordfir to lessen tion to ring the gong and twist wL, Sn bUrtle CarrlPd thc resident in- Uw siren. Less, please, you vcstoi. What is not, learned from reading tax 1 111 iuvnken somebody. nuy i ra WMlthly throu "voSL alone. Each ,.,1 i 0 Sign of age: There is Just as much dancing WOMAN'S BROKEN AFTER ROAD MISHAP New MelJo SUIt haS be that Capital investors in i a different crowd wew Mexico have been compelled to act in concert of resist- increases of taxes or governmental regulation i STYLISTS FIND CLOTHES i-esnlt in setHn rf ta Ce addltional levies would eventually i lesiilt in setting up tnemselves as the only taxpayers the yv J' cic nave not.

The icsuit has hpon who lay crippled by the Tile Dalton, Ben j. Dalton de Nagel, Lucy police alt played a part Sandoval. Juanitn Rivera early today of-Mrs. rito Rivera. Henry Rivera' Rivera, Plorindti Rivera Llle Jesse highway several hours near Jttmin Dalton, u.

ita LUC uiuy taxoavers whilp the beneficiaries of governmental services paid bv'nub revenues would incur no obligations for the cost Taxation values Mexico are not proportionate Tf they were there would be InvSmSiteS out be hSned a so PUlatl woufd 0 up was lit Presby- Emma ARE GETTING SCANTIER teriQn hospital here with as Paris, Aug. 5. fashion experts today greeted an i exhibition of styles for fall that was literally and.frankly a revelation of how scant clothes may be and still be clothes. after her automobile ran off Atanacio touth eMt i sx.T-fei'fr A 5 Anderson's rescue. He told of John Dalton.

Sr" tne operator at Otto emer- Unknown Heirs id sun oe clomps. at cmer- It was off with the landing field that he had V. it was very on with the seen whai; appeared to be the body CharJes Dalton, there was not too of a criil when he passed about known Heirs of' along center line through said Section 32 to a stone'set in mound of stone and marked Cor. No 3 of this survey; thenee South '01 i degree oo minutes east 8C454 feet crossing the Pecos River and the Pecos-Terrero road to a large boulder an cliff, said boulder being No. 4 of this survey! tmnce South 83 degrees 05 minutes west 958.71 feet along hillside through dense timber to stone 1 marked Cor.

No. 5 of this survey- thence North oi degree 55 min- cent per annum from the 3rd duy at Way, A. 1937, until paid, and together with attorney's fees In the sum of $C5 together with the costs of tills action, including the costs etnd expenses of this snTe; that said Judgment has heretofore been partially satisfied to the extent of the sum of S50.CO Tlie amount, of said judgment, with (exclusive of the i co*kts and expenses of this sale) UK provided lit sutd decree on the 16th day of August, A. -D. 1937 the date of sale hereinafter men; tioned.

is J1243.14. I The undersigned -vas by virtue i of said decree appointed Special i Master to sell the following described land and real estate lying and being situate in San Miguel County and State of New Mexico to pay the above mentioned sum to-wit: The West Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty-six (26)- the East Half of the Southeast quarter (SEV.) of Section Twenty-seven In Township Seventeen North, Range Twenty-one (21) East of the New Mexico Meridian; containing 160 acres of land, more or less, according to Uie Government survey thereof. Together with all and singular, the lan'ds, tenements, hereditaments, und appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining I and the reversion and 1 remainder and remainders, rents I Issues, and profits thereof, or so' much thereof as may be sufficient to realise the amount so due said plaintiff as hereinbefore stated Including all fees, disbursem*nts and costs of snle herein mentioned. Now, Therefore, Uie undersigned will on the Iflth day of August, A. D.

1937, at the East front door of the courthouse in the town of Las Vegas, County of San Miguel, State of New Mexico, at the hour of Ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day offer for sale and sell tlie above described land and real estate to pay and discharge said Judgment" and costs of this suit, including costs' that have accrued and that may hereafter accrue to the highest and best bidder for cash. The terms and conditions of this sale are: the purchase price of said land shall be paid in cash IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand this 2lst day of July, A. D. 1937. W.

G. OGLE, Special Master. July 22-29, Aug. 5-12 Cruz Lopez, deceased; "the TJii- knotty Heirs of Nicolas Apodaca, AJ1 Unknown claimants of Interest Sn the Premises, adverse to the Plaintiff, are the defendants; which is a suit to forecjose a certain mortgage upon the land and premises hereinafter described, and In which said cause, judgment and decree of the said court was rendered on the 3rd day of May, A. D.

1937. for the sum of together with interest thereon at the rate of aix per cent per annum from the 3rd day of May, A. D. 1937, until paid, together with attorneys fees in the sum of $65.00, and together with the costs of tills action, including the costs and expenses of this sale, that said judgment has heretofore been partially to the extent of $50.00. The amount of said judgment with interest (exclusive of the coats and expenses of this sato) as provided in said decree, on the IBth day of August, A.

D. 1037, the date of sale hereinafter mentioned, is $1008.85. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT State of New Mexico, County San Miguel, In the Probate Court In the Matter of the Last Louisa Ward, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN much of it. "Scant raiment" was, the theme of the Sehi- 'show and one stylist, aparelll The radio operator reported the John ton, deceased, Unknown Jr uauMiig WOUld IT10 1 every other b.r^^ tloii of twenty mills or two i glancmg nt at a daring TW A 4 en route to Kansas uwll nBirs tion of property is a constant S- ssed ua decollete evening gown, summed a Bo wen relayed the, mes- Dalton.

deceased also the local invMtnr stantsale ua against overloading up the trend: by radio from the plane to asf. William Dalton tne invostoi. That, arantw ge th have, When! 1 Wauty and Un- ueceasea Un- Le or and if the people of the in its EXPLORERS ALL (The Rotarian Magazine) Every man is an should' be much a matter of ity of the Evening Lieut. A. Ehr'et sped to the gowns were cut Dalton de Sandoval, de- to the bust with startling frank- ness but there were other sur- a.

prises evert more exotic in a show The that had for its keynote: "Away with all inhibitions." There were hats named "Foolish Virgin" and "Suppressed Desire," and there were hats of felt. i sha ed llke hi heeled shoes, I exploring i turned upside down and co*cked! attending physician' said Mrs. Anderson received several Garc! 9 UHKIH broken vertebrae and. her coridi- of Charles Dalton- tion was serious. ul lean Unfcnown 7f Unknown Heirs of David dec-eased, Unknown Hrirs of Ben Dfilton, deceased, Unknown i Heirs of Alberto Daiton, deceased trnknomi Heirs of Lucy Vnknowii Clairnante of! Cor.

NO. 6 of this thence South 81 43 minutes west 3130.75 feet to Cor. No. 7 of this North 02 degrees n. minutes west 1723.15 feet cross- Ing Dalton Creek to "the quarter section corner between Sections 29 and 32 of said Township and Range, and being designated by BII iron pipe with brass cap as set and marked by the Surveyor General;" being Cor.

No. 8 of this -survey; 54 degrees" 39 mlnutss east 3168.02 feet on section, line between said Sections 29 and ,32 of said Township and Range; crossing the Pecos-Terrero Road the Pecos River, to the place of bftglttnlhg. Containing 133.22 acres, more or less. According to a sftrvey of said tract madb by H. B.

Bfeisman, Civil Lafc Tegas, New Mexico, July 1937.. being In said; acreage the Pecos-Terrero highway which runs general frrVrn rIla Quality distinguishes him Oearwater Beach, Pla. J2F-. discemin adventurer who huneerlnp Men bathers get tt break ftere activity, passes over the proverblal-ir 6 1 a activity, passes over al- nTSS 1 ca 1 his environment with adventure-making, relations' exist; Wa IS the 8 ro of attractive young While nt most beoctes a fel- of facing ilfis recourse if his sweetie lries ri her of of. the same npirit of S2 IM business competitors, great un- -n cniinVr.

I so ajso in relations between buy- Kct conv eniently near one of the aaa employees and employers and between i' shn el gM I0fce l-o be neighbors in'a world grow'nc-sm'illpr nnn Miss Myrtle refmf'iitJv uw Uoc- pretty college student, heads the allow all persons intftresled an portunUy to show cause why sufch all volunteers. "Our main purpose is to i Occidents from rather Lhiin doing rescue work," Miss Lowery explains. But- should a young man decide to stage a drowning act, it Department. ft. way ot IMkln lC New Mexico Express prTddy Raihbow Tntck Line separated by law siiwe mind gives to every now the tint of adventure, like a firo well kindled and turns it into nao saijjjiicu vu m'j caun ot vou arp State corporation CofeftiL-albri of- Notified that there has 5.

Mexico or ft of and is liow pcndihc sh "bis public convenience to Court of trie Fourth 1 Judicial operate a frfefeht trlct rif A operate a frfefght as of the State of New ae New Meco Between Laa, Vegas, and within and for the N. Romerovllfe, Santa Rosa and of Miguel, Cause No 12124 in Ft. Sumnef. Said Corporation fi Civil Docket of said Court in Com.rtissloti which said cause Hugh 193T iS thc and you and The purpose of thte notice to -d object, of said action plmlff 2. vjfitiiiiittliui Oi esc kj th Premises adverse piamtiff, premises be- MALES i pivmisea l.ipjfckfekvJifo.

1 the-, real estate' described in-, the Complaint in t.h<c' Quartet of SWe- NortheSst Siectiaif" TWiy riioffe or Ydtkyara.f\irther that unlesa -you enter or clause to entered your appearance in cause on or before the 18th of September, A D. 1937, rrient will be rendered against and each of you by Tliat Plaintiff's AttcirWeys Jose E. Armijo and H. 3, BowmaA, I whose postofflce dddrcsa Is, rg- roHowing i spectivc-ly, Laa Vegas, New Mexttd FJl niirl I A estate of by the Miguel County. New all persons having claims against said estate will present same within the time' prescribed by law.

ANNA WARD HOLT, Executrix. July 29, Aug. 5-12-19 TESTAMENT IP EVA B. GUERIN, DECEASED. State of New Mexico County of San Miguel Office of the Probate Court, Sari Miguel county.

New Mexico: To Ail Whom It May Concern, Greeting; You are. hereby informed that on the 18th day of August, 1937, has been set by the Honorable. Probate Court in and SOT the County and State aforesaid as the day on which to prove the last will and testament of said Eva 9. Guerin, Deceased. IN TESTIMONY WIEESIEOF, i have hereunto set my band and jofdcial seal of-the Probate Court, this day of July, 1837.

The undersigned was by virtue, of said decree appointed Special Master to sell the following described land and real estate Jyins and beinfj situate In San Miguel County, in the State of New Mexico, to pay the above mentioned sum, to-wit: Northwest Quarter of Section Fifteen (15); Northeast Quarter of Section Sixteen (10); Tract No. Orie (1) In Section Nine Township Thirteen (13) North, Range Sixteen (10) East of Uie frew Mexico Meridian; containing 3Bfi.65 acres of land, more or less, according to the Government survey thereof. Together with all snd singular, the lands, tenements, heredita- ments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, Issues and profits thereof, or so much thereof as may be sufficient to realize the amount so due shid plaintiff as hereinbefore stated, including all fees disbursem*nts and costs of sale therein mentioned. Now, Therefore, the undersigned will on the 16th day of August, A. D.

1937, at the East front door of the Courthouse in the Town of Las Vegas, County of San State of New Mettco, at the hour of ten b'clock, of said day, offer for sale ana sell the above described land and real estate to pay and discharge said judgment and costs pf this suit, including costs that have accrued and that may here- best bidder for cash. The terms and conditions of this said land' sha" price ESS WHEREOF, I havo W. G. OGLE Special Master July 32, 29- Aug. 5, MOirrfiAGE Notice -Is hereby given that in on Court of the Fourth of State 6f Mexico, sitting within and Count of San Miguel- ne MotOT Rarities Cdr- a plaintiff, and Victor Martinez is the en and which is a suit to foreclose a certain gage on land hereinafter described, court was.

rendered on the 30th day of March. .1937, In favor the for sum with Interest at the rate of per the date pf said decree together with the costs of this action. inclQding the costs and expenses of this (Seal) By BD. GARCIA, July 15-22-29. Aug.

5 esUUe more Rtexleo. Tract Consisting Chairman. Consistl of the northeast quarter, the north half JTO. Clfcrfc ot the District Cowt. July-.

29, Aug, 5-12-10 of the NOTICE OF STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF SAN MiotrKfj IN THE PROBATE OOtTBT No. 717 In the Matter of the Last Will and Testament of Consolaclon S. de Martmejs, depeased. WORKKRS INCOME tf and me northeast (jimrter tfi 5 fjuarter of the 4narte of the.southeast qwAtter. all in faction 32, North, 13 a su more cle aft, fo to-wit; a in, an lvon with bVli 3 u.

ua ned ln the 5 54 SSKi.iSffS 85t2E total national Incomr nald mX in. at ln 19M thc manutacturinii i 5 Until No. a thi, urvey: was the ,088, THE STATE OF NETW TO: Pita Garcia de Baca, Cftrina Garcia de Sando'val, and Matniel Garcia, and to whom, it may concern. OfeSETOTGS: You are hereby notified that the 2 1st day of- Augiat, D. has been- fixed by lW Honorable Pr0ate cawrt in and fof tMe County ana State above mentiohed fts the daw fof provine the Lest and TesitaAcnt of the said Can- S.

de Martinez, deceased. rny hand and seal Plaintiff herein (exclusive of the costs and es- peims of thts sale) as fii sa)d. on the 30Hi day of and wJU be on tho- day of AUgust, 1937, thVs da'i of sale hereinafter jnentloftsd, the of said decree appointed Special Master to sell the fdltbtrtng-; described land and premises Jyine and feeing situate In the County San Miguel, etate of New Mex- ico.ito jVay, the above riientloned sum, to-wit: Lots Klevm and Twelve fiat) in Stock No. Thlr- (32) of the San Miguel Towrisite Company's Addition to tea Vegns Ban Mifeiiel Cotsttty, New Mexico. Tsgether with and singular JIB lands, tenements, hertdJta- ments and appurtenances thcf unto toelemsing or sn sn tg a p- and the reversion and remainder reiKam.

cent in an'd for the cdunty Sao gttel tee Sgite of JJew, wturieih taftd wi.sshttit. Kansas is plaintiff, and W. Cf tmrt, tta A. A- Ws ifeW ftisl 1, )M. 1 are the jnftm fc ft suit to ft SfclwR mortgraga i at of six per (Signed) 1 JOSE TO.

CJASCtA 22-29; Aug. S-12 Notice is hereby givtsw that in No. 12039 on lite Cflvll Docket or the Dtsirfct sitting within ol or so. rakich ttiettw as may be sutficiem to realize 80 dlfe Ptelntlff as 1 including an fees, ahd coats of herein of of A. of of of Mfealeo, the ft In fchte fotsnoon of day, ofter-for saie fthd seB and, including accrued; C.

3ai Pfebto Hrtra of Andres tueero, The Heirs of July hcre- and cash, untesa aaid.

Las Vegas Daily Optic from East Las Vegas, New Mexico (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.