Keto Coconut Chocolate Candy Recipe (2024)

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Today's treat is tasty almond-topped low-carb candy bites. This simple coconut chocolate candy recipe is an easy-to-make treat for those on a sugar-free diet!

Keto Coconut Chocolate Candy Recipe (1)
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I don't make a lot of low-carb candy. It's something I reserve for special occasions like holidays and birthdays. And, there are some recipes that I began making many years ago.

When I was a teenager, I worked in a store that made candy. So, this recipe was inspired by one of the handmade chocolate candies I used to makethere.

However, rather than use the typical sweetened coconut in the candy, I used the unsweetened to make it low carb.

Although you don't have to sweeten the coconut first, I chose to do it!

I simply stirred in some hot sugar-free vanilla syrup into the coconut and let it sit. The result is a low-carb sweetened coconut that is perfect for use in recipes like this keto-friendly candy!

Why you’ll love it

If you're looking for a simple recipe to combine chocolate and coconut, this is one of the simplest recipes there is. And, to make it even easier, you can skip sweetening the dried coconut flakes.

These coconut balls taste just like an Almond Joy. If you love coconut, you will really enjoy how these taste.

Even better, they are made without any flour! No almond flour or coconut flour in these chocolate balls.

Keto Coconut Chocolate Candy Recipe (2)


There are just a few simple ingredients in these yummy chocolate coconut balls:

Shredded coconut

The coconut flavor comes from real coconut. On the keto diet, you should use unsweetened coconut.

Those who have been following a keto diet for a long time have usually lost their taste for sweets. So I'd recommend leaving the coconut unsweetened in this recipe if that describes you.

Sugar-free vanilla syrup

This not only adds incredible flavor to the coconut chocolate candy, but it also sweetens it, too, without adding sugar or carbs.


I used a bar of unsweetened baking chocolate. You could replace it with either sugar-free milk chocolate or dark chocolate chips.


The butter is used to melt the chocolate in this recipe. You could also use coconut oil instead of butter for these homemade candies.


You will need powdered erythritol, which is a powdered sugar substitute. If you think it still needs to be a bit sweeter, add a tiny bit of stevia concentrated powder.

Use a liquid sweetener that can be soaked up by the coconut to give it a touch of sweetness.

Vanilla extract

A little bit of sugar-free vanilla extract really amplifies the rest of the flavors.


I used whole almonds, but you can use chopped almonds instead.

Please note:Check out the recipe card at the bottom for a full list of ingredients used to make this low-carb recipe.

Keto Coconut Chocolate Candy Recipe (3)


  • Add chocolate chips. Mix in some sugar-free chocolate chips and the candies will have a richer flavor with more texture.
  • Use roasted almonds. This will deepen the flavor profiles of the nuts.
  • Add water to the baking sheets. When you put a small amount of water under the plastic wrap, it helps the candies come off the plastic easier.


This chocolate-covered coconut candy recipe is made similar to peanut clusters. You simply mix the coconut into the melted chocolate and scoop it onto a non-stick tray to harden.

However, I've dressed it up in this recipe by adding an almond on top of each one. This is how I used to make them many years ago at my first job in a nut and candy store in the local mall!

Sweeten the coconut

If you want to sweeten the coconut, just put the coconut in a small bowl with zero-carb vanilla syrup. You can use the kind that's typically used to flavor coffee or go for the more natural stevia-sweetened one.

Then, I cover it with plastic wrap and let it sit, so the coconut mixture absorbs the syrup.

Keto Coconut Chocolate Candy Recipe (4)

Melt the chocolate

Then, I melt baking chocolate with butter and then add in some powdered erythritoland stevia extract powder.

Keto Coconut Chocolate Candy Recipe (5)

Stir in the coconut

Once the sweeteners are blended in, it's time to add in the coconut and stir until it's covered in chocolate.

Keto Coconut Chocolate Candy Recipe (6)

Scoop candy onto baking sheet

Next, you just place a tablespoon-sized scoop onto a non-stick surface and top each scoop with an almond. Allow it to sit until hardened. Then, it's ready to enjoy!

Keto Coconut Chocolate Candy Recipe (7)

️ Serving suggestions

This is the perfect dessert to serve at a party. There are lots ofketo-friendly dessertsyou can serve with it.

This chocolate coconut candy tastes amazing with some keto cream cheese cookies. They are crispy and light and actually complement the rich flavors of these candies.

For an even lighter dessert, enjoy a small bowl of sugar-free banana pudding with a piece of coconut chocolate candy. The combination will taste like a banana split.

Keto Coconut Chocolate Candy Recipe (8)


Before we get to the printable recipe card, here are some questions people often ask about how to make it.

Is sweetened condensed milk keto-friendly?

No, it has too much sugar and carbs to be keto-friendly.

Can I use desiccated coconut?

Yes, I used desiccated coconut in my recipe. That's just a fancy way of saying coconut that was freshly shredded, flaked, and dried.

How do you store leftover homemade candies?

Keep leftover chocolate candy in an airtight container at room temperature. Separate the layers with parchment paper.

What is the best way to melt the chocolate?

I used a microwave-safe bowl and heated the chocolate in 30-second intervals, stirring in between each round until the chocolate was completely melted.

Can I give this as a gift?

This sugar-free chocolate-covered coconut candy recipe makes the perfect gift. Just put each bite into small paper candy cups and box them up.

Keto Coconut Chocolate Candy Recipe (9)

When you are craving a sugar-free Almond Joy candy bar, this sweet, low-carb coconutcandy is sure tohit the spot.

What's your favorite way to enjoy the flavors of chocolate and coconut?

Looking for other sugar-free treats to make for your next party (or when you are just craving something sweet)? Be sure to check out these gluten-freeketo desserts. They are some of my favorites!

  • Keto Pecan Piehas an addicting nutty flavor and the same rich sweetness as the classic version, but still low in carbs.
  • White Chocolate Keto Trufflesare a tasty homemade treat that will be remembered on any special day.
  • Homemade Keto Peanut Butter Cupstaste just as good as the store-bought candies, but these are easy on your stomach.
  • Chewy Keto Chocolate Chip Cookiesare a sugar-free twist on a classic recipe and they have less than 1g net carbs in each cookie.
  • No Bake Keto Cookiesare super easy to make and keep in the freezer.

Follow us on FACEBOOK, PINTEREST, and INSTAGRAM for even more tasty keto-friendly recipes!


Keto Coconut Chocolate Candy Recipe (10)

Chocolate Covered Coconut Candy

5 from 2 votes

Today's treat is tasty almond-topped low-carb candy bites. This simple coconut chocolate candy recipe is an easy-to-make treat for those on a sugar-free diet!

Prep Time:10 minutes mins

Cook Time:1 minute min

Total Time:11 minutes mins

Course: Dessert

Cuisine: American

Print Pin Review Recipe Save Recipe

Servings: 24 candies

Calories: 48



US Customary - Metric


  • Put coconut in small glass bowl. Heat vanilla syrup to boiling in microwave. Stir hot syrup into coconut and cover bowl with plastic wrap. Let sit.

  • Place chocolate and butter in small glass bowl and microwave until melted, about 1 minute. When melted, add the erythritol, stevia and vanilla extract. Stir well. Then, add in the coconut.

  • Pour small amount of water into metal baking sheets, then line baking sheet with plastic wrap.

  • Put teaspoons of chocolate candy mixture onto plastic wrap.

  • Top each candy with an almond.

  • Place in refrigerator to harden chocolate.


Makes about 24 candies

With a small amount of water under the plastic wrap, the candies come off easier.

Add chocolate chips. Mix in some sugar-free chocolate chips and the candies will have a richer flavor with more texture.

Use roasted almonds. This will deepen the flavor profiles of the nuts.

Low Carb Sweeteners | Keto Sweetener Conversion Chart


Serving: 1candy | Calories: 48 | Carbohydrates: 2g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 4g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Cholesterol: 3mg | Sodium: 10mg | Potassium: 9mg | Fiber: 1g | Vitamin A: 50IU | Calcium: 20mg | Iron: 0.7mg

Additional Info

Net Carbs: 1g | % Carbs: 9.1% | % Protein: 9.1% | % Fat: 81.8% | SmartPoints: 2

Notes on Nutritional Information

Nutritional information for the recipe is provided as a courtesy and is approximate only. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the nutritional information given for any recipe on this site. Erythritol carbs are not included in carb counts as it has been shown not to impact blood sugar. Net carbs are the total carbs minus fiber.


© - Unauthorized use of this material without written permission is strictly prohibited unless for personal offline purposes. Single photos may be used, provided that full credit is given to along with a link back to the original content.

First published July 18, 2010. Updated on March 8, 2022, with new images and additional recipe information.

Keto Coconut Chocolate Candy Recipe (2024)
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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.