do you adore? - Chapter 6 - tendermoon (2024)

Chapter Text

  • back kiss

Naruto was barely keeping himself on his feet.

So much for being the strongest shinobi in the village, and the inevitable succesor of Kakashi as Hokage of the Hidden Leaf.

As long as he was still a working ninja, he would not get any rest from missions, especially the hardest ones. With his growing popularity, even the diplomacy missions were highly requested of him. Which, in a way, was flattering and an important development. But those missions were growing more constant, while he was growing tired.

He was back at the village for the first time in three months and two weeks. He had barely any chakra left in his body. His legs hurt which every step he took while walking home after meeting Kakashi, his hand barely lifting when the villagers went to meet him.

He just wanted to sleep. He should shower first, of course. Maybe he would just sleep on the shower.

At some point, he managed to arrive in his sh*tty little apartment, throwing his sandals out of his feet by just swinging them.

He went straight to his bedroom, undressed and got under the hot water in record time.

He doesn't really remember anything after turning the water off. He was so tired he stumbled his way to the bed, falling head first into his pillow, wet hair and a wet bare chest forming a puddle under him.

He woke up hours after, disoriented, feeling lightheaded and aching all over. He had his eyelids closed, not having the strength to even open his eyes.

He noticed a weight on the left side of his back, something warm and not heavy enough to have alarmed him during sleep.

He opened his eyes at that, not moving, letting his brain and body register the presence. He calmed down as soon as he remembered the only person who had the key to his apartment was his girlfriend.

He gently moved from under her, catching her sleeping body with his hands and slowly setting her directly to his bed.

Her eyes opened to meet his, her pearlescent irises shining with a few tears from a well rested sleep. A strand of her hair was on her mouth, and he laughed, his stomach vibrating with it against the bed. He reached for the hair and she made a funny face, not having noticed she was eating it accidentally before.

"Good evening, stalker." He joked, the same old joke since the time he handed her the key. She merely blinked at him, unfazed.

She suppressed a yawn, her arm reaching for his naked back, caressing his hot skin up and down, her movement measured in faint, soft touches of her fingertips. He felt the goosebumps, suddenly very awake and aware of himself.

She had closed her eyes again, a small pleasant smile on her face.

His heart clenched.

She was always so happy to just be near him. Always so eager to touch him, to make him feel safe and loved. He felt simultaneously like the smallest and biggest person in the world when she was around.

He wanted to hide from the word under her long skirts, protected by her hands only. He wanted to burn it all just to keep her warm. He wanted to exist for her smiles, her fingers, the laughter that echoed through his mind when he had trouble falling asleep on the nights she couldn't stay over.

"I missed you, you know." He whispered, his forehead touching hers, their shared breaths being the only sound inside his bedroom.

Ir was a cold night. He hadn't realized before it was already so late.

"I missed you too." She whispered back, eyes still closed, hand still on him. "I went to Kakashi and he told me you arrived at four in the morning. I was worried, but also mad you didn't come to see me."

There was a light tone that expressed she was joking or at least exaggerating the feeling.

"Well, excuse me princess, even the strongest and coolest and most handsome shinobi in Konoha has to rest sometimes. He gets tired too, you know." He pouted, even though she couldn't see him.

"Really? Where is he?" She mocked, which made him gently push a strand of her hair.

"Ouch." It was her time to pout, her eyes finally finding his again.

"Don't be a baby. It didn't even hurt." He showed her his tongue, his ever childish charms coming through.

She pinched his back in response.

"Wow! I just return from a very hard and long mission and my girlfriend is abusing me!" He buried his face on his pillow in a dramatic fashion.

"Break up with her if she's so mean."

He knew Hinata better than most people since they began dating. He knew she wasn't serious at all by her tone of voice. But still, he lifted his head so fast he would hear a cracking of his neck.

"Don't joke about that." He frowned at her, trying to be serious but breaking at her teasing smile.

"Maybe I should date someone who goes to me directly and doesn't let me panic over him being too hurt to find me." She made an expression looking up to his ceiling, as if truly considering the possibility. "Maybe he would-"

He shut her up with a kiss, so sudden it felt a little violent, so he slowed down, feeling her open her mouth agaisnt his, giving in with a sigh. He lifted himself up a little, elbows agaisnt the mattress, angling his head and pushing his lips harder into hers. She reached for his cheeks, fingers stroking the whiskers on his face.

Why do you love touching my cheeks so much?

You're just so pretty. Your whiskers make you look like a fox.

He never really thought much about the marks on his cheeks before her. It was just another trait for kids to make fun of, and something he easily forgot was unusual once he grew up. It was never something he considered particularly as anything.

Again, she made him feel special in ways no one had before. No one ever would.

She pulled away first, sensing his change in pace, his heavily breathing. Their foreheads were touching again, her hands still warming his face.

They stayed like this for a while, in silence, in comfort. In love.

Her hands left him and he wanted to whine, be needy and pathetic, ask for them to stay like that a minute longer because he was still so tired, so exhausted mentally and physically, and nothing managed to warm him up like her.

But she lifted herself enough to crawl to his back again, kissing it slowly, kissing every spot of skin she could with no rush.

He burned, rush flowing through him so fast it made him dizzy, hands clinging into his pillow, eyes shutting down again.

No matter what was done to his body and mind, he would always be fine as long as he had her.

do you adore? - Chapter 6 - tendermoon (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.