COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (2024)

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Select all | Clear all

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= 70; = 30; = 95; chartInstance = new BarDivergingChart(config); } else if (chartView === 'file') { $('#chart-__f2781cd94b354fe5b18d3a9c7b4b84a3-file').css('display', 'block'); $('#chart-__f2781cd94b354fe5b18d3a9c7b4b84a3').css('display', 'none'); $('#table-__f2781cd94b354fe5b18d3a9c7b4b84a3').css('display', 'none'); } else if (chartView === "table") { $('#chart-__f2781cd94b354fe5b18d3a9c7b4b84a3-file').css('display', 'none'); $('#chart-__f2781cd94b354fe5b18d3a9c7b4b84a3').css('display', 'none'); $('#table-__f2781cd94b354fe5b18d3a9c7b4b84a3').css('display', 'block'); chartInstance = new StatesTable({ chartType: 'map', containerId: 'table-__f2781cd94b354fe5b18d3a9c7b4b84a3', figureData: filteredFigureData, showConfidenceInterval: getErrorCheck(), hasAnySe: false, roundValues: true, horizontalLabel: horizontalLabel, 'table.usAverage.hide': chartSettings['table.usAverage.hide'], }); } chartingUtils.logChart(chartInstance, figureNumber); } window.addEventListener('resize', function () { zoomMap(); 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The first law allowing the establishment of public charter schools was passed in Minnesota in 1991.6 Forty-five states and the District of Columbia had passed public charter legislation as of fall 2021 (the exceptions were Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Vermont).7 [State/jurisdiction]

Of the 46 states/jurisdictions with legislative approval for public charter schools as of fall 2021, the District of Columbia had the highest percentage of public school students enrolled in charter schools (45 percent), followed by Arizona (20 percent). In an additional eight states—Colorado, Nevada, Florida, Louisiana, Delaware, California, Utah, and Michigan—from 10 to 15 percent of public school students were enrolled in charter schools. Seven states, however, had less than 1 percent of their public school students enrolled in public charter schools in fall 2021. These states were Wyoming, Mississippi, Kansas, Alabama, Washington, Virginia, and Iowa.8 Kentucky and West Virginia had no charter schools in 2021. [State/jurisdiction]

Enrollment of students in public charter schools in fall 2021 was 1.9 million greater than in fall 2010, and about one-half (or 0.9 million) of this difference in enrollment could be attributed to enrollment increases in charter schools in California, Texas, Florida, and New York between the two years. Across all states/jurisdictions with students enrolled in charter schools in fall 2021 (43 states and the District of Columbia), charter school enrollment was generally higher in fall 2021 than in 2010, but patterns differed before and during the pandemic. Specifically,

  • 41 states and the District of Columbia had higher charter school enrollments in fall 2019 than in fall 2010;
  • 39 states and the District of Columbia had higher charter enrollments in fall 2020 than in fall 2019; and
  • 26 states had higher charter enrollments in fall 2021 than in fall 2020.

Overall, 41 states and the District of Columbia had higher charter school enrollments in fall 2021 than in fall 2010. Charter school enrollment was lower in fall 2021 than in fall 2010 in Iowa and Kansas. [Time series] [State/jurisdiction]

Characteristics of Charter Schools and Their Students

Figure 3. Percentage distribution of public charter school students, by race/ethnicity: Fall 2010 and fall 2021

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (13)

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COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (14)

Users can select any combination of available years and categories in any figure format (i.e., bar or table). The initial selection of years and categories may not be optimal in different views.


Bar | Table

Bar | Table

Users can select years at irregularintervals. However, as a result, the distance between the data points will not be proportional to the number of years between them.


Embed this figure

# Rounds to zero.

NOTE: Data in this figure represent the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Race categories exclude persons of Hispanic ethnicity. Although rounded numbers are displayed, the figures are based on unrounded data. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), “Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey,” 2010–11 and 2021–22. See Digest of Education Statistics 2022, table 216.30 and table 216.30a.

Between fall 2010 and fall 2021, trends in the demographic composition of public charter schools were similar to those seen in public schools overall (for more information, see the indicator Racial/Ethnic Enrollment in Public Schools). Between the two years, the percentages of public charter school students who were

  • Hispanic increased (from 27 to 36 percent);
  • of Two or more races increased (from 3 to 5 percent);
  • Asian increased (from 3 to 4 percent);
  • White decreased (from 36 to 29 percent);
  • Black decreased (from 29 to 24 percent);
  • American Indian/Alaska Native decreased (from 0.9 to 0.7 percent); and
  • Pacific Islander decreased (from 0.5 to 0.4 percent).

[Time series] [Race/ethnicity]

In fall 2021, a higher percentage of charter school students than of traditional public school students attended schools where a majority of their peers were eligible for free or reduced-price lunch (FRPL). For this indicator, schools in which more than 75 percent of students qualify for FRPL under the National School Lunch Program are considered high-poverty schools.9 Those in which 25 percent or less of students qualify for FRPL are considered low-poverty schools. In fall 2021, some 31 percent of public charter school students attended high-poverty schools, which was higher than the 21 percent of traditional public school students who attended high-poverty schools. The percentage of students attending low-poverty schools was lower for public charter school students (17 percent) than for traditional public school students (25 percent).10 [Socioeconomic status (SES)]

Figure 4. Percentage distribution of public charter schools, by enrollment size: Fall 2010 and fall 2021.

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (21)

Hover, click, and tap to see more for all figures on this page.

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (22)

Users can select any combination of available years and categories in any figure format (i.e., bar or table). The initial selection of years and categories may not be optimal in different views.


Bar | Table

Bar | Table

Users can select years at irregularintervals. However, as a result, the distance between the data points will not be proportional to the number of years between them.


Embed this figure

NOTE: Data in this figure represent the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Common Core of Data (CCD), “Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey,” 2010–11 and 2021–22. See Digest of Education Statistics 2022, table 216.30 and table 216.30a.

The percentages of public charter schools with 300–499, 500–999, and 1,000 or more students each increased between fall 2010 and fall 2021, while the percentage of public charter schools with fewer than 300 students decreased. [Time series] [Size]

1Rafa, A., Erwin, B., Kelly, B., and Wixom, M. A. (2020). 50-State Comparison: Charter School Policies. Denver, CO: Education Commission of the States. Retrieved November 30, 2022, from

2In this indicator, data on public charter school enrollment are collected at the school level, in the Common Core of Data (CCD) Public Elementary/Secondary School Universe Survey. Enrollment is reported for “October 1 or the closest school day to October 1.”

3Prekindergarten schools are defined as schools that offer prekindergarten only. Elementary schools are defined as schools that offer more of grades K–4 than higher grades.

4Middle schools are defined as schools that offer more of grades 5–8 than higher or lower grades. Secondary/high schools are defined as schools that offer more of grades 9–12 than lower grades.

5Other schools are defined as schools that offer all other combinations of grades, including K–12 schools. Ungraded schools are defined as schools that offer ungraded education only.

6Finnigan, K., Adelman, N., Anderson, L., Cotton, L., Donnelly, M. B., and Price, T. (2004). Evaluation of the Public Charter Schools Program: Final Report. U.S. Department of Education, Office of the Deputy Secretary. Washington, DC: Policy and Program Studies Service. Retrieved November 30, 2022, from

7Rafa, A., Erwin, B., Kelly, B., and Wixom, M. A. (2020). 50-State Comparison: Charter School Policies. Denver, CO: Education Commission of the States. Retrieved December 19, 2022, from

8Although Kentucky and West Virginia had passed public charter school legislation as of fall 2021, these states did not report any charter schools or charter school enrollment in 2021.

9Includes students whose National School Lunch Program eligibility has been determined through direct certification.

10In fall 2021, some 8 percent of public charter school students and 3 percent of traditional public school students attended schools that did not participate in FRPL or had missing data.

Supplemental Information

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (26)

Characteristics of Elementary and Secondary Schools

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (27)

Elementary and Secondary Enrollment [Status and Trends in the Education of Racial and Ethnic Groups]

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (28)

Private School Enrollment

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (29)

Public School Enrollment


Common Core of Data (CCD)


COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (30)

Table 203.50 (Digest 2022): Enrollment and percentage distribution of enrollment in public elementary and secondary schools, by race/ethnicity and region: Selected years, fall 1995 through fall 2031;

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (31)

Table 216.10 (Digest 2022): Number of public elementary and secondary schools, by school level, type, and charter, magnet, and virtual status: School years 2010-11 through 2021-22;

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (32)

Table 216.20 (Digest 2022): Enrollment of public elementary and secondary schools, by school level, type, and charter, magnet, and virtual status: School years 2010-11 through 2021-22;

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (33)

Table 216.30 (Digest 2022): Number and percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary students and schools, by traditional or charter school status and selected characteristics: School years 2011-12 and 2021-22;

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (34)

Table 216.30a (Digest 2022): Number and percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary students and schools, by traditional or charter school status and selected characteristics: School years 2010-11 and 2020-21;

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (35)

Table 216.90 (Digest 2022): Public elementary and secondary charter schools and enrollment, and charter schools and enrollment as a percentage of total public schools and total enrollment in public schools, by state: Selected school years, 2000-01 through 2021-22;

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (36)

Table 216.30 (Digest 2021): Number and percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary students and schools, by traditional or charter school status and selected characteristics: Selected years, 2009-10 and 2019-20;

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (37)

Table 216.30 (Digest 2020): Number and percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary students and schools, by traditional or charter school status and selected characteristics: Selected years, 1999-2000 through 2018-19;

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (38)

Table 216.30 (Digest 2019): Number and percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary students and schools, by traditional or charter school status and selected characteristics: Selected years, 1999-2000 through 2017-18;

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (39)

Table 216.30 (Digest 2018): Number and percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary students and schools, by traditional or charter school status and selected characteristics: Selected years, 2000-01 through 2016-17;

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (40)

Table 216.30 (Digest 2017): Number and percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary students and schools, by traditional or charter school status and selected characteristics: Selected years, 2000-01 through 2015-16;

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (41)

Table 216.30 (Digest 2016): Number and percentage distribution of public elementary and secondary students and schools, by traditional or charter school status and selected characteristics: Selected years, 1999-2000 through 2014-15


Elementary schoolEnrollmentFree or reduced-price lunchMiddle schoolNational School Lunch ProgramOther/ungraded schoolPrekindergarten schoolPublic charter schoolPublic school or institutionRacial/ethnic groupSecondary/High schoolStudent membershipTraditional public school


COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (42)

Public Charter School Enrollment - May 2022

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (43)

Public Charter School Enrollment - May 2021

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (44)

Public Charter School Enrollment - May 2020

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (45)

Public Charter School Enrollment - May 2019

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (46)

Public Charter School Enrollment - May 2018

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (47)

Public Charter School Enrollment - May 2017

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (48)

Charter School Enrollment - May 2016

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (49)

Charter School Enrollment - May 2015

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (50)

Charter School Enrollment - April 2014

COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (51)

Charter School Enrollment - January 2013


Suggested Citation

National Center for Education Statistics. (2023). Public Charter School Enrollment.Condition of Education.U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences. Retrieved [date], from

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COE - Public Charter School Enrollment (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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