16 Creative Recipes Using Avocados Every ~Millennial~ Will Go Wild For - Mommyish (2024)

16 Creative Recipes Using Avocados Every ~Millennial~ Will Go Wild For - Mommyish (1)

If you’re a millennial, chances are you’ve probably consumed more than your fair share of avocado in the past couple of years. In fact, it’s almost impossible to go on Instagram or Facebook without someone posting a picture of an $8 avocado toast. So with all the hype, it’s important to find unique and exciting ways to get your fix of this superfood.

The health benefits of avocados areundeniable””they’re full of vitamins, minerals and healthy fats that make them a staple in the diet of every modern health nut. But let’s be honest, eating the same thing every day can get boring, plus avocados aren’t super exciting flavor-wise. Luckily for us, they can be used in tons of creative ways, in sweet and savory dishes alike!

We’ve rounded up 16 unusual recipes that are crazy delicious, whether you’re looking forhealthy alternativesto your favorite dishes or just can’t get enough avocado.

Healthy Carbonara byOh She Glows

16 Creative Recipes Using Avocados Every ~Millennial~ Will Go Wild For - Mommyish (2)

Oh She Glows

One of the best things about avocados is their creamy texture. That makes it the perfect vegan alternative for cream, butter, sour cream and tons of other rich, dairy products. Instead of eating an avocado straight-up, this recipe blends them to create a carbonara sauce.

Blended with a bunch of basil, garlic, and other herbs, this recipe serves up a delicious sauce that will help satisfy your carb cravings. While it may not taste exactly like traditional carbonara, this dish is a quick and light version of the Italian classic.

Indulgent Brownies byHalf Baked Harvest

16 Creative Recipes Using Avocados Every ~Millennial~ Will Go Wild For - Mommyish (3)

Half Baked Harvest

Yes, you’re reading that correctlyavocado brownies. While ”healthy brownie” may seem like an oxymoron, this recipe takes a classic dessert and gives it a healthy twist.

The avocado helps keep these brownies super fudgy and dense, while a healthy amount of cocoa makes it taste like the real thing. And even better, these can be made vegan by replacing the eggs with chia or flax seed.

Creamy Breakfast Smoothie byOmnivore’s Cookbook

16 Creative Recipes Using Avocados Every ~Millennial~ Will Go Wild For - Mommyish (4)

Omnivore’s Cookbook

This recipe gives you the basic components to making an easy breakfast smoothie, but we highly recommend customizing this with your favorite fruits, vegetables, and other add-ins. Pro-tip: peanut butter makes everything better, plus it adds a ton of protein to get you ready for a day at the office or an early-morning workout.

Healthy Baked Friesby Chocolate Covered Katie

16 Creative Recipes Using Avocados Every ~Millennial~ Will Go Wild For - Mommyish (5)

Chocolate Covered Katie

A little less healthy than the other recipes (but still healthier than your average french fry), the texture in these avocado fries it what makes them so amazing. Baking these fries makes them crispy on the outside, but soft and tender inside.

To take these to the next level, whip together some sriracha and mayonnaise to make a dipping sauce.

Cup Salads bySmitten Kitchen

16 Creative Recipes Using Avocados Every ~Millennial~ Will Go Wild For - Mommyish (6)

Smitten Kitchen

To be honest, one of the best parts about these salads is how cute they look. By using the skin of the avocado as a bowl, this recipe is super easy and great for days when it’s just too hot to cook. These salads are super-versatile (not to mention, portable) and would be great as a light lunch or a side dish at your next barbecue.

Avocado Pudding byMinimalist Baker

16 Creative Recipes Using Avocados Every ~Millennial~ Will Go Wild For - Mommyish (7)

Minimalist Baker

Stick with us here ”” this pudding is obviously healthy, but it’s still super rich and creamy (and vegan!). With the added protein from the peanut butter, this recipe is not only a great dessert but works as a simple breakfast that will satisfy your sweet tooth.

Chocolate Mousse byCook For Your Life

16 Creative Recipes Using Avocados Every ~Millennial~ Will Go Wild For - Mommyish (8)

Cook For Your Life

Much like the pudding, this avocado mousse is another dessert recipe with a healthy twist. This recipe is easy to make and works as a great midnight snack when you need something a little sweet, minus tons of sugar and saturated fat.

Creamy Avocado Dressingby Simply Scratch

16 Creative Recipes Using Avocados Every ~Millennial~ Will Go Wild For - Mommyish (9)

Simply Scratch

This dressing is another staple for your arsenal of avocado recipes. A lighter alternative to creamy dressings like ranch or bleu cheese, this sauce is delicious on everything from salads to sandwiches.

For a quick and healthy meal, we recommend drizzling it over some of your fav veggies and a fried egg in a bowl.

Guacamole Salsa bythe Food Network

16 Creative Recipes Using Avocados Every ~Millennial~ Will Go Wild For - Mommyish (10)

If you love guacamole but want to try switching it up a bit, this avocado salsa is the perfect alternative. Not only is it great on tortilla chips, we recommend spooning it onto some lean protein like chicken or salmon for a tasty and healthy dinner.

Plus, the addition of pineapple gives the salsa a surprisingly sweet and tangy twist.

Savory Oatmeal With Fried Egg byReal Simple

16 Creative Recipes Using Avocados Every ~Millennial~ Will Go Wild For - Mommyish (11)

If sweet breakfasts aren’t your thing, ditch the brown sugar and raisins and trust us on this one ”” savory oatmeal is where it’s at.Health expertspraise oatmeal for being one of the smartest ways to start your day. It’s full of vitamins, can help to lower your cholesterol and keeps you feeling full all morning.

So, the health benefits of oatmeal, plus the richness of avocado and fried egg? Sign us up.

Lighter Tuna Salad byNatasha’s Kitchen

16 Creative Recipes Using Avocados Every ~Millennial~ Will Go Wild For - Mommyish (12)

Natasha’s Kitchen

If you’re running out of ideas for your lunch, ditch the mayo and lighten up your tuna salad with avocado. This tuna salad is great on a sandwich, in a wrap, over a salad, or spooned straight out of the bowl. Not only does this taste almost exactly like its mayo-based counterpart, it can be made vegetarian by substituting the tuna for eggs.

Avocado Ice Cream byFeel Good Foodie

16 Creative Recipes Using Avocados Every ~Millennial~ Will Go Wild For - Mommyish (13)

Feel Good Foodie

If you’re trying to beat the heat, allow us to recommend this refreshing ice cream. With significantly fewer calories than your favorite pint, feel free to eat this in the air conditioning in front of your favorite summer Netflix shows.

Plus, by adding your favorite frozen fruits, this ice cream can pretty much taste like whatever you decide to add to it.

Avocado Pound Cake byJoy Wilson

16 Creative Recipes Using Avocados Every ~Millennial~ Will Go Wild For - Mommyish (14)

Joy Wilson

Now, this isn’t a typically-sweet cake. Think of it this pound cake in the same way you would zucchini bread or cornbread rather than a cake. Delicious served by the slice, it also makes a great breakfast with a hearty drizzle of peanut or almond butter.

Low-Carb Egg Boats byHippie Food Mom

16 Creative Recipes Using Avocados Every ~Millennial~ Will Go Wild For - Mommyish (15)

Hippie Food Mom

For a quick and low-carb breakfast, skip the toast and try out one of these equally-easy avocado egg boats. These are great if you’re looking for a filling breakfast you can enjoy on the go.

If you’re feeling fancy, add some crumbled turkey bacon or a sprinkle of your favorite cheese.

Green Hummus byJennifer Meyering

16 Creative Recipes Using Avocados Every ~Millennial~ Will Go Wild For - Mommyish (16)

Jennifer Meyering

This recipe is great because it combines two delicious spreads, guacamole and hummus, into one super-spread. Go traditional by serving this with pita chips, or spread it onto a veggie burger or sandwich for some added flavor.

Avocado Margaritas byAdriana’s Best Recipes

16 Creative Recipes Using Avocados Every ~Millennial~ Will Go Wild For - Mommyish (17)

Adriana’s Best Recipes

And of course, someone found a way to combine avocados and alcohol for when you’re feeling adventurous. While not necessarily healthy, this recipe is a unique and refreshing twist on a favorite summer drink. Plus, tequila comes from agave (which is a plant) so it’s basically a vegetable.

16 Creative Recipes Using Avocados Every ~Millennial~ Will Go Wild For - Mommyish (2024)
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