10 Totally Delicious Slimming World Dessert Recipes - Brighter Craft (2024)

Slimming World Syn Free desserts can be delicious. From Slimming World pancakes, to Slimming world ice cream. Discover 10 Slimming World dessert recipes.

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Table of Contents

1. Slimming World Curley Wurly Brownies

10 Totally Delicious Slimming World Dessert Recipes - Brighter Craft (1)

Article image from – KitchMeUp

I think everyone who is on Slimming World is always craving a sweet chocolate treat. Well I can highly recommend these Curly Wurly Brownies. They are absolutely delicious and cut into 16 pieces this makes each section just 1 Syn. They make the perfect Easter treat or party food. Fab to take to your Slimming World meets too!

Get the full recipe here.

2. Sticky Gingerbread Traybake

10 Totally Delicious Slimming World Dessert Recipes - Brighter Craft (2)
Article image from – Basem*ntBakeHouse

This Low Syn Sticky Gingerbread Traybake is not only filled with tasty Christmas flavours, but it’s also made with real ingredients! It doesn’t need 12 whisked egg whites to rise…it’s a proper cake that has simply been carefully created to help you stick to your Slimming World plan because guess what…It works out at ONE SYN PER SLICE!

Get the full recipe here

3. Low Syn Creamy Vanilla Rice Pudding

10 Totally Delicious Slimming World Dessert Recipes - Brighter Craft (3)

Article image from – SlimmingEats

Enjoy a comforting bowl of this low syn Creamy Vanilla Rice Pudding with Mixed Berries which can be cooked stove top or in a pressure cooker. Usually made with copious amounts of cream and sugar it can be quite high in syns, but with my Low Syn Creamy Rice Pudding recipe you can happily dig into a decent serving of this topped with some defrosted frozen berries and still have many syns left from your daily syn allowance.

Get the full recipe here.

4. Syn Free Strawberry & Vanilla Waffles

10 Totally Delicious Slimming World Dessert Recipes - Brighter Craft (4)

Article image from – PinchOfNom

These Syn Free Strawberry & Vanilla Waffles are a fab Slimming World breakfast idea. It’s a great way to start the day with super speed fruit too!

Get the full recipe here.

5. Low Syn Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

10 Totally Delicious Slimming World Dessert Recipes - Brighter Craft (5)

Article image from – SlimmingEats

What to you do when you have a sad and lonely ripe banana sitting in the fruit bowl, wanting to be used? Make these Low Syn Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins – that’s what – They are delish!!

Get the full recipe here.

6. 1 Syn Raspberry & White Chocolate Muffins

10 Totally Delicious Slimming World Dessert Recipes - Brighter Craft (6)
Article image from – PinchOfNom

These 1 Syn Raspberry and White Chocolate Muffins are incredibly easy to make and you won’t fail to be impressed by how fantastic they are…..and how Slimming World friendly they are!

Get the full recipe here.

7. Slimming World Jaffa Cake

10 Totally Delicious Slimming World Dessert Recipes - Brighter Craft (7)

Article image from – PinchOfNom

This recipe lightens up Jaffa Cakes so you can indulge guilt free whether you are calorie counting, on the Slimming World plan or following Weight Watchers. Are they a biscuit? Are they a cake? Who cares, they are delicious!

Get the full recipe here.

8. Slimming World Pancakes

10 Totally Delicious Slimming World Dessert Recipes - Brighter Craft (8)
Article image from – TastefullyVikkie

These Slimming World Pancakes are Syn Free and taste exactly like normal crepe pancakes. Why? Because they’re made with blended oats!

Get the full recipe here.

9. Caramel Apple Upside Down Cake

10 Totally Delicious Slimming World Dessert Recipes - Brighter Craft (9)

Article image from – Basem*ntBakeHouse

I recently found myself becoming totally nostalgic for some of my childhood puddings, the ones that my grandma cooked better than anyone else! I was meandering down this happy train of thought when I remembered the pineapple upside down cake she used to make so well, which despite not liking pineapple one bit I used to wolf down in no time at all! It got me thinking whether there was any way I could make a similar kind of cake as a Slimming World friendly option. That was the start of this Low Syn Caramel Apple Upside Down Cake which, although you might not believe it when you see it, is totally Slimming World friendly.

Get the full recipe here.

10. Slimming World Syn Free Ice Cream

10 Totally Delicious Slimming World Dessert Recipes - Brighter Craft (10)

Article image from – PlayPennies

Doing Slimming World? How does Syn Free Ice Cream sound for dessert? That’s right – you can have Ice Cream and not feel guilty about it. It’s super easy to make too.

Get the full recipe here

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10 Totally Delicious Slimming World Dessert Recipes - Brighter Craft (2024)


What is a healthy dessert when trying to lose weight? ›

1. Fresh Fruit Salad: A mix of colorful fruits like berries, melons, and citrus provides natural sweetness and essential vitamins. 2. Greek Yogurt with Berries: Top plain Greek yogurt with fresh or frozen berries for a creamy and protein-packed treat.

What fruit is not free on Slimming World? ›

Fruit. Pretty much all fresh and frozen fruit is free. Cooked, canned and dried fruit are categorised under Healthy Extras and puree fruit, any fruit juices or smoothies are classed as Syns.

How can I drop 10 pounds fast? ›

11 ways to lose 10 pounds safely
  1. Calorie deficit.
  2. Avoid junk food.
  3. Protein.
  4. Move more.
  5. High-intensity cardio.
  6. Resistance training.
  7. Intermittent fasting.
  8. Reduce bloating.
Nov 23, 2023

What foods are speed on Slimming World? ›

As above, Slimming World members can choose from a long list of Speed Foods in the Free Food category. Go big on lean meat, fish, fruit, veg, eggs, rice and potatoes.

What bread can you eat on Slimming World? ›

You'll find a wide variety of bread choices on our Healthy Extras list – including wholemeal bread, rolls and pittas, as well as a number of gluten-free options. If you're already signed up, head to our member website or check your member pack for the full range of Healthy Extra 'b' choices.

Can I have ice cream on Slimming World? ›

Enjoy a scoop on a cone, in a milkshake, with your favourite fruits... the list goes on and on! We've got lots of slimming-friendly ice cream recipes up our sleeves at Slimming World – and this is one that we're particularly proud of. Introducing our first-ever low-Syn vanilla vegan ice cream!

What is not allowed on Slimming World? ›

Another fantastic thing about Food Optimising is that no food is banned. The key is moderation, which is why alcohol and foods that are high in fat or sugar have a Syn value. Slimming World members are encouraged to plan 5-15 Syns a day to keep their weight loss on track, without feeling like they're missing out.

Is chocolate allowed on Slimming World? ›

Yes you can get your chocolate fix and still lose weight! If you're a chocolate lover, there's no need to miss out on your favourite treats while slimming.

Can you eat oven chips on Slimming World? ›

However, we've developed our limited edition Chunky Chips – which are the first ever oven chip to fit with Slimming World's Food Optimising healthy eating plan – for those occasions when our members don't have time to peel, chop and parboil their own potatoes.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.